National Fantasy Fan, v. 4, issue 1, January 1945
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be put into effect in the next few generations, and if they would be practical if they were put into effect. Fapazines are sent, quarterly, to an official editor, who sorts them out and puts one copy of each into large envelopes, and mails one to each member. Dues are $1.00 a year, and each mailing contains 40 to 50 papers. For 25¢ a fapa familing is the biggest hunk of intellectual exercise and entertainment you can get anywhere. I forgot who said it, but the statement that it is a huge bull session in print, is a very apt description. There are also notable specializations and off-trail projects in both major types, such as The Acolyte which concentrates on discussions of the Lovecraft type of weird fiction; Paradox, which specializes in time-travel; Sappho, which features nothing but poetry; Fancyclopedia, the Check-List; the Year-Book; various indices; Who's Whos, etc. All this sounds like a lot of work. It is. It is also a lot of fun. But is it worthwhile? you may ask. The answer is an emphatic YES! The possibilities for creative expression, expansion of the individual personality, stimulation of thought, progress towared an objective, stable outlook on reality, for good fellow-ship, and the exhilaration that comes from contacting "people who speak your ownb language", are, to my belief, unequalled by any other hobby. So if you have ideas you've been wanting to express to a receptive audience, and printers' ink in your veins, welcome to our fraternity, and -- may I see a copy of your first issue? NOTE: Above is the Introductiory Chapter to the Fanzine Publishers' Manual. If you have any criticisms, additions or deletions to suggest, please write them in at once. Another chapter next month. We announce with regret the loss of our present Welcom Chairman, Mari Beth Wheeler, who has recently joined the SPARS. However, Vice President Tucker is taking on this added work, so we know it will be well handled.Good luck to you, Mari Beth! Reading the stencils sent me by VPTucker regarding the Welcom and the need of volunteers, I note that the name of Planet magazine was not included. Not having time to ask him if this was intentional or an oversight, I merely note it here that if anyone wishes especially to volunteer for that magazine he should do so, and Tucker can then explain if he does not wish a member for that particular field. --EEE Treasurer Dunkelberger reports about $38.00 in the Treasury the middle of the month. It's probably more by now. Is YOURS in there?
be put into effect in the next few generations, and if they would be practical if they were put into effect. Fapazines are sent, quarterly, to an official editor, who sorts them out and puts one copy of each into large envelopes, and mails one to each member. Dues are $1.00 a year, and each mailing contains 40 to 50 papers. For 25¢ a fapa familing is the biggest hunk of intellectual exercise and entertainment you can get anywhere. I forgot who said it, but the statement that it is a huge bull session in print, is a very apt description. There are also notable specializations and off-trail projects in both major types, such as The Acolyte which concentrates on discussions of the Lovecraft type of weird fiction; Paradox, which specializes in time-travel; Sappho, which features nothing but poetry; Fancyclopedia, the Check-List; the Year-Book; various indices; Who's Whos, etc. All this sounds like a lot of work. It is. It is also a lot of fun. But is it worthwhile? you may ask. The answer is an emphatic YES! The possibilities for creative expression, expansion of the individual personality, stimulation of thought, progress towared an objective, stable outlook on reality, for good fellow-ship, and the exhilaration that comes from contacting "people who speak your ownb language", are, to my belief, unequalled by any other hobby. So if you have ideas you've been wanting to express to a receptive audience, and printers' ink in your veins, welcome to our fraternity, and -- may I see a copy of your first issue? NOTE: Above is the Introductiory Chapter to the Fanzine Publishers' Manual. If you have any criticisms, additions or deletions to suggest, please write them in at once. Another chapter next month. We announce with regret the loss of our present Welcom Chairman, Mari Beth Wheeler, who has recently joined the SPARS. However, Vice President Tucker is taking on this added work, so we know it will be well handled.Good luck to you, Mari Beth! Reading the stencils sent me by VPTucker regarding the Welcom and the need of volunteers, I note that the name of Planet magazine was not included. Not having time to ask him if this was intentional or an oversight, I merely note it here that if anyone wishes especially to volunteer for that magazine he should do so, and Tucker can then explain if he does not wish a member for that particular field. --EEE Treasurer Dunkelberger reports about $38.00 in the Treasury the middle of the month. It's probably more by now. Is YOURS in there?
Hevelin Fanzines