Fantasy Fan, v. 1, issue 8, April 1934
Page 114
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114 THE FANTASY FAN, April, 1934 humorous, and so is Hoy Ping Pong, as usual." -- Kenneth B. Pritchard "The March THE FANTASY FAN was a wow!--hope it keeps improving!" -- Bob Tucker "The March issue is very interesting. Howard's story is both unusual and well-written, and any poetry of Smith's is predestined to excellence." -- R. H. Barlow "I read 'Polaris' and especially liked the Pole Star's poetry--the ten line ryme in the center of the story. I found Miss Marianne Ferguson's 'Visit to Jules de Grandin' the most interesting article in the February issue, while the Spacehound's column was very good. I look forward to the stories you forecast." -- Forrest J. Ackerman "The tales in TFF are clever and entertaining little things, and now and then one is a classic, like 'Polaris' by Lovecraft in the last issue. Also the other features of the magazine--entertaining, provocative of thought, and withal interesting and divertive. Whatever others thought of it, I thought the hot-fire 'debate' between Ackerman and C. A. Smith highly amusing Best wishes to TFF, and I hope your dire predictions of bi-monthly-ism do not come true." --Eando Binder "Glad you substituted 'Your Views' (a prosaic heading) for "The Boiling Point.' The readers' department is sometimes too long, but your stories are short and excellent. Lovecraft's article has always been too short. 'The Ghoul' was great. Barlow is consistently good. About the best thing in the Februaty issue was Smith's article on M. R. James. I hope you can persuade Smith to write some articles on Machen, Blackwood, Bierce, etc. They are highly informative." -- Lester Anderson "H'ray and so forth! I've discovered a magazine that isn't published in N'Yawk -- namely THE FANTASY FAN. Well, be that as it may, I must tell you that I enjoyed your February issue. I like such a page as you have wherein the readers can have their sayso about stories and authors and whatnot that fills a magazine. I always look for such a page in any magazine, and I was both surprised and pleased to find that you feature yours on the first page. Boy, I must admit that I liked that tale by H. P. Lovecraft, 'Polaris.' I enjoyed Miss Ferguson's visit to Jules de Grandin (hope she reads this)." -- Gertrude Hemken "I hope that your future issues will be as good as this February issue was and is. All of the articles were very fine, and the stories were very good, too." -- Fred John Walsen "I enjoyed the February issue of THE FANTASY FAN thoroughly. Lovecraft's story was fine, as usual, and I particularly like C. A. Smith's article about M. R. James. Could you persuade him to write further articles about other famous fantasy writers? Your list of stories to come look very good." -- Emil Petaja "Those poems by Richard F. Searight and William Lumley in the February issue are great and certainly have a touch of the bizarre that grips one. I am looking forward to the verse by Clark Ashton Smith in much anticipation. The story by Lovecraft hits the
114 THE FANTASY FAN, April, 1934 humorous, and so is Hoy Ping Pong, as usual." -- Kenneth B. Pritchard "The March THE FANTASY FAN was a wow!--hope it keeps improving!" -- Bob Tucker "The March issue is very interesting. Howard's story is both unusual and well-written, and any poetry of Smith's is predestined to excellence." -- R. H. Barlow "I read 'Polaris' and especially liked the Pole Star's poetry--the ten line ryme in the center of the story. I found Miss Marianne Ferguson's 'Visit to Jules de Grandin' the most interesting article in the February issue, while the Spacehound's column was very good. I look forward to the stories you forecast." -- Forrest J. Ackerman "The tales in TFF are clever and entertaining little things, and now and then one is a classic, like 'Polaris' by Lovecraft in the last issue. Also the other features of the magazine--entertaining, provocative of thought, and withal interesting and divertive. Whatever others thought of it, I thought the hot-fire 'debate' between Ackerman and C. A. Smith highly amusing Best wishes to TFF, and I hope your dire predictions of bi-monthly-ism do not come true." --Eando Binder "Glad you substituted 'Your Views' (a prosaic heading) for "The Boiling Point.' The readers' department is sometimes too long, but your stories are short and excellent. Lovecraft's article has always been too short. 'The Ghoul' was great. Barlow is consistently good. About the best thing in the Februaty issue was Smith's article on M. R. James. I hope you can persuade Smith to write some articles on Machen, Blackwood, Bierce, etc. They are highly informative." -- Lester Anderson "H'ray and so forth! I've discovered a magazine that isn't published in N'Yawk -- namely THE FANTASY FAN. Well, be that as it may, I must tell you that I enjoyed your February issue. I like such a page as you have wherein the readers can have their sayso about stories and authors and whatnot that fills a magazine. I always look for such a page in any magazine, and I was both surprised and pleased to find that you feature yours on the first page. Boy, I must admit that I liked that tale by H. P. Lovecraft, 'Polaris.' I enjoyed Miss Ferguson's visit to Jules de Grandin (hope she reads this)." -- Gertrude Hemken "I hope that your future issues will be as good as this February issue was and is. All of the articles were very fine, and the stories were very good, too." -- Fred John Walsen "I enjoyed the February issue of THE FANTASY FAN thoroughly. Lovecraft's story was fine, as usual, and I particularly like C. A. Smith's article about M. R. James. Could you persuade him to write further articles about other famous fantasy writers? Your list of stories to come look very good." -- Emil Petaja "Those poems by Richard F. Searight and William Lumley in the February issue are great and certainly have a touch of the bizarre that grips one. I am looking forward to the verse by Clark Ashton Smith in much anticipation. The story by Lovecraft hits the
Hevelin Fanzines