Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 8, August 1940
Page 8
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stedbyskippingspace.Iwantosayhere&nowthatImgladtoCthatVoMwillbissuedbimonthly&alsothatImenclosingtwentyfivecents,oops!Imsorry,pricetistencentstraightnow.ThereforeImenclosingthirtycentsforathreeishuorhalfyearsubtoVoM.Urfakcontentspageisamusingandbyalmeanskeepitup.BythwaycudUtllmewhatthefollowingsymbolmeans?[symbol].CudUalsohelpmesecurSpeer'sUpToNow?IfUcuddothese4meIdappreshiatitverymuch. "UllC from the abov paragraf that Iv missed many good chances to apply Akermanese.This is 2 tuf 4 me & after I finish riting this I wont try Akermanese for quite a long tyme, U keep Ur Akermanese & Ill use English 2 th best of my ability. I find VoM very interesting & punynny. "I just noticed the 'Anovacious Publication' plub on the front of #6 VoM. What r th othr Novacious Publications? Wright's drawing was for the covr. "P.S. anyone not getting 4E'S 'Stf Stickers Stationery Suchstuffery' os missing something." (Tanx, pal! 4s' 4S pub sells for a dym. is a lithograficollection of stfans' letter-heads, calling cards et cetera. May be orderd thru this mag. [symbol] is the Greek letter F. In [symbol]andom it stands [symbol]or [symbol]red Pohl. "Up to Now?" Up to Juffus. Main other Novacious pub is nickel quarterly of the same name---Novacious--featuring bk-reviews, fromBx 6475 MS.) In Canada the flame of fandom flickers in the person of one VICKERS of 626 Constance Ave, Victoria, BC, who demoralizes us with this tale: "There's a moral in this story. ~~ Once upon a time there was a Fan who wanted to write to a Fanmag. And he said to himself, 'Truly, I must have a Manner of Writing for this Fanletter, for everyone else has on. And it must be so different that it is lo! the most Unique Manner in the whoFanmag.' ~~So he pondered long on the subject, and aded through great stacks of Fanmags, scanning all the Unique Manners of Writing but discovered always that some other Fan had hit upon each ahead of him. Foe there were so many Unique Manners of Writing afloat in the Fanmags that only a great genius or a supreme sap could have thought of another. ~~ And at last he became tired of such a fruitless quest and, saying, 'Nut to it,' wrote the Fanletter in straight, ordinary English. ~~ And behold! When the Fanmag cam out, his was the most Unique Manner of Writing therein by a long shot. ~~ If you look for it you'll find there's a moral in this story......~~ However, jokery asif=de, the latest ish was about the best yet.Maybe the boiling-down process sorta concentrates the poison & increases the smell. And the jokes! 'Pun my word, they send shivers up & down my spin... As you see, I have packed up on the straight-edge idea. It was a dizzying job anyhow, juggling words to fit like that, & sometimes the forced use of a word not precisely correct took some of the 'ugh' out of an otherwise forceful sentence... Am enclosing a pic. of a rocket on the cover of a Canadian advertising booklet. Thought you might be in'trested to see such things occasionally do creep out of America & find their way to strange places... Also dime for Stik-Stay-Stuff-&SoFoethery, which I failed to remit at the time due to lack of time and a callous soul. ~~ Highly enthused at the prospect of a V-M dummy in the none-too-distant future. I figure on circulating it 'round among them whose names appear within for autographing. Your auto. & Morojo's would be greatly appreciated if possible. ~~ Tha's all for now Yours as ever," ELMER PERDUE & MILTON ROTHMAN clab from 1735 Eye St NW, Wn/DC: "This is Perdue again, bringing you the highlights of the world of sport. And, most esteemed mentor, FFFFJ, I am given to understand that you are honorary head of the Amateur Ackermanese Association, and that all one needs to do is make a pun, however vile, to belong. And, in the presence of Mister Rothman and of Master Speer, I gave vent to a most marvelous and hilarious pun, to wot: 'Carrying Pohls to Moscow;' said pun being perfectly relevant to the preceeding conversation, you understand--and none had the tact to laugh. Ain't it? ~~ Take it away, Rothman, my boy" (That pun was the cat's whiskers &--no kitten--I certainly think U're en-
stedbyskippingspace.Iwantosayhere&nowthatImgladtoCthatVoMwillbissuedbimonthly&alsothatImenclosingtwentyfivecents,oops!Imsorry,pricetistencentstraightnow.ThereforeImenclosingthirtycentsforathreeishuorhalfyearsubtoVoM.Urfakcontentspageisamusingandbyalmeanskeepitup.BythwaycudUtllmewhatthefollowingsymbolmeans?[symbol].CudUalsohelpmesecurSpeer'sUpToNow?IfUcuddothese4meIdappreshiatitverymuch. "UllC from the abov paragraf that Iv missed many good chances to apply Akermanese.This is 2 tuf 4 me & after I finish riting this I wont try Akermanese for quite a long tyme, U keep Ur Akermanese & Ill use English 2 th best of my ability. I find VoM very interesting & punynny. "I just noticed the 'Anovacious Publication' plub on the front of #6 VoM. What r th othr Novacious Publications? Wright's drawing was for the covr. "P.S. anyone not getting 4E'S 'Stf Stickers Stationery Suchstuffery' os missing something." (Tanx, pal! 4s' 4S pub sells for a dym. is a lithograficollection of stfans' letter-heads, calling cards et cetera. May be orderd thru this mag. [symbol] is the Greek letter F. In [symbol]andom it stands [symbol]or [symbol]red Pohl. "Up to Now?" Up to Juffus. Main other Novacious pub is nickel quarterly of the same name---Novacious--featuring bk-reviews, fromBx 6475 MS.) In Canada the flame of fandom flickers in the person of one VICKERS of 626 Constance Ave, Victoria, BC, who demoralizes us with this tale: "There's a moral in this story. ~~ Once upon a time there was a Fan who wanted to write to a Fanmag. And he said to himself, 'Truly, I must have a Manner of Writing for this Fanletter, for everyone else has on. And it must be so different that it is lo! the most Unique Manner in the whoFanmag.' ~~So he pondered long on the subject, and aded through great stacks of Fanmags, scanning all the Unique Manners of Writing but discovered always that some other Fan had hit upon each ahead of him. Foe there were so many Unique Manners of Writing afloat in the Fanmags that only a great genius or a supreme sap could have thought of another. ~~ And at last he became tired of such a fruitless quest and, saying, 'Nut to it,' wrote the Fanletter in straight, ordinary English. ~~ And behold! When the Fanmag cam out, his was the most Unique Manner of Writing therein by a long shot. ~~ If you look for it you'll find there's a moral in this story......~~ However, jokery asif=de, the latest ish was about the best yet.Maybe the boiling-down process sorta concentrates the poison & increases the smell. And the jokes! 'Pun my word, they send shivers up & down my spin... As you see, I have packed up on the straight-edge idea. It was a dizzying job anyhow, juggling words to fit like that, & sometimes the forced use of a word not precisely correct took some of the 'ugh' out of an otherwise forceful sentence... Am enclosing a pic. of a rocket on the cover of a Canadian advertising booklet. Thought you might be in'trested to see such things occasionally do creep out of America & find their way to strange places... Also dime for Stik-Stay-Stuff-&SoFoethery, which I failed to remit at the time due to lack of time and a callous soul. ~~ Highly enthused at the prospect of a V-M dummy in the none-too-distant future. I figure on circulating it 'round among them whose names appear within for autographing. Your auto. & Morojo's would be greatly appreciated if possible. ~~ Tha's all for now Yours as ever," ELMER PERDUE & MILTON ROTHMAN clab from 1735 Eye St NW, Wn/DC: "This is Perdue again, bringing you the highlights of the world of sport. And, most esteemed mentor, FFFFJ, I am given to understand that you are honorary head of the Amateur Ackermanese Association, and that all one needs to do is make a pun, however vile, to belong. And, in the presence of Mister Rothman and of Master Speer, I gave vent to a most marvelous and hilarious pun, to wot: 'Carrying Pohls to Moscow;' said pun being perfectly relevant to the preceeding conversation, you understand--and none had the tact to laugh. Ain't it? ~~ Take it away, Rothman, my boy" (That pun was the cat's whiskers &--no kitten--I certainly think U're en-
Hevelin Fanzines