Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 8, August 1940
Page 13
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION conqour Fear during the past few months. ~~ This Fear that I harp on is, of course, the Fear of Death. The wail of the sirens in the distance usually heralds the approach pf Death's deputies -- it's the noise that is the most terrifying. In all probability those machines may be upon an errand somewhere else.But the Fear that they might lay an egg right on one's own home and loved one's is the root of he evil. ~~ At business I am in charge of the fire fighting equipment for our particular section of the building. ~~ We have an occasional mock trial, with action stations, and I think we now have everything down to a fine art. Special parties are delegated off for first aid, fire, rescue squads, flooding, gas -- directed from a bomb-proof control room, similar to GHQ as written up by Hubbard in 'Final Blackout.' ~~ I have already lost three local friends. Two killed in action and the other posted 'Missing'... ~~ Walt Gillings (Editor TALES OF WONDER) registered for service at the same time as I did -- I beg your pardon, registered as an Objector. His firm promptly dismissed him with a month's salary. ~~ Bill Temple (preceding letter) has passed his medical exam. ~~ Rember that crack I made about the war ceasing upon the 162nd day? Strange as it may seem, that day fitted in with the beginning of the downfall of NEW WORLDS! ("The Mag that Nrly Was") ~~ The last few stanzas....I have just finished reading 'My was tripe, but was pleasantly thrilled at his description of the journey up-river from Gravesend -- and gave a loud cheer where he mentioned Shooters Hill, for I live right on the side of that landmark, facing the river. ~~ Wasn't too thrilled over Bob's 'The Road Must Roll' -- but perhaps that was the fault of having read Jack's 'The Reign of Wizardry' right before, which was mighty pleasant reading." [Signature of Louis Ruslau] who declares "Down with Mankind!" & champions "Equal Rights for Chimpanzees!" rites from 170 Washington Ave, West Haven Conn: "Dear VOM, Thank you for sending the dummy of #7 VOM, as well as the regular issue itself. I hadn't expected such promptness. ~~ I don't seem to be in a suitable mood for writing, altho, I imagine, I should have some sort of comment, if only for finger exercise. Lou Chauvenet stayed over night here a few days ago. We had an enjoyable evening to say the least, which I am saying. I am also in New York a week ago, visiting the Futurians, Taurasi, Syhora and being accompanied in my journey in Bog Town by Walt Sullivan." TURNABOUT: To Whom It May Concern, it develops Erle Korshak, whom it was reported earlier in the issue was residing with Mark Reinsberg, instead is Reinsberg's host & either or both may be reacht at 5555 Hyde Park, Chicago. [Illegible Signature] D B Tompson is back, saying: "VOM is highly satisfactory. The only really serious drawack is to be found in the attempt of some of the contributiors to out-do '4SJ' (or '4E' or 'Fojak' etc.,ad inf.) in the misapplication of the rules of phonetics to our uniquely ridiculous English orthography. (I neril s'kumd 2 that insidyus dzeez, mself!) ~~ Judging from this one (April) issue, VOM does not take sides (at least, very strongly) in the super-silly fan feuds which are so prevalent in the East. Bracissimo! ~~ At one time these feuds slopped oer into the reader's departments of all the pro fiction mags. Consequently, for about two years, I didn't read a single letter in any mag. Then, in glancing through a copy of Astounding, I was pleasantly surprised to find no feud letters. (Did the editors ban them?) ( gues they just died a natural death, like the--er, uh, guess they just died a natural death...) I found the same thing to be true of other mags, and naively concluded that feuds no longer raged, What a sap I was! Shortl after some of my own letters were published in some of the pro mags, I was struck by a mild barrage of sample copies of fan publications. My artless dream of a feudless fandom was rudely shattered--protismo y completamente! As you have undoubtedly gathered by now, feuds give me a sharp pain in-well, let's say 'in the neck.' Why is a feud, anyway? Usually, it simply means that somebody has an axe to grind. I refuse to be the grindstone! I'm enclosing sixty cents for a year's subscription to VOM-but, if I find later that it is really just the 'house organ' of some self-centered group, I emphatically promise to demand my money back!" From F R A N C E
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION conqour Fear during the past few months. ~~ This Fear that I harp on is, of course, the Fear of Death. The wail of the sirens in the distance usually heralds the approach pf Death's deputies -- it's the noise that is the most terrifying. In all probability those machines may be upon an errand somewhere else.But the Fear that they might lay an egg right on one's own home and loved one's is the root of he evil. ~~ At business I am in charge of the fire fighting equipment for our particular section of the building. ~~ We have an occasional mock trial, with action stations, and I think we now have everything down to a fine art. Special parties are delegated off for first aid, fire, rescue squads, flooding, gas -- directed from a bomb-proof control room, similar to GHQ as written up by Hubbard in 'Final Blackout.' ~~ I have already lost three local friends. Two killed in action and the other posted 'Missing'... ~~ Walt Gillings (Editor TALES OF WONDER) registered for service at the same time as I did -- I beg your pardon, registered as an Objector. His firm promptly dismissed him with a month's salary. ~~ Bill Temple (preceding letter) has passed his medical exam. ~~ Rember that crack I made about the war ceasing upon the 162nd day? Strange as it may seem, that day fitted in with the beginning of the downfall of NEW WORLDS! ("The Mag that Nrly Was") ~~ The last few stanzas....I have just finished reading 'My was tripe, but was pleasantly thrilled at his description of the journey up-river from Gravesend -- and gave a loud cheer where he mentioned Shooters Hill, for I live right on the side of that landmark, facing the river. ~~ Wasn't too thrilled over Bob's 'The Road Must Roll' -- but perhaps that was the fault of having read Jack's 'The Reign of Wizardry' right before, which was mighty pleasant reading." [Signature of Louis Ruslau] who declares "Down with Mankind!" & champions "Equal Rights for Chimpanzees!" rites from 170 Washington Ave, West Haven Conn: "Dear VOM, Thank you for sending the dummy of #7 VOM, as well as the regular issue itself. I hadn't expected such promptness. ~~ I don't seem to be in a suitable mood for writing, altho, I imagine, I should have some sort of comment, if only for finger exercise. Lou Chauvenet stayed over night here a few days ago. We had an enjoyable evening to say the least, which I am saying. I am also in New York a week ago, visiting the Futurians, Taurasi, Syhora and being accompanied in my journey in Bog Town by Walt Sullivan." TURNABOUT: To Whom It May Concern, it develops Erle Korshak, whom it was reported earlier in the issue was residing with Mark Reinsberg, instead is Reinsberg's host & either or both may be reacht at 5555 Hyde Park, Chicago. [Illegible Signature] D B Tompson is back, saying: "VOM is highly satisfactory. The only really serious drawack is to be found in the attempt of some of the contributiors to out-do '4SJ' (or '4E' or 'Fojak' etc.,ad inf.) in the misapplication of the rules of phonetics to our uniquely ridiculous English orthography. (I neril s'kumd 2 that insidyus dzeez, mself!) ~~ Judging from this one (April) issue, VOM does not take sides (at least, very strongly) in the super-silly fan feuds which are so prevalent in the East. Bracissimo! ~~ At one time these feuds slopped oer into the reader's departments of all the pro fiction mags. Consequently, for about two years, I didn't read a single letter in any mag. Then, in glancing through a copy of Astounding, I was pleasantly surprised to find no feud letters. (Did the editors ban them?) ( gues they just died a natural death, like the--er, uh, guess they just died a natural death...) I found the same thing to be true of other mags, and naively concluded that feuds no longer raged, What a sap I was! Shortl after some of my own letters were published in some of the pro mags, I was struck by a mild barrage of sample copies of fan publications. My artless dream of a feudless fandom was rudely shattered--protismo y completamente! As you have undoubtedly gathered by now, feuds give me a sharp pain in-well, let's say 'in the neck.' Why is a feud, anyway? Usually, it simply means that somebody has an axe to grind. I refuse to be the grindstone! I'm enclosing sixty cents for a year's subscription to VOM-but, if I find later that it is really just the 'house organ' of some self-centered group, I emphatically promise to demand my money back!" From F R A N C E
Hevelin Fanzines