Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 8, August 1940
Page 9
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION titled to purr, do! --Efjay) Milty: "All I want now is a monstrous piece of strawberry shortcake in a deep bowl, submerged in cream. The cake, not the bowl." "Which, say, I, Elmer, seems to be a hint, not quite so gentle in nature, that this letter should be terminated. Hence, I so terminate it. ~~ Yours, with unendurable pleasure indefinitely prolonged," [Signature of Jenny Mearler] From the Editor of the "MSA" Bulletin, of 49 Washington St, Rumford, Me: "This letter to you pacifi-coasters is sort of a fishing trip. I am fishing for an exchange with Voice of The Imagi-nation for the MSA Bulletin...The MSA Bulletin is a monthly mag indertirment size, it has never been under 10 pages since I became editor, the next issue rund to 20 pages, we are starting covers with this issue. Material by JimAvery, Norm Stanley, a monthly news column by Les Croutch, and SEABURY QUINN. ~~ We feel that we have a fan magazine that will soon be up with the best of them. We are starting a new contest in the next issue, one that shouldn't be missed. PRizes that everyone will want. ~~ Scientifictionally yours," (Lotsa scientifish in these waters: the ray, the star-fish, the electric eel--- Just dangle a brytly colord fanmag as bait at Bx 6475 Metro Sta & that certn variety of sucker called the vahm is sure to byt!) [Signature of Vincent Maurry] From another Club representative, this tym being of the Literature, Science & Hobbies Club of Decker, Ind: "From PLUTO to VOM; Or let me modestly put it: from one top-notch fan mag to another--- What to say, what to say? First let the L, S, & H Club be among the last to send congrats to VOM on the lithography on the special inserts and the covrs, (pardon thr occasional lapse into Ackermanese,) and to 4e on the 'Such Stuffery' & to all the west coast guys and guyesses for all the splendid mags emanating therefrom; and the helping hand extended from all thereabouts, in lieu of subscriptions and material sent to Pluto. ~~ Now since we are property introduced, I can peel off a couple of coats and dispense with formalities. Speaking for the Club I can definitely state, that next to PLUTO, VOM is the finest fan mag published ; definitely , definitely. ~~ June issue; Contents page; keep it that way! Lets have more Meditorials, Special lithoed and mimeod inserts; they're the cream, nothing skimmed milkabout them. But why so many in one copy? Our copy of the ish which included Bok's reaction and 'Escape Literature' had 5 of the same insert. If you need one of these for you own files let us know; would be glad to mail you one. (The xtras were for your mems. Don't tell us U're a one-fan club publishing PLUTO under a dozen different seudonyms!) -- Concerning the letter: suggest that you let damon knight and Smith write 'em all; damon the demon keeps us screamin, and Smith becomes a humorist in your columns. Did you read 'Gloobermory' in #3 Pluto? (Yes; & thot it quentaceously exhuberfying--even scindescent!) ~~ But then what would VOM do without Tucker, Warner, Loowndes, Chauvenet, Swisher, Widner, Frechafer, et cetera? ~~ Cant hardly wait for #4 'Futura' with the BOK cover as depicted. ~~ That advertising, 'UTOPIA PRESENTS' was a neat thing. ~~ 'Tis nearly meal time; would comment on the letters, but not in the MOOD for a FEUD; just FOOD. ~~ Plutonically,"F L A S H!! 14-yr-old ex-fan [illegible signature] now fifteen! From 67 Thistle St (sticky thing, a thistle), Lutwyche N3 Brisbane (bane) Queensland, Australia, an inimitabletter: "At present I am the victim of what is patently an I.R.A. outrage--a truck-driver named Shannon (!) threw his vehicle at me with such low and diabolical skill that I celebrated my 15th birthday in hospital with solitary wassail and silent jubilee, a man of many parts, most of them cracked and all of them bruised. And , mind you, while I am still hefting a crutch and dazedly disbelieving it was only a 2-tonner, VOM (jan.) arrives to mow me down positively mow me down with that withering icy blast from Moosoo Warner. He crushes my poor quivering self as efficiently, as ruthlessly, with his awe-inspiring, mature mentality, as would the solid concrete wheel of a steam-roller, and perhaps the analogy could be carried a little further, in regard to composition, so to
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION titled to purr, do! --Efjay) Milty: "All I want now is a monstrous piece of strawberry shortcake in a deep bowl, submerged in cream. The cake, not the bowl." "Which, say, I, Elmer, seems to be a hint, not quite so gentle in nature, that this letter should be terminated. Hence, I so terminate it. ~~ Yours, with unendurable pleasure indefinitely prolonged," [Signature of Jenny Mearler] From the Editor of the "MSA" Bulletin, of 49 Washington St, Rumford, Me: "This letter to you pacifi-coasters is sort of a fishing trip. I am fishing for an exchange with Voice of The Imagi-nation for the MSA Bulletin...The MSA Bulletin is a monthly mag indertirment size, it has never been under 10 pages since I became editor, the next issue rund to 20 pages, we are starting covers with this issue. Material by JimAvery, Norm Stanley, a monthly news column by Les Croutch, and SEABURY QUINN. ~~ We feel that we have a fan magazine that will soon be up with the best of them. We are starting a new contest in the next issue, one that shouldn't be missed. PRizes that everyone will want. ~~ Scientifictionally yours," (Lotsa scientifish in these waters: the ray, the star-fish, the electric eel--- Just dangle a brytly colord fanmag as bait at Bx 6475 Metro Sta & that certn variety of sucker called the vahm is sure to byt!) [Signature of Vincent Maurry] From another Club representative, this tym being of the Literature, Science & Hobbies Club of Decker, Ind: "From PLUTO to VOM; Or let me modestly put it: from one top-notch fan mag to another--- What to say, what to say? First let the L, S, & H Club be among the last to send congrats to VOM on the lithography on the special inserts and the covrs, (pardon thr occasional lapse into Ackermanese,) and to 4e on the 'Such Stuffery' & to all the west coast guys and guyesses for all the splendid mags emanating therefrom; and the helping hand extended from all thereabouts, in lieu of subscriptions and material sent to Pluto. ~~ Now since we are property introduced, I can peel off a couple of coats and dispense with formalities. Speaking for the Club I can definitely state, that next to PLUTO, VOM is the finest fan mag published ; definitely , definitely. ~~ June issue; Contents page; keep it that way! Lets have more Meditorials, Special lithoed and mimeod inserts; they're the cream, nothing skimmed milkabout them. But why so many in one copy? Our copy of the ish which included Bok's reaction and 'Escape Literature' had 5 of the same insert. If you need one of these for you own files let us know; would be glad to mail you one. (The xtras were for your mems. Don't tell us U're a one-fan club publishing PLUTO under a dozen different seudonyms!) -- Concerning the letter: suggest that you let damon knight and Smith write 'em all; damon the demon keeps us screamin, and Smith becomes a humorist in your columns. Did you read 'Gloobermory' in #3 Pluto? (Yes; & thot it quentaceously exhuberfying--even scindescent!) ~~ But then what would VOM do without Tucker, Warner, Loowndes, Chauvenet, Swisher, Widner, Frechafer, et cetera? ~~ Cant hardly wait for #4 'Futura' with the BOK cover as depicted. ~~ That advertising, 'UTOPIA PRESENTS' was a neat thing. ~~ 'Tis nearly meal time; would comment on the letters, but not in the MOOD for a FEUD; just FOOD. ~~ Plutonically,"F L A S H!! 14-yr-old ex-fan [illegible signature] now fifteen! From 67 Thistle St (sticky thing, a thistle), Lutwyche N3 Brisbane (bane) Queensland, Australia, an inimitabletter: "At present I am the victim of what is patently an I.R.A. outrage--a truck-driver named Shannon (!) threw his vehicle at me with such low and diabolical skill that I celebrated my 15th birthday in hospital with solitary wassail and silent jubilee, a man of many parts, most of them cracked and all of them bruised. And , mind you, while I am still hefting a crutch and dazedly disbelieving it was only a 2-tonner, VOM (jan.) arrives to mow me down positively mow me down with that withering icy blast from Moosoo Warner. He crushes my poor quivering self as efficiently, as ruthlessly, with his awe-inspiring, mature mentality, as would the solid concrete wheel of a steam-roller, and perhaps the analogy could be carried a little further, in regard to composition, so to
Hevelin Fanzines