National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 7, October 1946
Page 5
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CANDIDATE'S PLATFORMS President Dale Tarr: Dear NFFF Member: I have long considered running for the presidency of our organization and, after last year's disappointing turnout of candidates, I am apprehensive enough of this year's slate to run for the office this year myself altho I do not consider myself as capable as most of the better known names of fandom. Drawing up a platform for a candidacy in an association such as ours is more difficult than the similar act in ordinary politics. There you can reach out for a fistfull of controversial planks and say that you are for this or that; with us it's not so much what we're for as what we're going to do. The organization must not stagnate. We can possibly undertake publishing of worthwhile work; there has been some spade work done along this line in the past year or so and we should move immediately to bring the best of these projects to fruition. There are undoubtedly a number of ways in which we can act with respect to professional work and one of these, the often suggested professional award system, is still dormant. In the event that the controversy over the constitution is not settled one way or another in the forthcoming election, (there is a possibility of it as I write) the question should be disposed of before the end of the first quarter of next year. We must make additional provisions for the aid and assistance of neophytes in the field. One more thing--I am definitely not a participant in any fan feuds. I haven't been nor will I be. I sharply criticized Laney because of two facts; the content of his messages to the organization officials and his quick assent to the suggested folding of the organization, both of which I considered unworthy of an elected official. Because of which I feel that I do not owe him an apology. Nor do I harbor any hard feelings. He has his good points along with everyone else. But let's do some pitching next year and get something done, who ever's elected. Dale Tarr * * * Art Widner: My qualifications are these: I organized the NFFF. I have served on the Board of Directors, & also as Chairman, & I have served as Official Editor, & the past year as Secretary-Treasurer. My first fan activity dates back over 12 years, & I have been steadily active in the past 7. I have always dischargedmy obligations faithfully, and, altho I have spoken out sharply on several occasions, I have never engaged in any feuds. I did not set myself up as president when i first organized the NFFF as i felt that had been the fault of many previous organizations. The organizer was more interested in ego-boo than in serving fandom. Now i think that my record & reputation have proved that this is not so in my case. My sole objective in running for president is to end the present difficulties, consolidate past gains, & leave a smooth-running outfit at the end of 1947 that has the ability to provide nearly any service its members may wish, and do it with a minimum of confusion and delay. Here is my plaform: 5
CANDIDATE'S PLATFORMS President Dale Tarr: Dear NFFF Member: I have long considered running for the presidency of our organization and, after last year's disappointing turnout of candidates, I am apprehensive enough of this year's slate to run for the office this year myself altho I do not consider myself as capable as most of the better known names of fandom. Drawing up a platform for a candidacy in an association such as ours is more difficult than the similar act in ordinary politics. There you can reach out for a fistfull of controversial planks and say that you are for this or that; with us it's not so much what we're for as what we're going to do. The organization must not stagnate. We can possibly undertake publishing of worthwhile work; there has been some spade work done along this line in the past year or so and we should move immediately to bring the best of these projects to fruition. There are undoubtedly a number of ways in which we can act with respect to professional work and one of these, the often suggested professional award system, is still dormant. In the event that the controversy over the constitution is not settled one way or another in the forthcoming election, (there is a possibility of it as I write) the question should be disposed of before the end of the first quarter of next year. We must make additional provisions for the aid and assistance of neophytes in the field. One more thing--I am definitely not a participant in any fan feuds. I haven't been nor will I be. I sharply criticized Laney because of two facts; the content of his messages to the organization officials and his quick assent to the suggested folding of the organization, both of which I considered unworthy of an elected official. Because of which I feel that I do not owe him an apology. Nor do I harbor any hard feelings. He has his good points along with everyone else. But let's do some pitching next year and get something done, who ever's elected. Dale Tarr * * * Art Widner: My qualifications are these: I organized the NFFF. I have served on the Board of Directors, & also as Chairman, & I have served as Official Editor, & the past year as Secretary-Treasurer. My first fan activity dates back over 12 years, & I have been steadily active in the past 7. I have always dischargedmy obligations faithfully, and, altho I have spoken out sharply on several occasions, I have never engaged in any feuds. I did not set myself up as president when i first organized the NFFF as i felt that had been the fault of many previous organizations. The organizer was more interested in ego-boo than in serving fandom. Now i think that my record & reputation have proved that this is not so in my case. My sole objective in running for president is to end the present difficulties, consolidate past gains, & leave a smooth-running outfit at the end of 1947 that has the ability to provide nearly any service its members may wish, and do it with a minimum of confusion and delay. Here is my plaform: 5
Hevelin Fanzines