National Fantasy Fan, v. 4, issue 1, January 1945
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THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN, (formerly "BONFIRE" is the Official Organ of the N. F. F. F., and is published monthly by the Federation, on or about the 15th of each month. Free to all members; this issue is VOLUME IV JANUARY, 1945 NUMBER 1 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE The month of December was not productive of much actual results that show up concretely, although there was a great deal under way that will come up very soon. Not that they are secrets, but that we think you will enjoy them more when we can make definite announcements, is the reason they are not being detailed here. Too, there were the Holidays, and your Officers, like everyone else, like to take time out for their Christmas and New Years' fun, and felt that no one of you would begrudge them a little holiday of their own. Your President has been spending a number of days recently going through his book correspondence, and picking out ideas and suggestions that have been made previously, but not acted upon because the time was not ripe when they were made. Quite a number of these have already been started, and will be bearing fruit very shortly. Then besides, here is one directed at all our artists. We feel the need of some sort of an emblem for the Federation. We would like to have all of you submit your ideas in the form of a drawing ready for making a cut. That means black ink on white. Use your imagination; produce your own idea of a design. They will be judged, and the best accepted for our official use. Second, it has been suggested that we have a Fanzine Review section in The National Fantasy Fan. Would like volunteers to handle such a department. If you would like the job, please consider one very important point before you do volunteer -- we want to make it permanent if we undertake it at all. Are you sure you have the time to do it regularly? Will you make the deadline each month? Third, we want a lot of suggestions about the necessary details of publishing a "Who's Who of Fandom". This we hope to make on of our really fine projects in the very near future, and we feel that we should have all the ideas regarding it that you have to offer. So please send them in -- remember, this will be something for all of you, and we want it to please all of you. Fourth, Harry Warner last issue suggested that we institute a project such as the British boys already have. That is, a Chainzine of longer stories by fan writers. We are pleased to announce that Charles R. Tanner, of "Tumithak" fame, and one of our most ardent members, has consented to take the Editorship of this 'zine. We need volunteers for typing -- if you have an Elite machine and can do 10 to 30 pages each issue, about every two months, please let me know at once. Also, you authors who have longer stories, of
THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN, (formerly "BONFIRE" is the Official Organ of the N. F. F. F., and is published monthly by the Federation, on or about the 15th of each month. Free to all members; this issue is VOLUME IV JANUARY, 1945 NUMBER 1 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE The month of December was not productive of much actual results that show up concretely, although there was a great deal under way that will come up very soon. Not that they are secrets, but that we think you will enjoy them more when we can make definite announcements, is the reason they are not being detailed here. Too, there were the Holidays, and your Officers, like everyone else, like to take time out for their Christmas and New Years' fun, and felt that no one of you would begrudge them a little holiday of their own. Your President has been spending a number of days recently going through his book correspondence, and picking out ideas and suggestions that have been made previously, but not acted upon because the time was not ripe when they were made. Quite a number of these have already been started, and will be bearing fruit very shortly. Then besides, here is one directed at all our artists. We feel the need of some sort of an emblem for the Federation. We would like to have all of you submit your ideas in the form of a drawing ready for making a cut. That means black ink on white. Use your imagination; produce your own idea of a design. They will be judged, and the best accepted for our official use. Second, it has been suggested that we have a Fanzine Review section in The National Fantasy Fan. Would like volunteers to handle such a department. If you would like the job, please consider one very important point before you do volunteer -- we want to make it permanent if we undertake it at all. Are you sure you have the time to do it regularly? Will you make the deadline each month? Third, we want a lot of suggestions about the necessary details of publishing a "Who's Who of Fandom". This we hope to make on of our really fine projects in the very near future, and we feel that we should have all the ideas regarding it that you have to offer. So please send them in -- remember, this will be something for all of you, and we want it to please all of you. Fourth, Harry Warner last issue suggested that we institute a project such as the British boys already have. That is, a Chainzine of longer stories by fan writers. We are pleased to announce that Charles R. Tanner, of "Tumithak" fame, and one of our most ardent members, has consented to take the Editorship of this 'zine. We need volunteers for typing -- if you have an Elite machine and can do 10 to 30 pages each issue, about every two months, please let me know at once. Also, you authors who have longer stories, of
Hevelin Fanzines