Fantasy Fan, v. 2, issue 3, whole no. 15, November 1934
Page 35
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November, 1934, THE FANTASY FAN 35 OUR READERS SAY In order to save space for more articles, starting with this issue, letters will be abbreviated. "You and your associates have done a highly commendable job under rather trying conditions and you may well be proud of your work." -- H. Koenig, New York, N.Y. "THE FANTASY FAN is showing itself, all white cover and everything. I find it more interesting to see a publication grown than to find a brand-new mag on the market that perhaps may not last six months." -- Gertrude Hemken, Chicago, Ill. "I wish go congratulate you for the start of a second year for THE FANTASY FAN and I hope it will continue for many, many more years." -- Julius Hopkins, Washington, D. C. "Your issue of articles, the First Anniversary Number, is one of your most interesting yet, I think--a fine selection of features for both weird and science fan." -- Forrest J. Ackerman, San Francisco, Calif. "The Anniversary issue, with the many new items and the glossy cover, certainly marks a big step forward, and any lengthening of Lovecraft's treatise is always welcome." -- Duane W. Rimel, Asotin, Wash. "THE FANTASY FAN has been improving steadily, and the first (and only) fault, that of too much science fiction material, has been eliminated." -- Emil Petaja, Milltown, Mont. "I was delighted with the First Anniversary Issue. It surely was neatly done and had a dandy line-up. However, I missed the usual bit of fiction." -- F. Lee Baldwin, Asotin, Wash. "I enjoyed all the articles in the last THE FANTASY FAN, as well as the fantasies by Barlow and Morse. The slick cover has a pleasing effect, indeed, though I liked the coloured ones too." -- Clark Ashton Smith Auburn, Calif. A Sad, Sad Story (continued from previous page) monthly publication indefinitely. So, if you really like our little publication, will you do your best to help bring in the subscriptions? The next issue will be published in anywhere from three weeks to two months, depending entirely upon cash receipts. And here is an amazing fact -- every dollar sent in actually brings the next issue days nearer publication. What do you say? Wouldn't you hate to see THE FANTASY FAN break off publication, and right in the middle of Lovecraft's article, too? I know I would. It's become one of the family with me and if anything should happen to it, I believe I'd put a crepe on the door. Your Sincere Friend, THE EDITOR
November, 1934, THE FANTASY FAN 35 OUR READERS SAY In order to save space for more articles, starting with this issue, letters will be abbreviated. "You and your associates have done a highly commendable job under rather trying conditions and you may well be proud of your work." -- H. Koenig, New York, N.Y. "THE FANTASY FAN is showing itself, all white cover and everything. I find it more interesting to see a publication grown than to find a brand-new mag on the market that perhaps may not last six months." -- Gertrude Hemken, Chicago, Ill. "I wish go congratulate you for the start of a second year for THE FANTASY FAN and I hope it will continue for many, many more years." -- Julius Hopkins, Washington, D. C. "Your issue of articles, the First Anniversary Number, is one of your most interesting yet, I think--a fine selection of features for both weird and science fan." -- Forrest J. Ackerman, San Francisco, Calif. "The Anniversary issue, with the many new items and the glossy cover, certainly marks a big step forward, and any lengthening of Lovecraft's treatise is always welcome." -- Duane W. Rimel, Asotin, Wash. "THE FANTASY FAN has been improving steadily, and the first (and only) fault, that of too much science fiction material, has been eliminated." -- Emil Petaja, Milltown, Mont. "I was delighted with the First Anniversary Issue. It surely was neatly done and had a dandy line-up. However, I missed the usual bit of fiction." -- F. Lee Baldwin, Asotin, Wash. "I enjoyed all the articles in the last THE FANTASY FAN, as well as the fantasies by Barlow and Morse. The slick cover has a pleasing effect, indeed, though I liked the coloured ones too." -- Clark Ashton Smith Auburn, Calif. A Sad, Sad Story (continued from previous page) monthly publication indefinitely. So, if you really like our little publication, will you do your best to help bring in the subscriptions? The next issue will be published in anywhere from three weeks to two months, depending entirely upon cash receipts. And here is an amazing fact -- every dollar sent in actually brings the next issue days nearer publication. What do you say? Wouldn't you hate to see THE FANTASY FAN break off publication, and right in the middle of Lovecraft's article, too? I know I would. It's become one of the family with me and if anything should happen to it, I believe I'd put a crepe on the door. Your Sincere Friend, THE EDITOR
Hevelin Fanzines