National Fantasy Fan, v. 4, issue 1, January 1945
Page 7
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WELCOM REORGANIZED To promote efficiency, to absolutely minimize the cost to the individual, and to spread the jobs around more fully among the membership the Welcoming Committee is being reoganized along these lines: (1) Each member of the committee is being assigned one prozine as his field of work. There are to be as many members as prozines. The committeman will be solely responsible for contacting each and every new name appearing in the letter section of his prozine. (2) Application blanks and Introductory Booklets will be furnished by the WelCom Chirman, who at the present time is Bob Tucker, succeeding Mari Beth Wheeler. The committee member is charged with the safe-keeping of the booklets. (3) A booklet and application blank is to be sent to each new name appearing in the prozine. He may, or may not, as he chooses, also write the newcomer a letter. Bookets may be mailed by first class mail for 6¢, or by third class mail for 1 1/2¢. (4) The committee member is to keep an accurate record of the people contacted, and on the first of each month submit their names to the Chirman, so that the Chairman may stencil the combined records for the forthcoming issue of the Fan. (5) The committee member is to check the membership list printed in the year-end issue, to check all further lists, and to watch the hektographed report sheets published by the President each month, so that he will not erroneously send booklets to those who have already joined. The cost of sending these booklets is small, often there are but one or two new names appearing in a single issue of a magazine. At other times there may be a dozen or more. Inasmuch as all the present officers are defraying their own expenses (so that the treasuey balance may be used for publishing expenses), the committee members are asked to pay for the mailing of the booklets themselves. However, if this practice should prove to be a hardship upon any member, he is to submit his bill to the Chirman on the first of the month, and the money will be refunded him. - Bob Tucker WelCom Report The following have received bookets in December and January: L. Dorzback, New York City Calvin Jack Witt, Los Angeles G.L. Kendter, Bristol, Penna. George Wheeler, Casper, Wyoming James L. Cribelar, Indianapolis, Indiana Marie M. Calleta, Hammonton, New Jersey Marjorie Bruno, Los Angeles, Cal. Pearl L. Moon, Fort Myers, Fla.
WELCOM REORGANIZED To promote efficiency, to absolutely minimize the cost to the individual, and to spread the jobs around more fully among the membership the Welcoming Committee is being reoganized along these lines: (1) Each member of the committee is being assigned one prozine as his field of work. There are to be as many members as prozines. The committeman will be solely responsible for contacting each and every new name appearing in the letter section of his prozine. (2) Application blanks and Introductory Booklets will be furnished by the WelCom Chirman, who at the present time is Bob Tucker, succeeding Mari Beth Wheeler. The committee member is charged with the safe-keeping of the booklets. (3) A booklet and application blank is to be sent to each new name appearing in the prozine. He may, or may not, as he chooses, also write the newcomer a letter. Bookets may be mailed by first class mail for 6¢, or by third class mail for 1 1/2¢. (4) The committee member is to keep an accurate record of the people contacted, and on the first of each month submit their names to the Chirman, so that the Chairman may stencil the combined records for the forthcoming issue of the Fan. (5) The committee member is to check the membership list printed in the year-end issue, to check all further lists, and to watch the hektographed report sheets published by the President each month, so that he will not erroneously send booklets to those who have already joined. The cost of sending these booklets is small, often there are but one or two new names appearing in a single issue of a magazine. At other times there may be a dozen or more. Inasmuch as all the present officers are defraying their own expenses (so that the treasuey balance may be used for publishing expenses), the committee members are asked to pay for the mailing of the booklets themselves. However, if this practice should prove to be a hardship upon any member, he is to submit his bill to the Chirman on the first of the month, and the money will be refunded him. - Bob Tucker WelCom Report The following have received bookets in December and January: L. Dorzback, New York City Calvin Jack Witt, Los Angeles G.L. Kendter, Bristol, Penna. George Wheeler, Casper, Wyoming James L. Cribelar, Indianapolis, Indiana Marie M. Calleta, Hammonton, New Jersey Marjorie Bruno, Los Angeles, Cal. Pearl L. Moon, Fort Myers, Fla.
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