Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 14, May 1941
Page 6
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[Upper left hand corner a drawing of a man at a cluttered desk drinking] "Shows Milty Brooding-- Trying to think Of something To say To VoM. The stuff in The bottle Is only port. And very good, too. Port, imported from Oporto, Portugal. $1.69 per fifth. Disgusting, isn't it?" (Definitely. FandM. ) one of these afternoons I am going to take time off to have a nervous breakdown. But until that happens I shall be happy. For Voice of Imagination has arrived. Was also made very happy upon receiving, the other day, a copy of Fantast from England, containing a re-print of a letter of mine in VoM. It looks like everytime I use the Saroyan style I get reprinted. Well, it made Saroyan the literary sensation of the country. I guess it isn't bad even when I user it. Horrors! Tucker has exposed me. Now the FBI will surely be on my trails. I thought I had given them the slip by moving without leaving a forwarding address, as a result of which Walt Daugherty is mad at me for not answering a letter he wrote me last May aksing to join the FAPA. The story is long and complicated, but at the next LASFL meeting, won't you talk nice to him, tell him that all is forgiven, and that he is welcome into our fold. The above paragraph is full of at least three errors, but I am too lazy to re-write it. I wonder if Lester Del Rey is winning his bet already. He says that he is going to make me as lazy as he is in two years. Or, to put it less confusedly, in two years I am supposed to be as lazy as he is now. I don't think he can do it, but the loser has to write a novel. That will be a horrible task, for the loser, don't forget, will be too lazy to want to do it. I could show you a picture of Del Rey's room that would put Tobacco Road to shame. It's not that he doesn't know any better, or can't do any better. He's just too lazy to bother. Anyway, that's his story. I think he keeps his room cluttered up just so that his mind might be uncluttered. Laws of compensation, or something. (G, I like that latter explanation. Think I'll have to use it on the relatives. Only thother day, Art Joquel said to me, in one of my dens, "Forry, this room frightens me. I look around at everything, and feel like at any moment the whole place is going to burst.") I thought that science fiction fans were the dizziest people in existence, but my faith in them is sadly shattered after reading Strictly from Hunger, by S.J. Perelman, or is it J.S. Perelman. Perelman is the king of the field of dementia praecox literature. The Andgeleno humorists(?) who put out Sweet-ness and light, Mikros, etc., out to take a lesson or two. Doesn't Single-ton write in a lovely rhythm? (Pardon the tense; it was thoughtless, but on second thought let it stay there.) Oh, hell, I'm not going to sit here and try to think of something else to say. I've got other letters to write. Where do you guys get off, thinking you're the only meteors in space?" A new 'gate by the name of Dick Horwitz pens from Barker NY: "I have been hearing about 'Voice of the Imagi-Nation' so much lately that I have finally broken down and wept out enough to pay for it. How long have you been using the fo-netic spelling that some of your letters are written in? (Ni onto 5 yrs now.) I just wondered becuz I used something similar under the pen name of Delerium Tre-mens some 8 years ago when I was the editor (for a very short time ) of a movie fan club publication. It takes too much concentration for me, now, to write very much that way, I s'pose high school English teachers are too be blamed for that, they always picked on me. Anyway, I'm a farmer now so I have very little time for such stuff. I read a lot of stf and fantasy mags tho, and enjoy most of the stories. Of course there are good - bad and indifferent, but I s'pose it has to be so with s.f. as with everything else." Another newcomer is LLOYD CONNERLY of POBox 276, McKittrick, Cal, inspired to rite upon receit of a foto of Mirta Forsto in 1939 (Nycon) futuristicostumery. "Estas mi psychic, au estas mi psychic? (Kamarado Kanerli is studying Esperanto which he instersperses with English.) -- La foto vi sendis mi conforms closly kun la mental image mi have had de vi kaj Morojo. From la foto, mi would say ke vi kaj Morojo have la physical, mental kay spiritual
[Upper left hand corner a drawing of a man at a cluttered desk drinking] "Shows Milty Brooding-- Trying to think Of something To say To VoM. The stuff in The bottle Is only port. And very good, too. Port, imported from Oporto, Portugal. $1.69 per fifth. Disgusting, isn't it?" (Definitely. FandM. ) one of these afternoons I am going to take time off to have a nervous breakdown. But until that happens I shall be happy. For Voice of Imagination has arrived. Was also made very happy upon receiving, the other day, a copy of Fantast from England, containing a re-print of a letter of mine in VoM. It looks like everytime I use the Saroyan style I get reprinted. Well, it made Saroyan the literary sensation of the country. I guess it isn't bad even when I user it. Horrors! Tucker has exposed me. Now the FBI will surely be on my trails. I thought I had given them the slip by moving without leaving a forwarding address, as a result of which Walt Daugherty is mad at me for not answering a letter he wrote me last May aksing to join the FAPA. The story is long and complicated, but at the next LASFL meeting, won't you talk nice to him, tell him that all is forgiven, and that he is welcome into our fold. The above paragraph is full of at least three errors, but I am too lazy to re-write it. I wonder if Lester Del Rey is winning his bet already. He says that he is going to make me as lazy as he is in two years. Or, to put it less confusedly, in two years I am supposed to be as lazy as he is now. I don't think he can do it, but the loser has to write a novel. That will be a horrible task, for the loser, don't forget, will be too lazy to want to do it. I could show you a picture of Del Rey's room that would put Tobacco Road to shame. It's not that he doesn't know any better, or can't do any better. He's just too lazy to bother. Anyway, that's his story. I think he keeps his room cluttered up just so that his mind might be uncluttered. Laws of compensation, or something. (G, I like that latter explanation. Think I'll have to use it on the relatives. Only thother day, Art Joquel said to me, in one of my dens, "Forry, this room frightens me. I look around at everything, and feel like at any moment the whole place is going to burst.") I thought that science fiction fans were the dizziest people in existence, but my faith in them is sadly shattered after reading Strictly from Hunger, by S.J. Perelman, or is it J.S. Perelman. Perelman is the king of the field of dementia praecox literature. The Andgeleno humorists(?) who put out Sweet-ness and light, Mikros, etc., out to take a lesson or two. Doesn't Single-ton write in a lovely rhythm? (Pardon the tense; it was thoughtless, but on second thought let it stay there.) Oh, hell, I'm not going to sit here and try to think of something else to say. I've got other letters to write. Where do you guys get off, thinking you're the only meteors in space?" A new 'gate by the name of Dick Horwitz pens from Barker NY: "I have been hearing about 'Voice of the Imagi-Nation' so much lately that I have finally broken down and wept out enough to pay for it. How long have you been using the fo-netic spelling that some of your letters are written in? (Ni onto 5 yrs now.) I just wondered becuz I used something similar under the pen name of Delerium Tre-mens some 8 years ago when I was the editor (for a very short time ) of a movie fan club publication. It takes too much concentration for me, now, to write very much that way, I s'pose high school English teachers are too be blamed for that, they always picked on me. Anyway, I'm a farmer now so I have very little time for such stuff. I read a lot of stf and fantasy mags tho, and enjoy most of the stories. Of course there are good - bad and indifferent, but I s'pose it has to be so with s.f. as with everything else." Another newcomer is LLOYD CONNERLY of POBox 276, McKittrick, Cal, inspired to rite upon receit of a foto of Mirta Forsto in 1939 (Nycon) futuristicostumery. "Estas mi psychic, au estas mi psychic? (Kamarado Kanerli is studying Esperanto which he instersperses with English.) -- La foto vi sendis mi conforms closly kun la mental image mi have had de vi kaj Morojo. From la foto, mi would say ke vi kaj Morojo have la physical, mental kay spiritual
Hevelin Fanzines