Fantasy Fan, v. 1, issue 3, November 1933
Page 47
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November, 1933 THE FANTASY FAN 47 CELEBRITIES I'VE MET by Mortimer Weisinger Dr. T. O'Conor Sloane - who wishes he were related to the owner of 'Sloan's Liniment.' Hugo Gernsback--who, when commended for his ability to run out new editorials month after month, modestly shrugged it off with: "It's all in the day's work." Harry Bates--who levasively answers all questions pertaining to the identity of Anthony Gilmore by saying "I'll speak only upon advice from my counsel." A. Merritt - who, though he is perhaps the greatest man I have ever known, is incredibly unaffected for a person with his success. Dr. David Henry Keller - who can ell a story almost better than he can write, as witness the tale, "The Dead Woman," told to me in his room at the Hotel New Yorker. Mrs. David Keller - who enjoys piquing one's curiosity when quizzed about the name of the magazine for which her husband writes under a nom-de-plume. Angelica Keller - who is the 'Angelica' of scores of Keller stories, and upon whom Dr. Keller's story, "A Psychological Experiment," was based. Abner Joseph Gelula -- who gleefully claims that he wishes the movie magnates would buy each of his stories for the movies, as they did his "Automaton." Miss Florence Bothner, Dr. Sloane's capable secretary, who rightly insists that Bob Olsen is the wittiest s-f writer. Leo Morey--one of the most handsome chaps of the science fiction gang, and perhaps the slickest dresser of them all. H. W. Wesso--who confesses that he knows less about technical science than Homer Eon Flint knows of the sequel to "The Blind Spot." Miss Miriam Bourne--whose pet diversion is telling Dr. Keller that he is not a real author, in the true sense of the word, although she tells friends that Doctor Keller is the greatest of them all, when he isn't around! Arthur J. Burks--who reeled off his five thousand word part for the serial, COSMOS, in exactly two hours! I vas dere, Sharlie. Gawain Edwards, - who when asked to pay only one dollar as initiation fee for membership in the old Scienceers, slapped it down with such contempt as if to say, "What Pikers!" Charles D. Hornig, a New Jerseyite, who wishes there were dozens of Clark Ashton Smith and also dozens of H. P. Lovecrafts True Ghost Stories (continued from page 45) book, "Ghosts of London," which relates further tales of this nature. THE END
November, 1933 THE FANTASY FAN 47 CELEBRITIES I'VE MET by Mortimer Weisinger Dr. T. O'Conor Sloane - who wishes he were related to the owner of 'Sloan's Liniment.' Hugo Gernsback--who, when commended for his ability to run out new editorials month after month, modestly shrugged it off with: "It's all in the day's work." Harry Bates--who levasively answers all questions pertaining to the identity of Anthony Gilmore by saying "I'll speak only upon advice from my counsel." A. Merritt - who, though he is perhaps the greatest man I have ever known, is incredibly unaffected for a person with his success. Dr. David Henry Keller - who can ell a story almost better than he can write, as witness the tale, "The Dead Woman," told to me in his room at the Hotel New Yorker. Mrs. David Keller - who enjoys piquing one's curiosity when quizzed about the name of the magazine for which her husband writes under a nom-de-plume. Angelica Keller - who is the 'Angelica' of scores of Keller stories, and upon whom Dr. Keller's story, "A Psychological Experiment," was based. Abner Joseph Gelula -- who gleefully claims that he wishes the movie magnates would buy each of his stories for the movies, as they did his "Automaton." Miss Florence Bothner, Dr. Sloane's capable secretary, who rightly insists that Bob Olsen is the wittiest s-f writer. Leo Morey--one of the most handsome chaps of the science fiction gang, and perhaps the slickest dresser of them all. H. W. Wesso--who confesses that he knows less about technical science than Homer Eon Flint knows of the sequel to "The Blind Spot." Miss Miriam Bourne--whose pet diversion is telling Dr. Keller that he is not a real author, in the true sense of the word, although she tells friends that Doctor Keller is the greatest of them all, when he isn't around! Arthur J. Burks--who reeled off his five thousand word part for the serial, COSMOS, in exactly two hours! I vas dere, Sharlie. Gawain Edwards, - who when asked to pay only one dollar as initiation fee for membership in the old Scienceers, slapped it down with such contempt as if to say, "What Pikers!" Charles D. Hornig, a New Jerseyite, who wishes there were dozens of Clark Ashton Smith and also dozens of H. P. Lovecrafts True Ghost Stories (continued from page 45) book, "Ghosts of London," which relates further tales of this nature. THE END
Hevelin Fanzines