Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 8, August 1940
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION "My thanks to Trudy for the four words of Deutsch enlightenment. That letter has come home to roost and haunt me: for Jack Speer's information (Quothe he: '..Mark's letter to you shows a rather new facet of his nature..'. Is this to be regarded complimentarily or otherwise?) it was written rather late at night, as was my habit then with most correspondence, following a 'cram session' with about a semester of German, in preparation for a Comprehensive exam the next day. And, I was tired. Hence the reverting to Ackermanese, and puns, and world-weariness with all foreign language for the nonce. (P.S. I passed the test by the skin of my teeth.) Sprichwort: Suche immer das Beste in andern. Or 'cherchez le femme'! (Watch the deluge now!) "' 14-yr-old ex-fan Alan P. Roberts' missive supplied a few laughs, even if some were on me. If I were a bit technical, I would observe that Reinsberg's 'lusty piece of drum-banging for Chicago' was not on the 'first page' of #3 VOM at all, but Roman Numeral Two, inasmuch as the official page #1 was on the following page. "Acky's a resourceful fellow, planographic the 'unstencilable' note from ). But, if the latter had been smarter, he'd of typed the letter in red, which doesn't register. However, fandom wouldn't have known about it then. More plano-inserts, 4e! "Miske's all wet about the 3¢ stamp, among other things. Rich and I 'played ball' for a while and sent out those 3¢ complimentaries; I doubt if we've gained one subscriber from it! A 1-1/2¢ stamp to mail the mag out, and a penny's worth of paper, eh? JCM is a very uninformed man! We're for that fan mag petition for including prices 100%, 4e! "I see by SFWeekly and also via Madle that reconciliation is in the atmosphere in N.Y.C. Fandom. Says RAM: '...perhaps there won't be so many riots (speaking of the Chicon) there after all, for I believe I've been successful inpaving the road of reconciliation. . .' To which I can but comment: 'Chicago in 1940', find out for yourself! "Mark Reinsberg" Erle Korshak The microscopic signature to your left is that of another mighty Midwester the Chi but hardly retiring Korshak, who komments (from the vicinity of 3156 Cambridge Ave, Chicago - at which adres, incidently, the preceding voxpopper, Mr Reinsberg, may be reacht also): "Dear Voice:- I am hoarse when it comes to singing your praises, Oh you Gem of the Ocean! Your last issue was A #1 and I don't mean maybe. I eagerly await your next issue so that I may spend more interesting ducking brickbats and such from Allen Roberds, et al. (A1 et al, eh?) However I find a notice before my eyes penned by Co-ed Ackerman. It says 'No tickee, No washee'..This being written on a slip calling for subscriptions, and I having a small amount of intellegence and book larning, I deduct, or rather induct that you want some yen (Chineese money to a Chinaman you know. That was a backward joke.) Therefore, remove 60¢ from this letter for a subscription to VOM, which money to help you keep the mimeograph's wheels rolling along. (Humble Servants thank Honorable Wun Lung Korshak for worthy contribution but suggest sames should be laundered first in future. lucre filthy.) — Your cover was excellent and the title page was clever. Your lithood page was very good, and the best thing on it was that personal you culled from some paper. Boy, that was sure hot. I trust, in the line of carrying on a good gag, you wrote to the advertiser, Mr. Ralph Roosevelt Thomas, 'The Man From Mars'. If so you must make your correspondence public. If no you missed a good gag, co-eds. Your letters were interesting and are improving,
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION "My thanks to Trudy for the four words of Deutsch enlightenment. That letter has come home to roost and haunt me: for Jack Speer's information (Quothe he: '..Mark's letter to you shows a rather new facet of his nature..'. Is this to be regarded complimentarily or otherwise?) it was written rather late at night, as was my habit then with most correspondence, following a 'cram session' with about a semester of German, in preparation for a Comprehensive exam the next day. And, I was tired. Hence the reverting to Ackermanese, and puns, and world-weariness with all foreign language for the nonce. (P.S. I passed the test by the skin of my teeth.) Sprichwort: Suche immer das Beste in andern. Or 'cherchez le femme'! (Watch the deluge now!) "' 14-yr-old ex-fan Alan P. Roberts' missive supplied a few laughs, even if some were on me. If I were a bit technical, I would observe that Reinsberg's 'lusty piece of drum-banging for Chicago' was not on the 'first page' of #3 VOM at all, but Roman Numeral Two, inasmuch as the official page #1 was on the following page. "Acky's a resourceful fellow, planographic the 'unstencilable' note from ). But, if the latter had been smarter, he'd of typed the letter in red, which doesn't register. However, fandom wouldn't have known about it then. More plano-inserts, 4e! "Miske's all wet about the 3¢ stamp, among other things. Rich and I 'played ball' for a while and sent out those 3¢ complimentaries; I doubt if we've gained one subscriber from it! A 1-1/2¢ stamp to mail the mag out, and a penny's worth of paper, eh? JCM is a very uninformed man! We're for that fan mag petition for including prices 100%, 4e! "I see by SFWeekly and also via Madle that reconciliation is in the atmosphere in N.Y.C. Fandom. Says RAM: '...perhaps there won't be so many riots (speaking of the Chicon) there after all, for I believe I've been successful inpaving the road of reconciliation. . .' To which I can but comment: 'Chicago in 1940', find out for yourself! "Mark Reinsberg" Erle Korshak The microscopic signature to your left is that of another mighty Midwester the Chi but hardly retiring Korshak, who komments (from the vicinity of 3156 Cambridge Ave, Chicago - at which adres, incidently, the preceding voxpopper, Mr Reinsberg, may be reacht also): "Dear Voice:- I am hoarse when it comes to singing your praises, Oh you Gem of the Ocean! Your last issue was A #1 and I don't mean maybe. I eagerly await your next issue so that I may spend more interesting ducking brickbats and such from Allen Roberds, et al. (A1 et al, eh?) However I find a notice before my eyes penned by Co-ed Ackerman. It says 'No tickee, No washee'..This being written on a slip calling for subscriptions, and I having a small amount of intellegence and book larning, I deduct, or rather induct that you want some yen (Chineese money to a Chinaman you know. That was a backward joke.) Therefore, remove 60¢ from this letter for a subscription to VOM, which money to help you keep the mimeograph's wheels rolling along. (Humble Servants thank Honorable Wun Lung Korshak for worthy contribution but suggest sames should be laundered first in future. lucre filthy.) — Your cover was excellent and the title page was clever. Your lithood page was very good, and the best thing on it was that personal you culled from some paper. Boy, that was sure hot. I trust, in the line of carrying on a good gag, you wrote to the advertiser, Mr. Ralph Roosevelt Thomas, 'The Man From Mars'. If so you must make your correspondence public. If no you missed a good gag, co-eds. Your letters were interesting and are improving,
Hevelin Fanzines