Fantasy Fan, v. 2, issue 5, whole no. 17, January 1935
Page 66
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66 THE FANTASY FAN, January 1935 MR KOENIG CORRECTS I have just had an opportunity to check up on Blackwood's "The Wolves of God," (writes H. Koenig). The book was written by Black-wood and Wilson as I indicated in my last letter. I find, however, that the only story credited directly to Blackwood was the last story in the book entitled "Vengeance is Mine" and not the title story. Hence, if you should publish my earlier letter, please make the correction. Incidentally, it may be well that Blackwood had a hand in the other stories. But if so, the Table of Contents does not so indicate. A GRAND SLAM You will remember that in our editorial for the November, 1934, number, we stated casually that the average intelligence of the general public was that of a moron. We have received a post-card containing the follow-ing from "One of the 'General Pub-lic'," post-marked Newark, N. J.: "In recently wasting time glancing through that collection of waste paper which you honor with the title of a magazine, I noticed that you consider the general public--of which I am proud to be a member--a collection of moronic individuals, and the fol-lowers of your creed of a "higher type of intellect." I just hate to dis-agree with you, but if you investigate the reason for the small number of such creatures, you would probably find out that most asylums censor their inmate's mail. Unfortunately, lack of space and postalaws prohibit my ex-pressing of my true opinion of both the (?-!--) and it's readers. I chal-lenge you to print this." It is easy to see that the writer of this card is "one of the general public." Here we find the customary challenge to print it and the lack of signature, which must denote that the writer is either ashamed or afraid to append his name. Concerning asy-lums, however, we hadn't even thought of soliciting the inmates. That's not a bad idea. We'll have to take that point up at the next Director's Meet-ing. Which one are you in? DREAM by R. O. P. Erubescent, the souther sky With sunset pools of flaming foam Like opened crucibles of Hell Glows redly, as a burning Rome Beneath its red maleovlanace Where swooning orbs recline Are etched grotesque and curious trees With shapes of strange outline.
66 THE FANTASY FAN, January 1935 MR KOENIG CORRECTS I have just had an opportunity to check up on Blackwood's "The Wolves of God," (writes H. Koenig). The book was written by Black-wood and Wilson as I indicated in my last letter. I find, however, that the only story credited directly to Blackwood was the last story in the book entitled "Vengeance is Mine" and not the title story. Hence, if you should publish my earlier letter, please make the correction. Incidentally, it may be well that Blackwood had a hand in the other stories. But if so, the Table of Contents does not so indicate. A GRAND SLAM You will remember that in our editorial for the November, 1934, number, we stated casually that the average intelligence of the general public was that of a moron. We have received a post-card containing the follow-ing from "One of the 'General Pub-lic'," post-marked Newark, N. J.: "In recently wasting time glancing through that collection of waste paper which you honor with the title of a magazine, I noticed that you consider the general public--of which I am proud to be a member--a collection of moronic individuals, and the fol-lowers of your creed of a "higher type of intellect." I just hate to dis-agree with you, but if you investigate the reason for the small number of such creatures, you would probably find out that most asylums censor their inmate's mail. Unfortunately, lack of space and postalaws prohibit my ex-pressing of my true opinion of both the (?-!--) and it's readers. I chal-lenge you to print this." It is easy to see that the writer of this card is "one of the general public." Here we find the customary challenge to print it and the lack of signature, which must denote that the writer is either ashamed or afraid to append his name. Concerning asy-lums, however, we hadn't even thought of soliciting the inmates. That's not a bad idea. We'll have to take that point up at the next Director's Meet-ing. Which one are you in? DREAM by R. O. P. Erubescent, the souther sky With sunset pools of flaming foam Like opened crucibles of Hell Glows redly, as a burning Rome Beneath its red maleovlanace Where swooning orbs recline Are etched grotesque and curious trees With shapes of strange outline.
Hevelin Fanzines