Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 8, August 1940
Page 16
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16 It's ROTHMAN again, folks, with his own dynamiconception (?) of hisself. "The heat has commenced, and so I sit here in my shorts being witty in a humid sort of way. I shoved the radio off this thing they call a table and with my tractor beams and a little atomic energy hoisted the typewriter up. ~~ You'd better watch how many letters you write calling Milty's article exceptionally fine and marvelous and wonderful. Milty is becoming as conceited as hell. ~~ It's veddy curious, but I just can't drive myself to write in the punnacular that is typical of Vom. A Saroyan style comes more natural to me. Got a laugh from Joe Fortier: '..I can well remember what definite views I had a few years ago ...' Forty hasn't changed a bit. ~~ Dave McIlwain gives an idea. Mayhaps the convention of 1941 or 2 would be best held somewhere in London, Paris, or on the banks of the Somme. Perhaps the manager of the Maginot line would rent us a cosy little bomb-proof underground meeting hall with gas absorbers that work both from the inside and the outside. ~~ Nostalgia department: Glen 'Dead N' Taylor takes up the battle for SCIENCE Fiction. Shades of the sixteen year old Rothman!" & ART WIDNER once more. "Hello, Ackermorojo: Hah! So U wanto play do U? I didnt entrtain much of an idea about slingng puns around, til U came out with 'Widnerful'. Ik! That is Ackerimonious! I mean 2 say U r a pun-gent (!) How do U like those Hotcrosspuns? (Easter is Easter & West is Mae & never the train shall replace the plane. U too can call on the President! Be a Turnocrat!) "Now 2 go thru th mag from covr 2 covr ... Th 2 names of th beast on the front covr remind me of sumthng that has long puzld me... Is there a paleontologist in th house? (Not just as we're doing the dummy. We'll see Daugherty bfor nextvm, tho, & praps our local Fellow of the Royal Archeological Society can ansr your question.) Ive always wantd 2 noe th difrens btween a diplodocus & a brontosaurus, they look just th same 2 me ... Ol' rubbrnek-pretzlosaurus looks lyk he'd ben on a 'bendr'! Wow! Im glad 2 hav th thng identifyd, tho, as 1 of them always comes around slytly agen. Its sumthng 2 liv 4, 2 hav it twine its nek around th bedpost 3 or 4 times & gaze at me withose soulful ize ... "Contents pg contents me as usual ... Knight's pic as he parts with a dime, has inspyrd me to draw one of myself contemplatng th sweet sadnes that comes upon me as I tearfuly enclose no les than THIRTY-FIVE CENTS! Yi! "Ryt here I'd like2make a 7 sector callout 4 material 4 FANFARE-- but good stuf, as the STRANGER CLUB as a hole--whole (4sjargon bakfyrd ther!) pasez on material submitd, & we r a fuzzy--fussy bunch, but it is bildng a crakrjak of a mag. "Hrrrm. How cum Red Perri and Pohl r livng athe same adres? (Tis customary for fan & wife, nicht pas?) Her letr reminds me of Don Marquis' archie th cokroach. She realy isnt that smal, ishe? ... Ho, 4e: U arnt th only 1 with a fansheee protege. I mach Bev Browne with Marjorie Wilson, from whom u'l b hearng soon. Asoon as I found she had red & lykt Wells 7FN, I went 2 work on her. Shes a litl grogy ryt now from havng red SINISTR BARIER, DIVIDE&RULE, LEST DARKNESS FALL, LAST&1ST MEN, & VOM 2 top it off, all in suxesion, but when she recovrs, I think weel b hearng sumthng ... (Helo, Mar-G; drop us a lyn!) "I'll eat up with zest & gusto Gipsons stf sports articl wen it apears, as Ive long lamentd th lak of sports (& good sports?) in stf. Incidently Len, r u Luego of CT? ... B4 I 4get, 4e, pleaz send me all th Teknocrazy propaganda u hav, as Im definitly intrestd. If it can lure deep-dyed reds lyk th Futurians from th ledrship of Gentle Joe, it must hav sumthng .... (Attn, Arjay Aitch! Ich, Art, bin nicht ein Teknokrat. --Efjay)
16 It's ROTHMAN again, folks, with his own dynamiconception (?) of hisself. "The heat has commenced, and so I sit here in my shorts being witty in a humid sort of way. I shoved the radio off this thing they call a table and with my tractor beams and a little atomic energy hoisted the typewriter up. ~~ You'd better watch how many letters you write calling Milty's article exceptionally fine and marvelous and wonderful. Milty is becoming as conceited as hell. ~~ It's veddy curious, but I just can't drive myself to write in the punnacular that is typical of Vom. A Saroyan style comes more natural to me. Got a laugh from Joe Fortier: '..I can well remember what definite views I had a few years ago ...' Forty hasn't changed a bit. ~~ Dave McIlwain gives an idea. Mayhaps the convention of 1941 or 2 would be best held somewhere in London, Paris, or on the banks of the Somme. Perhaps the manager of the Maginot line would rent us a cosy little bomb-proof underground meeting hall with gas absorbers that work both from the inside and the outside. ~~ Nostalgia department: Glen 'Dead N' Taylor takes up the battle for SCIENCE Fiction. Shades of the sixteen year old Rothman!" & ART WIDNER once more. "Hello, Ackermorojo: Hah! So U wanto play do U? I didnt entrtain much of an idea about slingng puns around, til U came out with 'Widnerful'. Ik! That is Ackerimonious! I mean 2 say U r a pun-gent (!) How do U like those Hotcrosspuns? (Easter is Easter & West is Mae & never the train shall replace the plane. U too can call on the President! Be a Turnocrat!) "Now 2 go thru th mag from covr 2 covr ... Th 2 names of th beast on the front covr remind me of sumthng that has long puzld me... Is there a paleontologist in th house? (Not just as we're doing the dummy. We'll see Daugherty bfor nextvm, tho, & praps our local Fellow of the Royal Archeological Society can ansr your question.) Ive always wantd 2 noe th difrens btween a diplodocus & a brontosaurus, they look just th same 2 me ... Ol' rubbrnek-pretzlosaurus looks lyk he'd ben on a 'bendr'! Wow! Im glad 2 hav th thng identifyd, tho, as 1 of them always comes around slytly agen. Its sumthng 2 liv 4, 2 hav it twine its nek around th bedpost 3 or 4 times & gaze at me withose soulful ize ... "Contents pg contents me as usual ... Knight's pic as he parts with a dime, has inspyrd me to draw one of myself contemplatng th sweet sadnes that comes upon me as I tearfuly enclose no les than THIRTY-FIVE CENTS! Yi! "Ryt here I'd like2make a 7 sector callout 4 material 4 FANFARE-- but good stuf, as the STRANGER CLUB as a hole--whole (4sjargon bakfyrd ther!) pasez on material submitd, & we r a fuzzy--fussy bunch, but it is bildng a crakrjak of a mag. "Hrrrm. How cum Red Perri and Pohl r livng athe same adres? (Tis customary for fan & wife, nicht pas?) Her letr reminds me of Don Marquis' archie th cokroach. She realy isnt that smal, ishe? ... Ho, 4e: U arnt th only 1 with a fansheee protege. I mach Bev Browne with Marjorie Wilson, from whom u'l b hearng soon. Asoon as I found she had red & lykt Wells 7FN, I went 2 work on her. Shes a litl grogy ryt now from havng red SINISTR BARIER, DIVIDE&RULE, LEST DARKNESS FALL, LAST&1ST MEN, & VOM 2 top it off, all in suxesion, but when she recovrs, I think weel b hearng sumthng ... (Helo, Mar-G; drop us a lyn!) "I'll eat up with zest & gusto Gipsons stf sports articl wen it apears, as Ive long lamentd th lak of sports (& good sports?) in stf. Incidently Len, r u Luego of CT? ... B4 I 4get, 4e, pleaz send me all th Teknocrazy propaganda u hav, as Im definitly intrestd. If it can lure deep-dyed reds lyk th Futurians from th ledrship of Gentle Joe, it must hav sumthng .... (Attn, Arjay Aitch! Ich, Art, bin nicht ein Teknokrat. --Efjay)
Hevelin Fanzines