Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 8, August 1940
Page 15
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION [Picture of man holding "The Comet"] TOM WRIGHT, Editor, of 1140 Bush St. Martinez, Cal. flys in the face of conwention thusly: "Just to be different I'll start from the back cover and work to the front. Back coverokay, buy don't you think Roberts has gotten anough? (Enuf what--back covers?) Inside back cover is swell, it sure is surprsing what fantasy srtists can get away with and call it 'fantasy'. Is that page lithographed, photo-stencild, or what? (Lithoed) All the letters were interesting, particularly enjoyed was J 'rv' Haggard's, and EESmith's. ~~ Waiting to see Damon's Knightmare, and any other litho works you might present. Anyone of these days now I might write you a letter in Esperanto, just got ahold of a coupke booklets on same." (Scribu baldu!) From AUSTRALLIA a "Letter for VOM: that is, if if you want one: if not, please, I beg of you, let it grace your waste-paper-basket - don't burn it - Fortno!" says VOL MOLESWORTH, Editor Cosoms, of " Del Monte", Kangroo Point Road, Sylvania, New South Wales. "'Dear Vom: This being only my 2nd letter to Voice of Our Dear Departed Mdge, (IMAGINATION!, predecessor of Voice of the Imagi-nation) I am going to review 'at a awine' all the pubs rec'd since Madge succumbed. First, there is the Madge's Prize M.S.S. pamphlet. This was good. It wasalmost a fourteenth Madge.... Top of the house was, o'course Book Of The Dead by Bob Tucker (is this a new fan, or what? Don't seem to have ever heard of bt bfor! Spose he;s some neophyte that dosent write much - at least I haven't happened across any of his stuff yet! Does he run a fanmag? Lez hear all about him!) Didn't like Nancy's Jabberwork - maybe it was too subtle for my meagre brain-power.. Carnell shines in Fans Panned, but Juffus is a nova with his predikshun - don't try and kid me that was written in Aug 38. An ad caught my eye in the pamphlet - who and what, I do wonder, is Hollerbochen? Second, Metropolis! All I can say is gosh! and leave it at that - it's just out of sight (sic) Not invisible - you vomug - ask hwjnr what that Aussismeans! 12 Madge was hokay - most liked by humble self was Beleive It Ornate by Kuttner - folloed pretty, oops, here's me going back to common everyday English - purty, I meant, close by Mathematica Menace by Ardie Bee: so this is the Garb Age, huh? Voice of the Imagination (the readersection, I mean) gives me an intereting bit of info - Dead Reckoning by A. Ghoul is commented upon. This article was, it now appears, pirated from Madge by John Devern for his now-(Thank Fort)-extinct Science Fiction Review.. There was The New Amazing Stories, an article by Mark Reinsberg, too - which was supposedly pirated from FD.. Youd noe bettr than I bouthat! Next comes the Vomshell - and wotta noise that lil catridge makes when it plops gently (sic) in Oztraylya! Wow!, etc.. First ish was mafe good by Robt Marx Baker - I pay my respects to him now! Ackermanese is good - Bakerian better! My jargon is a feeble attempt to copy the former - only in places, tho - and the typer don't seem to wanna doot! And I can hardly blame it. Vom 2 - haha! purty covr y'gothere, pal! Nice green ink, 2 - Hemken is a wonder. What sort I can't say - in writing. Ephless Elmer's thrilling serialetter made me go strate on to Vom 3 without reading Pacific Parade - which was twice as deliteful, however, on returning, after soothing my impatience with Mr F. Gosh! Just noticed Thos Hinmon's letter on page 10, Wah, baw, boo, etc - not to mention a few groans and mass suicides. You can't do it to me, 4e - what have I dont deserve such a punishment? There must be another Metropolis - or else a mag as suggested in the personl letter which comes with this! ("I am terribly sorry that you have had to stop the second Metropolis - the first ish was a honey. Maybe you'll put out something like that with shots of 1,000.000 B.C. and a few other fantasy films in it soon, huh?" (See MONSTERS OF THE MOON!) Now prepare for a kick or two: Why did you mar the back cover of Vom 4 with adds - grrr! The Apr Foo ish was marvelous - cover by Bok! Hmmm - in Erkruss' letter in Vom 5 - incidently I'm copying yore idea of 4-tua-volume in COSMOS if u dont mind.- my name did not appear once - and me co-ed of ULTRA anfd Russle's pal - well, I guess zombies cant write so Russell wont be anymore - I've got a date with him and a battle-ax. Ta ta!" In an accompanying "personaletter" Vol states: "I am afraid I don't like the now type cover, no sir - and the insert was lousy! And the idea of putting out an 8-page Vom, bimontly, is ghastly -- ugh! ~~ Even if you make VoM a weekly (ough!) I'll still buy it. ~~ 'Sworth it!" In Sept, he informs, Futurian Socv of Sydney will publish FUTURIAL FANTASY.
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION [Picture of man holding "The Comet"] TOM WRIGHT, Editor, of 1140 Bush St. Martinez, Cal. flys in the face of conwention thusly: "Just to be different I'll start from the back cover and work to the front. Back coverokay, buy don't you think Roberts has gotten anough? (Enuf what--back covers?) Inside back cover is swell, it sure is surprsing what fantasy srtists can get away with and call it 'fantasy'. Is that page lithographed, photo-stencild, or what? (Lithoed) All the letters were interesting, particularly enjoyed was J 'rv' Haggard's, and EESmith's. ~~ Waiting to see Damon's Knightmare, and any other litho works you might present. Anyone of these days now I might write you a letter in Esperanto, just got ahold of a coupke booklets on same." (Scribu baldu!) From AUSTRALLIA a "Letter for VOM: that is, if if you want one: if not, please, I beg of you, let it grace your waste-paper-basket - don't burn it - Fortno!" says VOL MOLESWORTH, Editor Cosoms, of " Del Monte", Kangroo Point Road, Sylvania, New South Wales. "'Dear Vom: This being only my 2nd letter to Voice of Our Dear Departed Mdge, (IMAGINATION!, predecessor of Voice of the Imagi-nation) I am going to review 'at a awine' all the pubs rec'd since Madge succumbed. First, there is the Madge's Prize M.S.S. pamphlet. This was good. It wasalmost a fourteenth Madge.... Top of the house was, o'course Book Of The Dead by Bob Tucker (is this a new fan, or what? Don't seem to have ever heard of bt bfor! Spose he;s some neophyte that dosent write much - at least I haven't happened across any of his stuff yet! Does he run a fanmag? Lez hear all about him!) Didn't like Nancy's Jabberwork - maybe it was too subtle for my meagre brain-power.. Carnell shines in Fans Panned, but Juffus is a nova with his predikshun - don't try and kid me that was written in Aug 38. An ad caught my eye in the pamphlet - who and what, I do wonder, is Hollerbochen? Second, Metropolis! All I can say is gosh! and leave it at that - it's just out of sight (sic) Not invisible - you vomug - ask hwjnr what that Aussismeans! 12 Madge was hokay - most liked by humble self was Beleive It Ornate by Kuttner - folloed pretty, oops, here's me going back to common everyday English - purty, I meant, close by Mathematica Menace by Ardie Bee: so this is the Garb Age, huh? Voice of the Imagination (the readersection, I mean) gives me an intereting bit of info - Dead Reckoning by A. Ghoul is commented upon. This article was, it now appears, pirated from Madge by John Devern for his now-(Thank Fort)-extinct Science Fiction Review.. There was The New Amazing Stories, an article by Mark Reinsberg, too - which was supposedly pirated from FD.. Youd noe bettr than I bouthat! Next comes the Vomshell - and wotta noise that lil catridge makes when it plops gently (sic) in Oztraylya! Wow!, etc.. First ish was mafe good by Robt Marx Baker - I pay my respects to him now! Ackermanese is good - Bakerian better! My jargon is a feeble attempt to copy the former - only in places, tho - and the typer don't seem to wanna doot! And I can hardly blame it. Vom 2 - haha! purty covr y'gothere, pal! Nice green ink, 2 - Hemken is a wonder. What sort I can't say - in writing. Ephless Elmer's thrilling serialetter made me go strate on to Vom 3 without reading Pacific Parade - which was twice as deliteful, however, on returning, after soothing my impatience with Mr F. Gosh! Just noticed Thos Hinmon's letter on page 10, Wah, baw, boo, etc - not to mention a few groans and mass suicides. You can't do it to me, 4e - what have I dont deserve such a punishment? There must be another Metropolis - or else a mag as suggested in the personl letter which comes with this! ("I am terribly sorry that you have had to stop the second Metropolis - the first ish was a honey. Maybe you'll put out something like that with shots of 1,000.000 B.C. and a few other fantasy films in it soon, huh?" (See MONSTERS OF THE MOON!) Now prepare for a kick or two: Why did you mar the back cover of Vom 4 with adds - grrr! The Apr Foo ish was marvelous - cover by Bok! Hmmm - in Erkruss' letter in Vom 5 - incidently I'm copying yore idea of 4-tua-volume in COSMOS if u dont mind.- my name did not appear once - and me co-ed of ULTRA anfd Russle's pal - well, I guess zombies cant write so Russell wont be anymore - I've got a date with him and a battle-ax. Ta ta!" In an accompanying "personaletter" Vol states: "I am afraid I don't like the now type cover, no sir - and the insert was lousy! And the idea of putting out an 8-page Vom, bimontly, is ghastly -- ugh! ~~ Even if you make VoM a weekly (ough!) I'll still buy it. ~~ 'Sworth it!" In Sept, he informs, Futurian Socv of Sydney will publish FUTURIAL FANTASY.
Hevelin Fanzines