National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 6, September 1946
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themselves. In our own case we don't like the idea of putting out $30 for no "vaue received". If they got thirty bucks worth of fun out of it - we're glad someone did. For ourselves it was too close to the truth to be funny. Editor's Note: Dots in the foregoing item denote the deletion of letters or words from the original publication. This was necessary as the item, as originally published, concerned more than the one hoax to which we refer. Material that appears in ( )s did ot appear in the original. -oOoOo- PREXY'S MESSAGE I would like to take this opportunity to thank Milton A. Rothman for his diligent work in doing the drudge task of putting out the NATIONAL FANTASY FAN the past few issues. The quality has been excellent and we appreciate it. We hope that he will extend our appreciation to those of the Philadelphia Science Fantasy Society who assisted him. Now that we know what occurred at the Pacificon meeting and that the situation has been aired I'm sure that we can face the situation a little more objectively. As my only interest is the good of the organization and I stand ready, as always, to cooperate in promoting the welfare of the organization working with anyone and everyone for the continued growth of the NFFF. I see no reason why we can't forget the past and begin anew. The FINLAY LITHOS (all 8 of them) are now at hand and need only a folder to make them ready for distribution. Current rush on print shops and paper shortages make it difficult to contact a printer and get it done right away. Carlson and I have a couple of local ones on tap, but they seem to want a little more money for the job than we want to put in to it. The Bibliography of Science Fiction (Bill Evan's) is progressing very nicely. The short run mags are completed and Astounding is done. Most of the work, that is completed, has been stenciled and is now being mimeographed. Bill Evan's is doing all of the catalouging and Bob Peterson is doing the stenciling. The Fan Handbook is now in the stenciling and duplicating stages. The usual let down of activity during the summer months worked its damage. Lynn Bridges, who is stenciling all of his own headings and introductions, reports that progress is very rapid. Maddox and Dunkelberger have the check listing ready and only waiting to match the format of the other copy before stenciling. The Bookcom is making its own individual report in this issue. I believe that the plan looks very good and should be backed 100%. I'm sure that Spencer will have no difficulty finding willing hands to help and willing pocket books to subscribe for the results. Two projects I have no reports available on are the FAN ANTHOLOGY and the WELCOM Booklet. The last I heard was last spring when both committees reported that work had reached its final stages. If anyone has any data on these will they please forward it to me at once! at
themselves. In our own case we don't like the idea of putting out $30 for no "vaue received". If they got thirty bucks worth of fun out of it - we're glad someone did. For ourselves it was too close to the truth to be funny. Editor's Note: Dots in the foregoing item denote the deletion of letters or words from the original publication. This was necessary as the item, as originally published, concerned more than the one hoax to which we refer. Material that appears in ( )s did ot appear in the original. -oOoOo- PREXY'S MESSAGE I would like to take this opportunity to thank Milton A. Rothman for his diligent work in doing the drudge task of putting out the NATIONAL FANTASY FAN the past few issues. The quality has been excellent and we appreciate it. We hope that he will extend our appreciation to those of the Philadelphia Science Fantasy Society who assisted him. Now that we know what occurred at the Pacificon meeting and that the situation has been aired I'm sure that we can face the situation a little more objectively. As my only interest is the good of the organization and I stand ready, as always, to cooperate in promoting the welfare of the organization working with anyone and everyone for the continued growth of the NFFF. I see no reason why we can't forget the past and begin anew. The FINLAY LITHOS (all 8 of them) are now at hand and need only a folder to make them ready for distribution. Current rush on print shops and paper shortages make it difficult to contact a printer and get it done right away. Carlson and I have a couple of local ones on tap, but they seem to want a little more money for the job than we want to put in to it. The Bibliography of Science Fiction (Bill Evan's) is progressing very nicely. The short run mags are completed and Astounding is done. Most of the work, that is completed, has been stenciled and is now being mimeographed. Bill Evan's is doing all of the catalouging and Bob Peterson is doing the stenciling. The Fan Handbook is now in the stenciling and duplicating stages. The usual let down of activity during the summer months worked its damage. Lynn Bridges, who is stenciling all of his own headings and introductions, reports that progress is very rapid. Maddox and Dunkelberger have the check listing ready and only waiting to match the format of the other copy before stenciling. The Bookcom is making its own individual report in this issue. I believe that the plan looks very good and should be backed 100%. I'm sure that Spencer will have no difficulty finding willing hands to help and willing pocket books to subscribe for the results. Two projects I have no reports available on are the FAN ANTHOLOGY and the WELCOM Booklet. The last I heard was last spring when both committees reported that work had reached its final stages. If anyone has any data on these will they please forward it to me at once! at
Hevelin Fanzines