Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 8, August 1940
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A Lusty Voice "Something to crow about, we think," as one blackbird said to another, is this edish of VOM. True, #8 is a little late, but that is due to over-eating. U see, #8 ate & ate the correspondence which was to say, your co-eds got in a Convention spirit & decided we had to burn the candle at both ends & turn out something super-special for mimeo & litho costs; if U enjoy the issue, we feel our work will be repayd. We are donating to the CHICON 100 Copys of a slytly difrent edition of this 'Voice' to be sold at half-price & all proceeds for the Convention. Edition is substantially the same, only difs consist-ial. Scarcely worth the while of the average reader to obtain. But for the collection who finds he cannot get to the Chicon, we have pre-pared a few extra copys which may be secured at the regular price. If U have a credit with us, simply drop a postcard stating U wish the Conish in addish. Anent our Cheesy Cover: It's smearly a case--hence a schmeerkase--of running in the red. Ink-red-able as it may seem. We beat would-be Bradburys up--er, to--the remark that it's a "fiery hot" cover & "very well red" wherever distributed. ~~ We half-heartedly had contemplated trying to hoodwink U novel readers into believing we, thru elaborate endeavor, had achieved a special effect of the cover. That the date & the Voice purposely were fastened together (like a safety-pun) & the red ink sposed to run all over, symbolic of heat-waves this simmer month. Alas! we cannot tell a lie; with our lil Ack we did hack down the cherry tree. Result U see: a sappy cover! ~~ Yes, we "meddled with things med should leaf along." Little men who don't noe veddy much about operating mutilith machines, anyway; & a woman assistant with well-meaning wreckommendations. U set up typ of the title & pull a proof & paste up the proof alone with your pic. A negative is made. The neg is streakt & speckt with lut-inleting im-puritys whcih must by opaqued with paint & brush. Next a litho-plate is to be sensitized. First the acid bath & water wash. Prepare your "eggsact" & coat the plate with the albumen on the centrituge. Remove plate & place in quick-dryer. When dry, lay plate in vacuumachine, placing neg atop plate in proper posish & covering portion of plate not to be exposed with lyt-resisting paper. Burn plate 5 to 7-1/2 mins. under arcs. Remove, smooth over the platinx (developing ink).
A Lusty Voice "Something to crow about, we think," as one blackbird said to another, is this edish of VOM. True, #8 is a little late, but that is due to over-eating. U see, #8 ate & ate the correspondence which was to say, your co-eds got in a Convention spirit & decided we had to burn the candle at both ends & turn out something super-special for mimeo & litho costs; if U enjoy the issue, we feel our work will be repayd. We are donating to the CHICON 100 Copys of a slytly difrent edition of this 'Voice' to be sold at half-price & all proceeds for the Convention. Edition is substantially the same, only difs consist-ial. Scarcely worth the while of the average reader to obtain. But for the collection who finds he cannot get to the Chicon, we have pre-pared a few extra copys which may be secured at the regular price. If U have a credit with us, simply drop a postcard stating U wish the Conish in addish. Anent our Cheesy Cover: It's smearly a case--hence a schmeerkase--of running in the red. Ink-red-able as it may seem. We beat would-be Bradburys up--er, to--the remark that it's a "fiery hot" cover & "very well red" wherever distributed. ~~ We half-heartedly had contemplated trying to hoodwink U novel readers into believing we, thru elaborate endeavor, had achieved a special effect of the cover. That the date & the Voice purposely were fastened together (like a safety-pun) & the red ink sposed to run all over, symbolic of heat-waves this simmer month. Alas! we cannot tell a lie; with our lil Ack we did hack down the cherry tree. Result U see: a sappy cover! ~~ Yes, we "meddled with things med should leaf along." Little men who don't noe veddy much about operating mutilith machines, anyway; & a woman assistant with well-meaning wreckommendations. U set up typ of the title & pull a proof & paste up the proof alone with your pic. A negative is made. The neg is streakt & speckt with lut-inleting im-puritys whcih must by opaqued with paint & brush. Next a litho-plate is to be sensitized. First the acid bath & water wash. Prepare your "eggsact" & coat the plate with the albumen on the centrituge. Remove plate & place in quick-dryer. When dry, lay plate in vacuumachine, placing neg atop plate in proper posish & covering portion of plate not to be exposed with lyt-resisting paper. Burn plate 5 to 7-1/2 mins. under arcs. Remove, smooth over the platinx (developing ink).
Hevelin Fanzines