Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 20, January 1942
Page 13
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 13 --and didn't like it too well. The kind of fiction I wanted was being printed in Astounding all the time--I never will understand why I didn't recognize that fact primarily. '' I like complicated science stories, and stories that make no unnecessary play on sex, see? I also read numerous books on pure science every month. I read all the pros, and now, thankfully, I am able to collect them. '' I was born in Springfield, Illinois, under the sign of Scorpio. Strangely, I have never been out of this state, except once, and then not very far. I am in the advertising business, and I gloatingly admit that mine is the only job of its kind in hundreds--perhaps thousands--of square miles. '' I draw. Believe it or not, I yamma good one at that; but I do it only for a diversion, or somethin'. '' Incidentally --any of U fans in U.S. or Canada, or England, or Australia, or anywhere at all-- how about corresponding with me??? '' Lastly, I'd like to say that I've decided I'm due for a long stay in fandom--and I hope it will last forever." [right half of drawing of naked lady wearing only a helmet, gloves and boots, with bat wings, signed "DELDER '41"] LES CROUTCH, "The Man with Many Hands", hands out some more manuscript (aint he hand-some! ps- see selfportrait next ish) from Bx 121, Parry Sound, Ont/Can: "Sir Forry and Lady Morose: Thanks for putting that sweet little nude on my page- me with the longest letter and a swell gal to keep me warm- ah, what more could a bachelor want? What more- why, Nyx, of course! (Proceed with caution, Croutch-- Nyx is a marryd woman!) -- So Tigrina still has the boys all a-dither? Chuckle chuckle. Well, fellows- you may not know her address, but did she get sore enough at you to write you a letter hauling you over the coals? (If thots coud kill, Tigrina's undoutlessly woud wither U--coal wither we're having, what? Don't forget directly DRSmith criticized her "Hymn to Satan" he developt a carbuncle or other whatnot ... U don't think a thing like that is mere coincidence surely?) I mightn't know her address but by gum she dropped me a line. And from the two pictures of her, her latest letter, and the one to me, I am thinking maybe she is one sweet li'l doll. '' Who's the guy that signs himself the 'Professor'? Whoever it is, come on out and I'll lay him low. The twerp, the low-lifer, the unmitigated brass-lined, cold-hearted old soak. So the nude is a vile thing, oh? Brother- oh broth-errr, how little you know. I'll bet you're a dried-up old fossil, sexually-frustrated and bitter as hell about something. Weren't you ever young once?" [hand written in the margin: "Bat woman sawed in two"] T A L E S OF Tigrina Ritten in red & sent exactly 13 days bfor I met her the 2d time, her letter on the 4-Ann Vom said: "I cannot express how thrilled I am with the whole thing. The cover is marvelous. The last cover was very good, too. I hope that they will continue to be this good. I nearly passed out from laughing at the letter written by Scott Holdman, and Arthur Joquels letter was also amusing. Is he really working on a transcription for full orchestra of my 'Himno al Satano'? This sounds rather impossible to me, as it is such a simple piece, hardly the type to be orchestrated. My 'Sabbath Summons' would be more suitable, but even then, none of my pieces are worth the trouble that it takes to orchestrate them. I thought Arthur Joquels suggested titles for a jazz version of my 'Hymn' were sensational. It had me laughing all through my midterm examination in harmony this morning." (Hell's Belles, Diablido, those there parenthesized titles underlined with tildes were Ackermanipulations! If I don't get the proper recognition around here, I'll banish U from the exami-nation to the land of dis-harmony! Harmony times must U be reminded that Life Begins at-- Forry!) Fojak speaking. I've seen Tig again. Second meeting took place Nov 26. 2x13=26. Only this time, stead of 10 mins it was poss to spend 10 hrs with her. I found out her faname was adopted from a character in some obscure French novel. She chose it unconscious of the Tigress connotation but only bcuz it containd no letter in her real name. She also considerd Roxana as a seudonym. Her real name is unusual in that the same letters apear in her first as in her last. Sorta like, frixample, if her name were Jeanne Valjeanne. It's an odd'un! 3 y's, 3 d's & 6 e's! She's eeeeeesy to look at, Dliteful to noe, & very yyy's; in fact, she's positively snaky (subdebese for "swell"). Likes snakes, too. But allergic to spider webs. And is germ conscious. Crazy about choclit sundaes & conundrums. I told her I never had eaten any the latter. "Silly," she said, "you don't eat them, you play them." Well, I guess I fell into that trap(s). A violin virtuosa, Tig also is an accomplisht pianist & has composed many more pieces than I'd imagined. Her piano rendition of "Gloomy Sunday" is THE rendition. She drest in green & brown, complete to green fingernails. Fascinatingly, her 2d finger left hand is longer than her middle finger, the sign the Old Norse nue fot the were-ylgr...the lycanthropess! Occasionly this witch lapses into Norwegian accent or an entire Norwegian frase. For all her fritening background, tho, I thot her more like a fawn than a tigress, & told her so. And lil Tig jest laft & laft & laft--she thot it was very fawny! Flash! Gordon was to've been her name if she came a boy. I sugjested, since she was a girl, maybe her real name was Gordenia? She said that smeld--but not like a flower! More, dope, nextime.........
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 13 --and didn't like it too well. The kind of fiction I wanted was being printed in Astounding all the time--I never will understand why I didn't recognize that fact primarily. '' I like complicated science stories, and stories that make no unnecessary play on sex, see? I also read numerous books on pure science every month. I read all the pros, and now, thankfully, I am able to collect them. '' I was born in Springfield, Illinois, under the sign of Scorpio. Strangely, I have never been out of this state, except once, and then not very far. I am in the advertising business, and I gloatingly admit that mine is the only job of its kind in hundreds--perhaps thousands--of square miles. '' I draw. Believe it or not, I yamma good one at that; but I do it only for a diversion, or somethin'. '' Incidentally --any of U fans in U.S. or Canada, or England, or Australia, or anywhere at all-- how about corresponding with me??? '' Lastly, I'd like to say that I've decided I'm due for a long stay in fandom--and I hope it will last forever." [right half of drawing of naked lady wearing only a helmet, gloves and boots, with bat wings, signed "DELDER '41"] LES CROUTCH, "The Man with Many Hands", hands out some more manuscript (aint he hand-some! ps- see selfportrait next ish) from Bx 121, Parry Sound, Ont/Can: "Sir Forry and Lady Morose: Thanks for putting that sweet little nude on my page- me with the longest letter and a swell gal to keep me warm- ah, what more could a bachelor want? What more- why, Nyx, of course! (Proceed with caution, Croutch-- Nyx is a marryd woman!) -- So Tigrina still has the boys all a-dither? Chuckle chuckle. Well, fellows- you may not know her address, but did she get sore enough at you to write you a letter hauling you over the coals? (If thots coud kill, Tigrina's undoutlessly woud wither U--coal wither we're having, what? Don't forget directly DRSmith criticized her "Hymn to Satan" he developt a carbuncle or other whatnot ... U don't think a thing like that is mere coincidence surely?) I mightn't know her address but by gum she dropped me a line. And from the two pictures of her, her latest letter, and the one to me, I am thinking maybe she is one sweet li'l doll. '' Who's the guy that signs himself the 'Professor'? Whoever it is, come on out and I'll lay him low. The twerp, the low-lifer, the unmitigated brass-lined, cold-hearted old soak. So the nude is a vile thing, oh? Brother- oh broth-errr, how little you know. I'll bet you're a dried-up old fossil, sexually-frustrated and bitter as hell about something. Weren't you ever young once?" [hand written in the margin: "Bat woman sawed in two"] T A L E S OF Tigrina Ritten in red & sent exactly 13 days bfor I met her the 2d time, her letter on the 4-Ann Vom said: "I cannot express how thrilled I am with the whole thing. The cover is marvelous. The last cover was very good, too. I hope that they will continue to be this good. I nearly passed out from laughing at the letter written by Scott Holdman, and Arthur Joquels letter was also amusing. Is he really working on a transcription for full orchestra of my 'Himno al Satano'? This sounds rather impossible to me, as it is such a simple piece, hardly the type to be orchestrated. My 'Sabbath Summons' would be more suitable, but even then, none of my pieces are worth the trouble that it takes to orchestrate them. I thought Arthur Joquels suggested titles for a jazz version of my 'Hymn' were sensational. It had me laughing all through my midterm examination in harmony this morning." (Hell's Belles, Diablido, those there parenthesized titles underlined with tildes were Ackermanipulations! If I don't get the proper recognition around here, I'll banish U from the exami-nation to the land of dis-harmony! Harmony times must U be reminded that Life Begins at-- Forry!) Fojak speaking. I've seen Tig again. Second meeting took place Nov 26. 2x13=26. Only this time, stead of 10 mins it was poss to spend 10 hrs with her. I found out her faname was adopted from a character in some obscure French novel. She chose it unconscious of the Tigress connotation but only bcuz it containd no letter in her real name. She also considerd Roxana as a seudonym. Her real name is unusual in that the same letters apear in her first as in her last. Sorta like, frixample, if her name were Jeanne Valjeanne. It's an odd'un! 3 y's, 3 d's & 6 e's! She's eeeeeesy to look at, Dliteful to noe, & very yyy's; in fact, she's positively snaky (subdebese for "swell"). Likes snakes, too. But allergic to spider webs. And is germ conscious. Crazy about choclit sundaes & conundrums. I told her I never had eaten any the latter. "Silly," she said, "you don't eat them, you play them." Well, I guess I fell into that trap(s). A violin virtuosa, Tig also is an accomplisht pianist & has composed many more pieces than I'd imagined. Her piano rendition of "Gloomy Sunday" is THE rendition. She drest in green & brown, complete to green fingernails. Fascinatingly, her 2d finger left hand is longer than her middle finger, the sign the Old Norse nue fot the were-ylgr...the lycanthropess! Occasionly this witch lapses into Norwegian accent or an entire Norwegian frase. For all her fritening background, tho, I thot her more like a fawn than a tigress, & told her so. And lil Tig jest laft & laft & laft--she thot it was very fawny! Flash! Gordon was to've been her name if she came a boy. I sugjested, since she was a girl, maybe her real name was Gordenia? She said that smeld--but not like a flower! More, dope, nextime.........
Hevelin Fanzines