National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 7, October 1946
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Prexy's Message I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Andy Lyon to the office of Official Editor. We sincerely hope that his coming into office at this time of year when so many reports must go into the Official Organ will not discourage him. I would also like to welcome Sam Moskowitz to the Official circle . Sam is our new Chairman for the Planning Committee. A letter just received from him outlines a few of the ideas he's working on. A fall report will be made to the membership in a future issue of the National Fantasy Fan. A letter from Paul Spencer, Chairman of the Bookcom, reports a bogging down of the idea of reprinting promaterial. Everyone approached so far has the hand out for more royalties than the organization can afford. The plans for fan material are going along rapidly though. The Finlay Portfolio hit a couple of snags. Due to increased paper costs, the printer who had won the bid returned the folder job undone. The lithographers found it necessary to increase their bill and did so C.O.D. The lithos are all now on hand ready to be placed in the folders, when someone can be found to do the folders at a reasonable rate. If someone has not been found by the time this official organ is in the mail it is probable that a substitute folder will have to be produced. These increased costs may make it necessary to increase the price of the folio after it is released so hurry your orders in and take advantage of the reduced price. The lithos are beautiful, the paper used by the lithographers makes them appear to be etchings, fitting companions to any Finlay originals you may have or to the limited edition Bok "POWERS" lithos. The amendments that appeared in the August 31st Bulletin from this office seem to have been pretty well received. It isn't too late to voice your opinion on them. Why not get out that extra sheet and sign those you'd like to see placed to a vote of the membership. Use the blank back of the sheet for any comments. The amendments were compiled by Dale Tarr, in Charge of Constitutional Complaints, from data sent to him by the NFFF Offcers and members of the NFFF. Enough signatures have been received to place the amendments on the ballot, but I understand that at least one new Constitution is being pushed for adoption, hence I'm asking that a vote on the amendments be held up until a Constitutional election can be held covering all the points. Offical publication in the O.O. one month before a Constitutional election is required. This issue of the O.O. will contain the platforms and endorsements of the individuals running for office in the election to be held November 1st. From past experience I hope that the younger fans will be given a louder voice than they have had in the past. Older fans seem content to sit by and critize but do nothing them selves. Their critism is valueable, but I believe the younger fans should be given an opportunity to prove their worth. May the best ones win. Respectfully submitted /Walter Dunkelberger/
Prexy's Message I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Andy Lyon to the office of Official Editor. We sincerely hope that his coming into office at this time of year when so many reports must go into the Official Organ will not discourage him. I would also like to welcome Sam Moskowitz to the Official circle . Sam is our new Chairman for the Planning Committee. A letter just received from him outlines a few of the ideas he's working on. A fall report will be made to the membership in a future issue of the National Fantasy Fan. A letter from Paul Spencer, Chairman of the Bookcom, reports a bogging down of the idea of reprinting promaterial. Everyone approached so far has the hand out for more royalties than the organization can afford. The plans for fan material are going along rapidly though. The Finlay Portfolio hit a couple of snags. Due to increased paper costs, the printer who had won the bid returned the folder job undone. The lithographers found it necessary to increase their bill and did so C.O.D. The lithos are all now on hand ready to be placed in the folders, when someone can be found to do the folders at a reasonable rate. If someone has not been found by the time this official organ is in the mail it is probable that a substitute folder will have to be produced. These increased costs may make it necessary to increase the price of the folio after it is released so hurry your orders in and take advantage of the reduced price. The lithos are beautiful, the paper used by the lithographers makes them appear to be etchings, fitting companions to any Finlay originals you may have or to the limited edition Bok "POWERS" lithos. The amendments that appeared in the August 31st Bulletin from this office seem to have been pretty well received. It isn't too late to voice your opinion on them. Why not get out that extra sheet and sign those you'd like to see placed to a vote of the membership. Use the blank back of the sheet for any comments. The amendments were compiled by Dale Tarr, in Charge of Constitutional Complaints, from data sent to him by the NFFF Offcers and members of the NFFF. Enough signatures have been received to place the amendments on the ballot, but I understand that at least one new Constitution is being pushed for adoption, hence I'm asking that a vote on the amendments be held up until a Constitutional election can be held covering all the points. Offical publication in the O.O. one month before a Constitutional election is required. This issue of the O.O. will contain the platforms and endorsements of the individuals running for office in the election to be held November 1st. From past experience I hope that the younger fans will be given a louder voice than they have had in the past. Older fans seem content to sit by and critize but do nothing them selves. Their critism is valueable, but I believe the younger fans should be given an opportunity to prove their worth. May the best ones win. Respectfully submitted /Walter Dunkelberger/
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