Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 20, January 1942
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The New SHANGRI~LA PRESS FAN DIRECTORY From Walt Daughorty 6224 Leland Way Hollywood. NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF 500 FANS FAN EDITORS PRO MAGS AUTHORS CLUBS 15¢ A COPY FREE TO FAPA NOTICE If you know of any names that should be in this directory they will probably be there. it cover all the field. In addition to the above material there will be booster ads for anyone who stands in their 15 cents for their copy before February 1. Regulary ads will be accepted with one price for all fan clubs, fans, pros and authors....25 cents for quarter page....50 cents for half page and $1.00 for full page. Publication Data .... MARCH 1, 1942 ..... Suplimentary issues will appear quaterly.....No subscriptions, please
The New SHANGRI~LA PRESS FAN DIRECTORY From Walt Daughorty 6224 Leland Way Hollywood. NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF 500 FANS FAN EDITORS PRO MAGS AUTHORS CLUBS 15¢ A COPY FREE TO FAPA NOTICE If you know of any names that should be in this directory they will probably be there. it cover all the field. In addition to the above material there will be booster ads for anyone who stands in their 15 cents for their copy before February 1. Regulary ads will be accepted with one price for all fan clubs, fans, pros and authors....25 cents for quarter page....50 cents for half page and $1.00 for full page. Publication Data .... MARCH 1, 1942 ..... Suplimentary issues will appear quaterly.....No subscriptions, please
Hevelin Fanzines