Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 20, January 1942
Page 7
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Walt LIEBSCHER, 1646 Juneway Terce, Chi, gives a MICHIconference report: "Have just returned from the grandest trip of my life (Nov 25). In some respects I had a much better time than I had at the Chicon or the Denvention. You shoulda been there, you should been there (gloat-gloat). Mebbe I should start at the beginning. I went to the Michiconference with Bob & Jane Tucker, Korshak & Reinsberg. I'll not give any details as the whole shebang including our sojourn in Canada (Jane Bob & I will be in a forthcoming issue of Lez. (plug for Lez). However Tucker didn't do all I did & vice versa (nice girl Versa). (Space for a pun by 4SJ-----) (O, U mean like The gal mustabeen Versatile? Howzat for a vice crack?) "Of the meeting in the conference room I'll say nothing. But I had dinner (along with Korshak) with one of the Grandest fellows I ever met, namely Dr. Barrat (Barrett, sp.). There is a collector for ya- he had a list of his books with him that made me turn green with envy. Betcha his list tops yours 4e. (I think so too.) I mentioned some books he didn't have & promised to get him a copy of 'World D' if possible. He never heard of 'The White Wolf' which you can get complete in 'Two Detective Book' magazine for 25c. I recommend it all to fantasy fans- an excellent werewolf yarn. By the by another issue of this same mag has 'the Edge of Running Water' by Sloane, this is the story from which 'The Devil Commands', Karlofffilm was taken. That night we all went over to Doc Smith's house for what the Michifans call a fangab, & gab we did. After gabbing for about two hours I went into the next room where all the ladies were- Mrs. Smith, Verna (Doc's daughter, an ardent fan) Smith, Jane Tucker, Abby Lu Ash-ley. Several fans were in this room listening to Doc's radio-phone, Millard & Jack Wiedenbeck. Doc came in a minute later and played the quartet from 'Rigoletto' his favourite selection & then at my request the 'Love Duet' from Tristan & Isolde' my favourite selection. Somehow I got to cracking jokes and before I knew it the gals had me doing a hula. Amidst all the hilarity of my puny hula, Reinsberg & Korshak came into the room. Well from there on it was a display of amateur histrionics. Everyone in the room told his favourite joke or anecdote & did what tricks he knew how to do. Well, we really became exhausted from laughing & by the time the fangab in Doc's den broke up Mrs. Smith wanted to adopt us all. I even called her 'Mom' when I left. But she's that sort of person; a really swell individual that no one can help liking once you really come to know her. The party broke up in the wee hours of the morning. The Smiths went to bed so we people could go home, figuratively speaking. After this the trip to Canada which I again have to leave to Pong but he better mention that I fixt the jack so we could change the tire, that was when we had a flat in the middle of nowhere. From Canada we came back through Battle Creek to have supper with the Ashleys. You've corresponded with them 4E. Well you really have to meet them to appreciate them & can Abby Lu cook- yum, yum. Stayed with EEE that night & the next morning after a luscious Lu breakfast of eggs and pop-overs Bob, Jane & I were off again fo home. I reiterate some fun. Oh yes the 4 Ann Ish of VOM was most enjoyable. Like the new size too. The letters were most interestin. Re Allen Class' interrogation concerning the anatomical or atomically assistance. I wouldn't duel with anyone with a pitchfork or a creampuff on each prong for I too am an artist. I weave people on rugs. If Morojo will give me atomical assistance I'll Weaver Wright out of this world. And 4E if you ever draw another picture with atomical assistances: I mean if the cards ever fall that way again, I won't want to fight wit you, no, no, never--instead just duel me in." Allen Class, ed The Polymorph, 345 First St SE, Massilon, O: "Got WOM. Cover fair. Was intrigued by the 'Professor's' letter. I think somebody's trying to pull our leg. T'row 'I'm out! 'Pathologically unsound'. Zounds! The bounder! Cartoons: thumbs down, Pix of Tigrina, the Debbil Doll: I"m still wondering what she looks like. I'd rather see a close up, shot of her face rather than legs and spears and gongs and impressive backgrounds. I care less for the larger size of WOM than I did when it was 8 1/2 by 11. The smaller size suited me fine but I'm not complaining. (Too much). Forseythe, you are constantly making me the butt of your doubtful humour. It thrusts itself insidiously upon the placid gearwork of my mind until by now the universal joint is about shot. Because of this I forgot to tie my shoelaces the other morn and as I am walking down the street, trying to think of a way to get even 'Acks's ray Eyes', I got them tangled with my beard and fell down a manhole. And was the man mad! Oh well, SOMEDAY THERE COMES A RECKONING." Dr Smith of 13 Church Rd, Hartshill, Nuneaton, Warwks, England: "This seems to me to be a fine time (Oct 19) for acknowledging the receipt of the August VoM, as I have a carbuncle or other whatnot on the back of my left hand which will, for once, provide a really good excuse for my erratic typing. Also for a short letter, which is what I feel like producing at the moment. Very acceptable, these VoMs, more acceptable each time as I get more and more into the spirit of the. They arouse a certain wistfulness for the days when there were no restrictions on our activity either national or international (though why this should be so I cannot explain. Fat lot of use I made of my pre-war opportunities! And all things being equal, the same will probably apply to the post-war ditto.). Personally I preferred the 'Man Eating Plant' to the new- not being particularly interested in females about twelve feet high, except as freaks. (The figure of twelve feet is arrived at by comparing the approximate width of the lady's waist with the distance from crown to rump. It may be a bit generous, but not greatly so.) I've got nothing against the reproduction from the technical point of view. I've only two mild complaints about Ackerman's review of the Denvention. The chief of those is that the peculiar typing is, in my opinion, better as dazzle- camouflage than as a means of conveying ideas. Quite literally I found it impossible, from sheer eye-strain, to read more than two pages of this at any one time. The other complaint against is the number of times Ackerman apologised for himself, a thing which I had firmly knocked into me at school as
Walt LIEBSCHER, 1646 Juneway Terce, Chi, gives a MICHIconference report: "Have just returned from the grandest trip of my life (Nov 25). In some respects I had a much better time than I had at the Chicon or the Denvention. You shoulda been there, you should been there (gloat-gloat). Mebbe I should start at the beginning. I went to the Michiconference with Bob & Jane Tucker, Korshak & Reinsberg. I'll not give any details as the whole shebang including our sojourn in Canada (Jane Bob & I will be in a forthcoming issue of Lez. (plug for Lez). However Tucker didn't do all I did & vice versa (nice girl Versa). (Space for a pun by 4SJ-----) (O, U mean like The gal mustabeen Versatile? Howzat for a vice crack?) "Of the meeting in the conference room I'll say nothing. But I had dinner (along with Korshak) with one of the Grandest fellows I ever met, namely Dr. Barrat (Barrett, sp.). There is a collector for ya- he had a list of his books with him that made me turn green with envy. Betcha his list tops yours 4e. (I think so too.) I mentioned some books he didn't have & promised to get him a copy of 'World D' if possible. He never heard of 'The White Wolf' which you can get complete in 'Two Detective Book' magazine for 25c. I recommend it all to fantasy fans- an excellent werewolf yarn. By the by another issue of this same mag has 'the Edge of Running Water' by Sloane, this is the story from which 'The Devil Commands', Karlofffilm was taken. That night we all went over to Doc Smith's house for what the Michifans call a fangab, & gab we did. After gabbing for about two hours I went into the next room where all the ladies were- Mrs. Smith, Verna (Doc's daughter, an ardent fan) Smith, Jane Tucker, Abby Lu Ash-ley. Several fans were in this room listening to Doc's radio-phone, Millard & Jack Wiedenbeck. Doc came in a minute later and played the quartet from 'Rigoletto' his favourite selection & then at my request the 'Love Duet' from Tristan & Isolde' my favourite selection. Somehow I got to cracking jokes and before I knew it the gals had me doing a hula. Amidst all the hilarity of my puny hula, Reinsberg & Korshak came into the room. Well from there on it was a display of amateur histrionics. Everyone in the room told his favourite joke or anecdote & did what tricks he knew how to do. Well, we really became exhausted from laughing & by the time the fangab in Doc's den broke up Mrs. Smith wanted to adopt us all. I even called her 'Mom' when I left. But she's that sort of person; a really swell individual that no one can help liking once you really come to know her. The party broke up in the wee hours of the morning. The Smiths went to bed so we people could go home, figuratively speaking. After this the trip to Canada which I again have to leave to Pong but he better mention that I fixt the jack so we could change the tire, that was when we had a flat in the middle of nowhere. From Canada we came back through Battle Creek to have supper with the Ashleys. You've corresponded with them 4E. Well you really have to meet them to appreciate them & can Abby Lu cook- yum, yum. Stayed with EEE that night & the next morning after a luscious Lu breakfast of eggs and pop-overs Bob, Jane & I were off again fo home. I reiterate some fun. Oh yes the 4 Ann Ish of VOM was most enjoyable. Like the new size too. The letters were most interestin. Re Allen Class' interrogation concerning the anatomical or atomically assistance. I wouldn't duel with anyone with a pitchfork or a creampuff on each prong for I too am an artist. I weave people on rugs. If Morojo will give me atomical assistance I'll Weaver Wright out of this world. And 4E if you ever draw another picture with atomical assistances: I mean if the cards ever fall that way again, I won't want to fight wit you, no, no, never--instead just duel me in." Allen Class, ed The Polymorph, 345 First St SE, Massilon, O: "Got WOM. Cover fair. Was intrigued by the 'Professor's' letter. I think somebody's trying to pull our leg. T'row 'I'm out! 'Pathologically unsound'. Zounds! The bounder! Cartoons: thumbs down, Pix of Tigrina, the Debbil Doll: I"m still wondering what she looks like. I'd rather see a close up, shot of her face rather than legs and spears and gongs and impressive backgrounds. I care less for the larger size of WOM than I did when it was 8 1/2 by 11. The smaller size suited me fine but I'm not complaining. (Too much). Forseythe, you are constantly making me the butt of your doubtful humour. It thrusts itself insidiously upon the placid gearwork of my mind until by now the universal joint is about shot. Because of this I forgot to tie my shoelaces the other morn and as I am walking down the street, trying to think of a way to get even 'Acks's ray Eyes', I got them tangled with my beard and fell down a manhole. And was the man mad! Oh well, SOMEDAY THERE COMES A RECKONING." Dr Smith of 13 Church Rd, Hartshill, Nuneaton, Warwks, England: "This seems to me to be a fine time (Oct 19) for acknowledging the receipt of the August VoM, as I have a carbuncle or other whatnot on the back of my left hand which will, for once, provide a really good excuse for my erratic typing. Also for a short letter, which is what I feel like producing at the moment. Very acceptable, these VoMs, more acceptable each time as I get more and more into the spirit of the. They arouse a certain wistfulness for the days when there were no restrictions on our activity either national or international (though why this should be so I cannot explain. Fat lot of use I made of my pre-war opportunities! And all things being equal, the same will probably apply to the post-war ditto.). Personally I preferred the 'Man Eating Plant' to the new- not being particularly interested in females about twelve feet high, except as freaks. (The figure of twelve feet is arrived at by comparing the approximate width of the lady's waist with the distance from crown to rump. It may be a bit generous, but not greatly so.) I've got nothing against the reproduction from the technical point of view. I've only two mild complaints about Ackerman's review of the Denvention. The chief of those is that the peculiar typing is, in my opinion, better as dazzle- camouflage than as a means of conveying ideas. Quite literally I found it impossible, from sheer eye-strain, to read more than two pages of this at any one time. The other complaint against is the number of times Ackerman apologised for himself, a thing which I had firmly knocked into me at school as
Hevelin Fanzines