Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 8, August 1940
Page 11
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION [Signature of Harry Schmaje] of 318 Stewart Rd, Muscatine, Iowa, irately rates & berates us thus: "Th nu VOM come yesterday, along with your rival top fan's mag. Sorry to say. his was the better uv th two. VOM is OK, but needs mor pages, and ful page covrs. Th covrs you hav ar too childish. Bac covr, I suppose was intended as insult to us 14 yr. old fans, the curse of fandom. Also, I resent that remark in Apr ish in which Trudy(whoever she is), speaks uv 14 yr old brat. She shouldn't talk that way. Anyway, I'm practically an adult. My chief delite is trying to brake into print , which is mostly futile. Pardn th postal." (If U hadnt reveald your age I shouldve taken U to b at least 21! Riting Ackermanese as U do... 4e) [Signature of DB Thompson] From 3136 "Q" St, Lincoln, Neb, a new customer, "Thanks for the what-is-it. I really had no idea there was such a quantity of material in the way of S.F. stickers, stationery headings, etc. Since I am something of a sucker for anything more or less 'scientifictional,' I'm enclosing a dime to help you defray expenses. Also, a dime for a copy of Voice of the Imagi-Nation. ~~ The editorial by Rothman-- 'Science Fiction is Escape Literature,' is splendid. Personally, I don't think that I am an 'escapist.' but I have always considered S.F. to be 'Escape Literature'-- definitely. ~~ I've often wanted to ask '4SJ' if he seriously considered what someone has called 'Ackermanese' to be really phonetic. I suppose he doesn't, since it obviously isn't. Anyway it attracts attention. ~~ Me cognisce qui tu es multo interese in propagation de Esperanto. Me non pense qui Esperanto es 'lingua de futuro,' ni es 'Interlingua'. Me pense qui ambi lingua es pase in directione derecho. Me pense, in additione, qui isto tempo es trans multo mal prop proto; id es possible qui me pode lege uno lettra de tu, scribe in Esperanto si id tu gusto. ~~ Howzabout it? (Interlingua estas sufice simpla por mi. Sinjoro Tampsn respondis ke li komprenis la leteron mi senid en Esperanto. --Fojak) [Signature of Beu] BROWNE, ex-proto-J, now under the Russling wing of Hodgkins, gives us the Letter Behind the Letter from her publisht in VOM #6 (BB's adres: 6689 Yucca, Hollywood): "Just got up from the typewriter where I dashed off a letter to the Voice - shall not read it over or it surely will be torn up as the others have been, and at that rate none will ever get mailed. Honestly never wrote a letter to a publication before and hate to admit it but even the idea terrifys me. ~~ Read F's 'Nymph of Darkness' in the Fantasy magazine he gave me. This edition of the story seemed to have a few more things in it(even better than in Weird Tales, only one thing when F so stressed the fact that the girl was unclothed in the beginning of the story it seemed strange that he didn't mention the fact when she was made visible - he only said she was transparent ) but in any shape the story never fails to stir my imagination along fantastic lines. Not very pleasant thoughts either. Makes you wonder... and when you wonder you realize how little about anything we do know - once somewhere 'involuntary I came; bewildered I stay; and unafraid I go.' ~~ Just looked up 'novacious' it isn't in my dictionary (of course mine is only a small insignificant number) at one time or another I believe F told me the meaning to that word but for the life of me I can't remember what it is. Mean't to ask him as I noticed it on his 'sticker' publication." (Novacious, according to Speer's Fanual of Scientifictional Terminology, means: In 4sJargon, the Ackquivalent of Hearst word "neoteric"; meaning new, novel, progressive, "up-to-tomoro". Now if U were to say U intended to attend the Conevntion as Nyusa, the invisible Venusian girl, we coud see ryt thru U!) [Signature 'Ego'] England takes the air as the famous ARTHUR C. CLARKE, alias adreses us from 211, Holtwhotes Hill, Gordon Hill, Enfield, Middlesex: Many thanks for the latest copy of V.o.M. which I found very interesting reading. I was flattered to see how extensively I'd been featured; there were one or two errors caused by my rotten writing. Incidently I wonder if anyone noticed that my quotation from "Omar" was incorrect? If I remember right, you have cut quite a slab of politico-sociological musings that I
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION [Signature of Harry Schmaje] of 318 Stewart Rd, Muscatine, Iowa, irately rates & berates us thus: "Th nu VOM come yesterday, along with your rival top fan's mag. Sorry to say. his was the better uv th two. VOM is OK, but needs mor pages, and ful page covrs. Th covrs you hav ar too childish. Bac covr, I suppose was intended as insult to us 14 yr. old fans, the curse of fandom. Also, I resent that remark in Apr ish in which Trudy(whoever she is), speaks uv 14 yr old brat. She shouldn't talk that way. Anyway, I'm practically an adult. My chief delite is trying to brake into print , which is mostly futile. Pardn th postal." (If U hadnt reveald your age I shouldve taken U to b at least 21! Riting Ackermanese as U do... 4e) [Signature of DB Thompson] From 3136 "Q" St, Lincoln, Neb, a new customer, "Thanks for the what-is-it. I really had no idea there was such a quantity of material in the way of S.F. stickers, stationery headings, etc. Since I am something of a sucker for anything more or less 'scientifictional,' I'm enclosing a dime to help you defray expenses. Also, a dime for a copy of Voice of the Imagi-Nation. ~~ The editorial by Rothman-- 'Science Fiction is Escape Literature,' is splendid. Personally, I don't think that I am an 'escapist.' but I have always considered S.F. to be 'Escape Literature'-- definitely. ~~ I've often wanted to ask '4SJ' if he seriously considered what someone has called 'Ackermanese' to be really phonetic. I suppose he doesn't, since it obviously isn't. Anyway it attracts attention. ~~ Me cognisce qui tu es multo interese in propagation de Esperanto. Me non pense qui Esperanto es 'lingua de futuro,' ni es 'Interlingua'. Me pense qui ambi lingua es pase in directione derecho. Me pense, in additione, qui isto tempo es trans multo mal prop proto; id es possible qui me pode lege uno lettra de tu, scribe in Esperanto si id tu gusto. ~~ Howzabout it? (Interlingua estas sufice simpla por mi. Sinjoro Tampsn respondis ke li komprenis la leteron mi senid en Esperanto. --Fojak) [Signature of Beu] BROWNE, ex-proto-J, now under the Russling wing of Hodgkins, gives us the Letter Behind the Letter from her publisht in VOM #6 (BB's adres: 6689 Yucca, Hollywood): "Just got up from the typewriter where I dashed off a letter to the Voice - shall not read it over or it surely will be torn up as the others have been, and at that rate none will ever get mailed. Honestly never wrote a letter to a publication before and hate to admit it but even the idea terrifys me. ~~ Read F's 'Nymph of Darkness' in the Fantasy magazine he gave me. This edition of the story seemed to have a few more things in it(even better than in Weird Tales, only one thing when F so stressed the fact that the girl was unclothed in the beginning of the story it seemed strange that he didn't mention the fact when she was made visible - he only said she was transparent ) but in any shape the story never fails to stir my imagination along fantastic lines. Not very pleasant thoughts either. Makes you wonder... and when you wonder you realize how little about anything we do know - once somewhere 'involuntary I came; bewildered I stay; and unafraid I go.' ~~ Just looked up 'novacious' it isn't in my dictionary (of course mine is only a small insignificant number) at one time or another I believe F told me the meaning to that word but for the life of me I can't remember what it is. Mean't to ask him as I noticed it on his 'sticker' publication." (Novacious, according to Speer's Fanual of Scientifictional Terminology, means: In 4sJargon, the Ackquivalent of Hearst word "neoteric"; meaning new, novel, progressive, "up-to-tomoro". Now if U were to say U intended to attend the Conevntion as Nyusa, the invisible Venusian girl, we coud see ryt thru U!) [Signature 'Ego'] England takes the air as the famous ARTHUR C. CLARKE, alias adreses us from 211, Holtwhotes Hill, Gordon Hill, Enfield, Middlesex: Many thanks for the latest copy of V.o.M. which I found very interesting reading. I was flattered to see how extensively I'd been featured; there were one or two errors caused by my rotten writing. Incidently I wonder if anyone noticed that my quotation from "Omar" was incorrect? If I remember right, you have cut quite a slab of politico-sociological musings that I
Hevelin Fanzines