Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 8, August 1940
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[Signature of Yhgalles] of 13, Rue d'Enghien, Paris 10[degrees symbol], penned this provocative letter while at War: "...I must be the best provided science fiction fan on this side of the Channel and even one of the best provided on this side of the big Pond. ~~The censors must think me somewhat crazy reading 'such stuff' but I enjoy it. (What--having the censors think you're crazy?) From the lot of magazines that come my way it seems that signs of return to normalcy are showing. Even in the present boom things do not look as rosy as it seems for all magazines. I must say that-frankly-only two or three magazines at the very most look like worth the buying. Even the best 'Famous Fantastic' is changing its policy - pretty blonde - if I am well informed-Miss Gnaedinger doubting? Sorry about it because her magazine suited me very well. The only one it could compare with is Walt. H. Gillings' Tales of Wonder-in a class by itself. Of course I will like 'Famous Fantastic Novels' but it is not strictly speaking 'magazine stuff' rather 'cheap edition and it seems also that she is using too old material in 'Famous Fantastic Mysteries' all stories that appeared say 10 to 15 years ago were not 'Moon Fool' or even Burroughs' yarns. Still I like her magazine for its variety and good taste. Astounding has also my vote and I wonder which of the rest of the bunch would get third choice? ~~ In the fan magazines that came my way, for the first time in my knowing I find in 'ScientiSnaps of February 1940 an article by Henry Kuttner entitled Newts in Science fiction on a question that has long tickled me.(with all due apologies to girl fans) Are all science fiction-neers, fans, characters, authors etc. sex-less? Sex did appear once in the field - and made a comeback a short time ago- but in a gross way...more or less bad taste, I must admit but it still remains that all commanding truth that all creatures are guided in their lives by three major emotions : Fear, Hungriness and Love. Seems to me that the first two occasinally occur in science fiction but what of the last third? ~~ That the majority of pri mags ban the physical side of the subject from their editorial policy can be easily understood. Mummy would not allow thirteen or less year old Jimmy to buy such horrid stuff. ( but we understand Taurasi is over 21 & reads Spicy Mystery!) ~~ But I cannot understand why- until now or I do not know it--there is no fan magazine devoted to such an aspect of sciencefiction. (There is! For adult treatment of fantasy--not to be confused with infantile attempts at sophistication--we warmly recommend the interested party to Futuria Fantasia, which is particularly frank in its pictoral aspects. Ray Bradbury edits it at 10c a copy from 3054 1/2 W 12, Los Angeles Cal. We already have sent Mons. Gallet a copy. Also an xlnt article on sex in science fiction--entitled "Enuchs In the Pulps"--apeard in Sweetness & Lite #4. Perhaps the editor will send you a copy, Georges. If not, we have one we can spare. --Co-eds) -- Of course, science(?) does not need sexual emotion to carry its meaning but fiction needs plausibility: dominant everywhere around us in this world. Why not on other planes of cognizance or on other worlds? ~~ There are many sides of this question which should attract the fancy of both author and fan - red blooded humans after all if I am any judge! ~~ Ofcourse, I agree with H.Kuttner sex do not consist mainly of tearing parts off a beautiful maiden-though it may be highly pleasing done in a nice way--but sex has its part, and a big one at that, in the behaviour of every living thing. Do not keep too far from the 'facts of life'! ~~ Think again, fellow fans -- men only. I'll write some other time in a lighter vein for womanly consupmtion - I am pretty sure that you will not reject this idea with scorn and derision, and let us hope that the time will come when a really 'adult fare' will bring what shall be a classic in fantasy. ~~ I hope this do not hurt any of your feelings, it may only be after all - Freud would say - the result of much-'refoulement'-due to the abnormal life of a soldier in the field! ~~ Yours blushingly!" (Mr Gallet! You forget that I, Morojo, a woman, am stenciling this! And..."I Object!" to my sex's being pampered! Why write for us "in a lighter vein"? Let's take it suraight from the shoulder--that can be very pleansant too, n'est-ce pas?--if you get what I mean!..blush.!.blush..!) S t a r l i t e Publications presents------
[Signature of Yhgalles] of 13, Rue d'Enghien, Paris 10[degrees symbol], penned this provocative letter while at War: "...I must be the best provided science fiction fan on this side of the Channel and even one of the best provided on this side of the big Pond. ~~The censors must think me somewhat crazy reading 'such stuff' but I enjoy it. (What--having the censors think you're crazy?) From the lot of magazines that come my way it seems that signs of return to normalcy are showing. Even in the present boom things do not look as rosy as it seems for all magazines. I must say that-frankly-only two or three magazines at the very most look like worth the buying. Even the best 'Famous Fantastic' is changing its policy - pretty blonde - if I am well informed-Miss Gnaedinger doubting? Sorry about it because her magazine suited me very well. The only one it could compare with is Walt. H. Gillings' Tales of Wonder-in a class by itself. Of course I will like 'Famous Fantastic Novels' but it is not strictly speaking 'magazine stuff' rather 'cheap edition and it seems also that she is using too old material in 'Famous Fantastic Mysteries' all stories that appeared say 10 to 15 years ago were not 'Moon Fool' or even Burroughs' yarns. Still I like her magazine for its variety and good taste. Astounding has also my vote and I wonder which of the rest of the bunch would get third choice? ~~ In the fan magazines that came my way, for the first time in my knowing I find in 'ScientiSnaps of February 1940 an article by Henry Kuttner entitled Newts in Science fiction on a question that has long tickled me.(with all due apologies to girl fans) Are all science fiction-neers, fans, characters, authors etc. sex-less? Sex did appear once in the field - and made a comeback a short time ago- but in a gross way...more or less bad taste, I must admit but it still remains that all commanding truth that all creatures are guided in their lives by three major emotions : Fear, Hungriness and Love. Seems to me that the first two occasinally occur in science fiction but what of the last third? ~~ That the majority of pri mags ban the physical side of the subject from their editorial policy can be easily understood. Mummy would not allow thirteen or less year old Jimmy to buy such horrid stuff. ( but we understand Taurasi is over 21 & reads Spicy Mystery!) ~~ But I cannot understand why- until now or I do not know it--there is no fan magazine devoted to such an aspect of sciencefiction. (There is! For adult treatment of fantasy--not to be confused with infantile attempts at sophistication--we warmly recommend the interested party to Futuria Fantasia, which is particularly frank in its pictoral aspects. Ray Bradbury edits it at 10c a copy from 3054 1/2 W 12, Los Angeles Cal. We already have sent Mons. Gallet a copy. Also an xlnt article on sex in science fiction--entitled "Enuchs In the Pulps"--apeard in Sweetness & Lite #4. Perhaps the editor will send you a copy, Georges. If not, we have one we can spare. --Co-eds) -- Of course, science(?) does not need sexual emotion to carry its meaning but fiction needs plausibility: dominant everywhere around us in this world. Why not on other planes of cognizance or on other worlds? ~~ There are many sides of this question which should attract the fancy of both author and fan - red blooded humans after all if I am any judge! ~~ Ofcourse, I agree with H.Kuttner sex do not consist mainly of tearing parts off a beautiful maiden-though it may be highly pleasing done in a nice way--but sex has its part, and a big one at that, in the behaviour of every living thing. Do not keep too far from the 'facts of life'! ~~ Think again, fellow fans -- men only. I'll write some other time in a lighter vein for womanly consupmtion - I am pretty sure that you will not reject this idea with scorn and derision, and let us hope that the time will come when a really 'adult fare' will bring what shall be a classic in fantasy. ~~ I hope this do not hurt any of your feelings, it may only be after all - Freud would say - the result of much-'refoulement'-due to the abnormal life of a soldier in the field! ~~ Yours blushingly!" (Mr Gallet! You forget that I, Morojo, a woman, am stenciling this! And..."I Object!" to my sex's being pampered! Why write for us "in a lighter vein"? Let's take it suraight from the shoulder--that can be very pleansant too, n'est-ce pas?--if you get what I mean!..blush.!.blush..!) S t a r l i t e Publications presents------
Hevelin Fanzines