Fantasy Fan, v. 2, issue 3, whole no. 15, November 1934
Page 34
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34 THE FANTASY FAN, November 1934 up every here and there when otherwise normal people discover that there is such a thing as fantasy fiction and fan magazines. What I started out to say was that I had money to burn when I organized THE FANTASY FAN and didn't mind it running in the red for a year. And so it has. And so it continues. I kept putting money in, and putting money in, never taking a cent out-- never regretting the loss (nor do I today, nor consider it a loss). I have enjoyed sacrificing hundreds of dollars (and that's not sarcasm) and devoting much of my time to gathering and assorting material for each issue. But--and here's the reason for all this quibbling--domestic circumstances now prevent from taking any more money from my own pocket to donate to the cahse, and the only way that THE FANTASY FAN can continue publication is to pay for itself. Of course, the circulation has gone up way past the mark where it half pays for the issue, certain months--due to advertising in Wonder Stories Science Fiction Swap Column under cover and the mention that Farnsworth Wright gave THE FANTASY FAN is the in the Eyrie in the September 1934 issue of Weird Tales, not to speak of the co-operation of the readers we already had-- but that is not enough. Now, my printer is a very nice fellow and prints THE FANTASY FAN for a very low price that cannot be duplicated anywhere, and it really does not cost so much to run TFF, when compared to the more professional magazines. I can guarantee you one thing, though: if every reader we now CLARK ASHTON SMITH An Autobiograhette I am inclined to think that my life is a pretty good exemplification of the theories paopounded by Lester Anderson in his interesting and provocative article on Superstition. Anyhow, I was born on Friday the 13th, under Capricornus and Saturn, and have been flirting with most of the other orthodox jinxes every since. I do not whistle in the dark, I have never gone in for Dream Books or psychoanalysis, and I make a habit of walking under ladders when it is more convenient to do this than circumambulate the obstruction. As to black cats--well, I have owned one for many years--a most sinister-looking creature, with all the aspects of an old-time wizard's familiar. Perhaps all this may help to explain the kumiss in the cocoanut, and may account for my ability to peruse the most horrendous stuff without batting an eyelash. Also (since there are modern superstitions as well as ancient ones) it may throw a light on my complete lack of faith in the Five year plan, EPIC, and all other cockeyed Utopian schemes. Moreover, it may help to explain my open mind in regard to all outre and inexplicable phenomena, and the fact that I can take the theories of Einstein, as well as of modern science in general, with a salutary pinch of saline seasoning. have would subscribe (if he has not already done so) and secure at least one new subscriber, we could continue (continued on next page)
34 THE FANTASY FAN, November 1934 up every here and there when otherwise normal people discover that there is such a thing as fantasy fiction and fan magazines. What I started out to say was that I had money to burn when I organized THE FANTASY FAN and didn't mind it running in the red for a year. And so it has. And so it continues. I kept putting money in, and putting money in, never taking a cent out-- never regretting the loss (nor do I today, nor consider it a loss). I have enjoyed sacrificing hundreds of dollars (and that's not sarcasm) and devoting much of my time to gathering and assorting material for each issue. But--and here's the reason for all this quibbling--domestic circumstances now prevent from taking any more money from my own pocket to donate to the cahse, and the only way that THE FANTASY FAN can continue publication is to pay for itself. Of course, the circulation has gone up way past the mark where it half pays for the issue, certain months--due to advertising in Wonder Stories Science Fiction Swap Column under cover and the mention that Farnsworth Wright gave THE FANTASY FAN is the in the Eyrie in the September 1934 issue of Weird Tales, not to speak of the co-operation of the readers we already had-- but that is not enough. Now, my printer is a very nice fellow and prints THE FANTASY FAN for a very low price that cannot be duplicated anywhere, and it really does not cost so much to run TFF, when compared to the more professional magazines. I can guarantee you one thing, though: if every reader we now CLARK ASHTON SMITH An Autobiograhette I am inclined to think that my life is a pretty good exemplification of the theories paopounded by Lester Anderson in his interesting and provocative article on Superstition. Anyhow, I was born on Friday the 13th, under Capricornus and Saturn, and have been flirting with most of the other orthodox jinxes every since. I do not whistle in the dark, I have never gone in for Dream Books or psychoanalysis, and I make a habit of walking under ladders when it is more convenient to do this than circumambulate the obstruction. As to black cats--well, I have owned one for many years--a most sinister-looking creature, with all the aspects of an old-time wizard's familiar. Perhaps all this may help to explain the kumiss in the cocoanut, and may account for my ability to peruse the most horrendous stuff without batting an eyelash. Also (since there are modern superstitions as well as ancient ones) it may throw a light on my complete lack of faith in the Five year plan, EPIC, and all other cockeyed Utopian schemes. Moreover, it may help to explain my open mind in regard to all outre and inexplicable phenomena, and the fact that I can take the theories of Einstein, as well as of modern science in general, with a salutary pinch of saline seasoning. have would subscribe (if he has not already done so) and secure at least one new subscriber, we could continue (continued on next page)
Hevelin Fanzines