Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 29, January 1944
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ronald clyne announces the wallace smith art portfolio - In September 1922, Ben Hecht's FANTAZIUS MALLARE was published in a limited edition of only 2000 copies,featuring the truly magnificent series of pen and ink drawings by Wallace Smith. This volume is now virtually unknown and unobtainable; I personally paid $ 15.00 for the rather battered copy in my collection. ( I paid this admittedly high price simply because I felt that my collection of weird and fantastic art would not merely be incomplete without this series - it would be practically non-existent.) Not being the type of individual who wishes to hog all the choice items I am consequently, through the expenditure of a great deal of time and money, publishing this series of wonderful drawings for all fandom to enjoy. The folder contains all ten of the drawings, expertly lithographed on extremely heavy, glossy stock; and is unstapled, so that these pictures may be framed if desired. The portfolio also contains a page of introductory notes, and is neatly gotten up in a substantial folder. The reverse of this page is a sample of one of the pictures - but is NOT the stock used in the portfolio. I personally consider Wallace Smith's ten drawings markedly superior to those of Virgil Finlay, Cartier, Paul, or Harry Clarke. (whose style Smith's very much resembles). The lithography bill has been paid through $5 and $10 subscriptions on part of individual fans -- fans who have seen these drawings and know what they are. When you have seen your set, you will know that the dollar was well spent. Just to show what I think of this set, I will make a cash refund to any fan who dislikes the portfolio enough to return it undamaged in ten days. I don't anticipate making any refunds. only a dollar Ronald Clyne, 135 1/2 North Gale Drive, Beverly Hills, California What fans say about Wallace Smith and his drawings: "Wallace Smith's work represents the acme in fantasy art."Mel Brown "This is the most worthwhile fantasy project since the foundation of Arkham House." Francis T. Laney "A really beautiful selection of drawings." Walt Daugherty "Frankly I don't know which drawing by Wallace Smith I like the best ; every one is a master portrayal of the imagination." Mike Fern "Out of the past - resurrected for the fans of today to rave over- the outre artwork of Wallace Smith." Forrest J. Ackerman "I wouldn't sell my portfolio for ten times the price." Chas McNutt
ronald clyne announces the wallace smith art portfolio - In September 1922, Ben Hecht's FANTAZIUS MALLARE was published in a limited edition of only 2000 copies,featuring the truly magnificent series of pen and ink drawings by Wallace Smith. This volume is now virtually unknown and unobtainable; I personally paid $ 15.00 for the rather battered copy in my collection. ( I paid this admittedly high price simply because I felt that my collection of weird and fantastic art would not merely be incomplete without this series - it would be practically non-existent.) Not being the type of individual who wishes to hog all the choice items I am consequently, through the expenditure of a great deal of time and money, publishing this series of wonderful drawings for all fandom to enjoy. The folder contains all ten of the drawings, expertly lithographed on extremely heavy, glossy stock; and is unstapled, so that these pictures may be framed if desired. The portfolio also contains a page of introductory notes, and is neatly gotten up in a substantial folder. The reverse of this page is a sample of one of the pictures - but is NOT the stock used in the portfolio. I personally consider Wallace Smith's ten drawings markedly superior to those of Virgil Finlay, Cartier, Paul, or Harry Clarke. (whose style Smith's very much resembles). The lithography bill has been paid through $5 and $10 subscriptions on part of individual fans -- fans who have seen these drawings and know what they are. When you have seen your set, you will know that the dollar was well spent. Just to show what I think of this set, I will make a cash refund to any fan who dislikes the portfolio enough to return it undamaged in ten days. I don't anticipate making any refunds. only a dollar Ronald Clyne, 135 1/2 North Gale Drive, Beverly Hills, California What fans say about Wallace Smith and his drawings: "Wallace Smith's work represents the acme in fantasy art."Mel Brown "This is the most worthwhile fantasy project since the foundation of Arkham House." Francis T. Laney "A really beautiful selection of drawings." Walt Daugherty "Frankly I don't know which drawing by Wallace Smith I like the best ; every one is a master portrayal of the imagination." Mike Fern "Out of the past - resurrected for the fans of today to rave over- the outre artwork of Wallace Smith." Forrest J. Ackerman "I wouldn't sell my portfolio for ten times the price." Chas McNutt
Hevelin Fanzines