National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 6, September 1946
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a portion of the cost of publication, to be paid back when all the books are sold. However, owing to the limitations of our treasury, most of the cost would have to be made up by advance orders. Only if we can sell the greater part of the edition previous to publication will it be possible to publish. Customers would, of course, risk nothing -- if publication should have to be cancelled, for any reason, the club would immediately return the money. What can you do about it? WRITE TO US AT ONCE -- give us any helpful ideas you may have on how the committee should function, what material should be used, etc. And if you have access to a typewriter -- preferably with pica (large) letters -- help us our by volunteering to do typing! Paul Spencer J. R. Whitman 88 Ardmore Rd W. Hartford, Conn. /////////////////////////////////////// How about reversing the usual way of choosing material for an anthology? Let each fan writer submit one or two items of his which he would most like to have included in an anthology. These could be weeded out by the editor. I am sure the quality of material acquired in this manner would be the highest, and it would make the writers happy. Ed. ///////////////////////////////////// LOOK FELLAS, A LETTER DEPARTMENT! We hear from Boff Perry: Put me on record as approving of the Speer constitution as is with the following exceptions: 2. "fractions proportionately" is rather impractical if carried out to 29 decimals. Why not, "quarter fractions proportionately?" This to prevent a new member having to pay 38 1/4 cents dues for the remainder of the first year. 2&3. I think it would be better to have all finances arranged on a fiscal year beginning July first and elections, etc., done on a calendar year basis rather than vice versa as Speer has it. Dunkelberger's rebuttal to Speer was inconsequential. Would he be so kind as to enumerate "its [the article's] many errors, inaccuracies and faults"??? Let's not have the mistaken impression that to be successful our constitution needs to be as complex as that of the US Constitution. Evans and Dunk seem to have this idea with their "checks and balances." In an indirect democracy these many be necessary, but in an org- 12
a portion of the cost of publication, to be paid back when all the books are sold. However, owing to the limitations of our treasury, most of the cost would have to be made up by advance orders. Only if we can sell the greater part of the edition previous to publication will it be possible to publish. Customers would, of course, risk nothing -- if publication should have to be cancelled, for any reason, the club would immediately return the money. What can you do about it? WRITE TO US AT ONCE -- give us any helpful ideas you may have on how the committee should function, what material should be used, etc. And if you have access to a typewriter -- preferably with pica (large) letters -- help us our by volunteering to do typing! Paul Spencer J. R. Whitman 88 Ardmore Rd W. Hartford, Conn. /////////////////////////////////////// How about reversing the usual way of choosing material for an anthology? Let each fan writer submit one or two items of his which he would most like to have included in an anthology. These could be weeded out by the editor. I am sure the quality of material acquired in this manner would be the highest, and it would make the writers happy. Ed. ///////////////////////////////////// LOOK FELLAS, A LETTER DEPARTMENT! We hear from Boff Perry: Put me on record as approving of the Speer constitution as is with the following exceptions: 2. "fractions proportionately" is rather impractical if carried out to 29 decimals. Why not, "quarter fractions proportionately?" This to prevent a new member having to pay 38 1/4 cents dues for the remainder of the first year. 2&3. I think it would be better to have all finances arranged on a fiscal year beginning July first and elections, etc., done on a calendar year basis rather than vice versa as Speer has it. Dunkelberger's rebuttal to Speer was inconsequential. Would he be so kind as to enumerate "its [the article's] many errors, inaccuracies and faults"??? Let's not have the mistaken impression that to be successful our constitution needs to be as complex as that of the US Constitution. Evans and Dunk seem to have this idea with their "checks and balances." In an indirect democracy these many be necessary, but in an org- 12
Hevelin Fanzines