Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 8, August 1940
Page 22
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BIZARRE! We are pleased to announce at this time that Scienti-Snaps, one of the oldest and best-known amateur fantasy magazines, will assume a deluxe, greatly-enlarged printed format with its October issue. Scienti-Snaps will change its name to BIZARRE. The new magazine will be twenty-four pages of the finest material imaginable. Each page will be nine by six inches, with one-third again as much wordage as the average professional magazine. The covers will be of heavy, durable, white stock, and the interior stock will be absolutely the highest grade eggshell book-paper. Our typeface will be Caslon, famous for its neatness and readability. The edges are trimmed. The cover design will be in three colors, by a famous professional fantasy artist. Hannes Bok will probably do the strange illustration on the first issue. Also, a startlingly original cover arrangement never before used on any magazine. BIZARRE will be illustrated with bordered, full-page drawings. The bulk of the magazine will be informal articles, columns, departments, and (auto)biographies, but different, unusual fiction will be used in each issue. All your favorite authors, as well as the more talented fans, contribute to BIZARRE. Famous fans Jack Chapman Miske and Walter E. Marconette are editors of BIZARRE, and their names are your guarantee of satisfaction. They published Scienti-Snaps for two and a half years, evolving it from a tiny hectographed publication to the new, beautiful BIZARRE. The new BIZARRE will rise far higher with your support. It is still too soon, as these words are written, to be able to give the entire lineup for the first great printed issue, but these are definite: The Thing in the Moonlight by H.P. LOVECRAFT What was the thing he saw? To Write - Be Wrong! by JOHN W. CAMPBELL, JR. Mr. Campbell is editor of Astounding and Unknown. His pen-name is Don A. Stuart. It's about writing. The Dwellers in the Mirage (end) by A. MERRITT The original ending to the peer of fantasy authors' classic Argosy story. Printed by special arr'ment. An Unnamed Article by EDWARD ELMER SMITH Dr. Smith's contribution is not yet finished. Fantasy Footnotes by HARRY WARNER, JR. News and notes on fantasy topics. Imagi-Movies by FORREST J ACKERMAN All about fantasy movies, by an insider. Stardust by THE STAR-TREADER You can read your favorite column in Bizarre, too. All different from the Spaceways editions! Many more columns, departments and features in the October issue. For issues after the first, we have already such distinguished authors as David Keller, Ray Cummings, Ross Rocklynne, Robert Howard, Henry Kuttner, Jack Williamson and many other favorites. For a pleasant surprise and guaranteed enjoyment, send $1.00 for six issues, 50c for three issues, or 20¢ for a sample copy of BIZARRE. Order immediately and you won't miss any issues. Send to: B I Z A R R E 5000 Train Avenue Cleveland, Ohio
BIZARRE! We are pleased to announce at this time that Scienti-Snaps, one of the oldest and best-known amateur fantasy magazines, will assume a deluxe, greatly-enlarged printed format with its October issue. Scienti-Snaps will change its name to BIZARRE. The new magazine will be twenty-four pages of the finest material imaginable. Each page will be nine by six inches, with one-third again as much wordage as the average professional magazine. The covers will be of heavy, durable, white stock, and the interior stock will be absolutely the highest grade eggshell book-paper. Our typeface will be Caslon, famous for its neatness and readability. The edges are trimmed. The cover design will be in three colors, by a famous professional fantasy artist. Hannes Bok will probably do the strange illustration on the first issue. Also, a startlingly original cover arrangement never before used on any magazine. BIZARRE will be illustrated with bordered, full-page drawings. The bulk of the magazine will be informal articles, columns, departments, and (auto)biographies, but different, unusual fiction will be used in each issue. All your favorite authors, as well as the more talented fans, contribute to BIZARRE. Famous fans Jack Chapman Miske and Walter E. Marconette are editors of BIZARRE, and their names are your guarantee of satisfaction. They published Scienti-Snaps for two and a half years, evolving it from a tiny hectographed publication to the new, beautiful BIZARRE. The new BIZARRE will rise far higher with your support. It is still too soon, as these words are written, to be able to give the entire lineup for the first great printed issue, but these are definite: The Thing in the Moonlight by H.P. LOVECRAFT What was the thing he saw? To Write - Be Wrong! by JOHN W. CAMPBELL, JR. Mr. Campbell is editor of Astounding and Unknown. His pen-name is Don A. Stuart. It's about writing. The Dwellers in the Mirage (end) by A. MERRITT The original ending to the peer of fantasy authors' classic Argosy story. Printed by special arr'ment. An Unnamed Article by EDWARD ELMER SMITH Dr. Smith's contribution is not yet finished. Fantasy Footnotes by HARRY WARNER, JR. News and notes on fantasy topics. Imagi-Movies by FORREST J ACKERMAN All about fantasy movies, by an insider. Stardust by THE STAR-TREADER You can read your favorite column in Bizarre, too. All different from the Spaceways editions! Many more columns, departments and features in the October issue. For issues after the first, we have already such distinguished authors as David Keller, Ray Cummings, Ross Rocklynne, Robert Howard, Henry Kuttner, Jack Williamson and many other favorites. For a pleasant surprise and guaranteed enjoyment, send $1.00 for six issues, 50c for three issues, or 20¢ for a sample copy of BIZARRE. Order immediately and you won't miss any issues. Send to: B I Z A R R E 5000 Train Avenue Cleveland, Ohio
Hevelin Fanzines