National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 7, October 1946
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CONSTITUTIONAL COMMENTS Walter Dunkelberger: I've just now (Oct. 5, 1946) rec'd the Sept. O.O. I don't know how this fact sits with the rest of the membership, but from where I sit it makes any discussion of the Speer Constitution next to an impossiblity. As the Oct O.O. is due out Oct. 10th I'm sending this AIR MAIL in the hope that it will reach you in time. With the failure of the Sec'y-Treas to make adequate reports it is impossible to contact the entire membership without going through the OO. The July Sec'y-Treas report should have contained a 6 months summary and complete roster to July 1st. The July issue (althouugh required by the Constitution) was skipped by O. E. Rothman. When it was brought out in August Rothman stated that he still had no report from Widner. A card from Widner stated that Rothman had acknowledged the receipt of the report and as it had arrived too late it would be published in the next issue. The Vice President requested a list of corrections and additions to the previously published roster from Sec'y-Treas Widner and was informed that in as much as an official roster would be forthcoming very soon Widner thought he could wait a few days and get it from the official organ rather than have Widner duplicate his work. Whether all of this confusion is intentional or not I don't know, but it does not make for an efficient organization. Hence I make the request that Sec'y-Treas Art Widner publish the report that still has not appeared and send it out to all the members with the official ballot mailing, when he sends it out November 1st. I would like to drop out of the presidency long enough to make some comments as an individual member. As President I feel it my duty to uphold our present Constitution come hell or high water, but as an individual, without sworn duties I have entirely different feelings. As an individual member I realize, probably more than many others, the short comings and difficulties of our present Constitution. This instrument if approached from a nonpolitical view point and without the eternal thirst for power, could be made to work satisfactorily. Possibly some instrument such as the Speer Constitution, would be the answer to the flexibility and broadened powers that would be ideal. As the Speer Constitution stands it has only simplicity, an ideal board setup, and broad powers in its favor. On the other hand it allows Dictatorial powers to a few, no recourse by the membership to enforce their views other than indefinite once a year elections. The Speer Constitution requests a change of name of the organization, this fact alone should be enough to reject it. I understand that this constitution is either to be accepted or rejected in toto. The name change should not be made for three reasons: 1. The dignity, prestige and acknowledgement that the present name THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN FEDERATION has and is receiving nationally (both in the fan press and in the pro mags) and internationally (in foreign publications and in the INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR and the INTERNATIONAL WHO'S WHO) should not be tossed lightly aside on a whim. Many hours of work and many dollars have gone into building it up. 2. The proposed name change is too juvenile. It would be associated with such things as grade school clubs, and Sunday School organizations. 3. Its similarity to the FANTASY FOUNDATION name alone would be confusing. This confusion should not be brought into existence. Anyone of these three reasons, I believe is enough to warrant rejection of the proposed name change. Some of the material presented is very worthwhile and would be of benefit to the NFFF, but to have to accept the entire instrument to get the benefit of one or two points is asking too much. I recommend that the proposed Constitution be rejected, but that its 10
CONSTITUTIONAL COMMENTS Walter Dunkelberger: I've just now (Oct. 5, 1946) rec'd the Sept. O.O. I don't know how this fact sits with the rest of the membership, but from where I sit it makes any discussion of the Speer Constitution next to an impossiblity. As the Oct O.O. is due out Oct. 10th I'm sending this AIR MAIL in the hope that it will reach you in time. With the failure of the Sec'y-Treas to make adequate reports it is impossible to contact the entire membership without going through the OO. The July Sec'y-Treas report should have contained a 6 months summary and complete roster to July 1st. The July issue (althouugh required by the Constitution) was skipped by O. E. Rothman. When it was brought out in August Rothman stated that he still had no report from Widner. A card from Widner stated that Rothman had acknowledged the receipt of the report and as it had arrived too late it would be published in the next issue. The Vice President requested a list of corrections and additions to the previously published roster from Sec'y-Treas Widner and was informed that in as much as an official roster would be forthcoming very soon Widner thought he could wait a few days and get it from the official organ rather than have Widner duplicate his work. Whether all of this confusion is intentional or not I don't know, but it does not make for an efficient organization. Hence I make the request that Sec'y-Treas Art Widner publish the report that still has not appeared and send it out to all the members with the official ballot mailing, when he sends it out November 1st. I would like to drop out of the presidency long enough to make some comments as an individual member. As President I feel it my duty to uphold our present Constitution come hell or high water, but as an individual, without sworn duties I have entirely different feelings. As an individual member I realize, probably more than many others, the short comings and difficulties of our present Constitution. This instrument if approached from a nonpolitical view point and without the eternal thirst for power, could be made to work satisfactorily. Possibly some instrument such as the Speer Constitution, would be the answer to the flexibility and broadened powers that would be ideal. As the Speer Constitution stands it has only simplicity, an ideal board setup, and broad powers in its favor. On the other hand it allows Dictatorial powers to a few, no recourse by the membership to enforce their views other than indefinite once a year elections. The Speer Constitution requests a change of name of the organization, this fact alone should be enough to reject it. I understand that this constitution is either to be accepted or rejected in toto. The name change should not be made for three reasons: 1. The dignity, prestige and acknowledgement that the present name THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN FEDERATION has and is receiving nationally (both in the fan press and in the pro mags) and internationally (in foreign publications and in the INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR and the INTERNATIONAL WHO'S WHO) should not be tossed lightly aside on a whim. Many hours of work and many dollars have gone into building it up. 2. The proposed name change is too juvenile. It would be associated with such things as grade school clubs, and Sunday School organizations. 3. Its similarity to the FANTASY FOUNDATION name alone would be confusing. This confusion should not be brought into existence. Anyone of these three reasons, I believe is enough to warrant rejection of the proposed name change. Some of the material presented is very worthwhile and would be of benefit to the NFFF, but to have to accept the entire instrument to get the benefit of one or two points is asking too much. I recommend that the proposed Constitution be rejected, but that its 10
Hevelin Fanzines