National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 7, October 1946
Page 13
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SECRETARY'S REPORT No doubt some sort of alibi is due for my failure to have a report in the Sept issue of TNFF. Mostly it is due to my cussed habit of spreading myself too thin again. It was practically two-dimensional this time. In addition to preparing my platform for President & getting 9 pages of the Blatant Beast done, I had numerous duties to fulfill as chairman of the local AVC chapter, started attending night school two nights per week, & participated on the Advisory council of the local co-op society, plus attending two discussions they held on economics. But the crusher was having to paper a huge living room with a 9 ft ceiling, without any previous experience at the game. This occurred during the vital week of the deadline. The unprecedented punctuality of the 00 also threw me off. I realize my personal difficulties are not germain to the issue, but I have done my best, & altho my record is not exemplary, I believe I shall stagger thru the rest of 46 satisfactorily, at least. I look forward to being President, for then all I have to do is tell others how & when to do the dirty work instead of tackling it myself. If I am defeated, I won't lose any sleep over it, as I will still be busy enuf for three men. As for a roster, I included an uptodate version with my tardy report for the Aug. TNFF, & Milty did not publish it in either Aug or Sept. He should send it to Andy & the additions noted later will bring it up to date. ((Milty did send me the roster, plus a few additions and address changes to me; however, I am sorry lack of time prevented my getting it stenciled. It will appear next time, &c)) Re members who have joined since July 1 & sent in $1 dues: Said members are due a refund of 50c. Would those whose names are listed below please write me their wishes? a) Refund 50c. b) Copy of Finlay Portfolio. c) 50c applied to 47 dues. (Another 50c will be due Jan 1.) Andy Anderson, Allen, Berry, Alvin Brown, Guerry Brown, Boggs, Bowling, Cooper, Froeder, Grant, Hoyt, Holmes, Pat Kenealy, McKeown, Schumann, Singer, Stein, Takacs. The following names should be added to the roster published in this issue: ((See above for details on omission.)) Boggs, Dean W 2215 Benjamin, NE, Minneapolis 13, Minn. Brown, Alvin R 139-29 34th Rd, Flushing, NY Brown, Guerry C PO Box 1467, Del Ray Beach, Fla. Campbell, John W 79 7th Ave, New York, NY Cooper, James Jr 852 Albert, Dickson, Pa. Coriell, Verness Box 78, Manito, Ill Froeder, Phil 448 Demarest Ave, Closter NJ Hoyt, Dick 376 N 1st, Council Bluffs, Iowa McKeown, Ned 1398 Mt. Pleasant Rd, Toronto, Ont, Can Porcelius, Edward G 15 W Erie, Chicago 10, Ill Singer, Ben 4005 Webb, % Holzman, Detroit 4, Mich Stein, Robert J 524 W Vienna Ave, Milwaukee 12, Wis Takacs, Stephen J 121 Freeman, Brooklyn 22, NY Van Vogt, AE %LASFS Weidenbeck, Jack 648 S Bixel, Los Angeles 14, Cal Wood, Arnold 17 Sandringham Rd, Bredbury, Stockport, Cheshire, England Address changes: Betts, Albert A 18 Wascana Ave, Toronto, Ont, Can Davis, Chandler 16 Highland Cambridge 38, Mass Hedges, Vernon D %Santa Fe RR Depot, Hanford, Cal Thompson, DB PO Box 427, Hays, Kan Harry Warner, Chairman of the Directorate, writes that the Amendment proposals cannot legally appear on the ballot this time, as the Directorate has not replied yet on the Speer constitution. ((No additional info [illegible]))
SECRETARY'S REPORT No doubt some sort of alibi is due for my failure to have a report in the Sept issue of TNFF. Mostly it is due to my cussed habit of spreading myself too thin again. It was practically two-dimensional this time. In addition to preparing my platform for President & getting 9 pages of the Blatant Beast done, I had numerous duties to fulfill as chairman of the local AVC chapter, started attending night school two nights per week, & participated on the Advisory council of the local co-op society, plus attending two discussions they held on economics. But the crusher was having to paper a huge living room with a 9 ft ceiling, without any previous experience at the game. This occurred during the vital week of the deadline. The unprecedented punctuality of the 00 also threw me off. I realize my personal difficulties are not germain to the issue, but I have done my best, & altho my record is not exemplary, I believe I shall stagger thru the rest of 46 satisfactorily, at least. I look forward to being President, for then all I have to do is tell others how & when to do the dirty work instead of tackling it myself. If I am defeated, I won't lose any sleep over it, as I will still be busy enuf for three men. As for a roster, I included an uptodate version with my tardy report for the Aug. TNFF, & Milty did not publish it in either Aug or Sept. He should send it to Andy & the additions noted later will bring it up to date. ((Milty did send me the roster, plus a few additions and address changes to me; however, I am sorry lack of time prevented my getting it stenciled. It will appear next time, &c)) Re members who have joined since July 1 & sent in $1 dues: Said members are due a refund of 50c. Would those whose names are listed below please write me their wishes? a) Refund 50c. b) Copy of Finlay Portfolio. c) 50c applied to 47 dues. (Another 50c will be due Jan 1.) Andy Anderson, Allen, Berry, Alvin Brown, Guerry Brown, Boggs, Bowling, Cooper, Froeder, Grant, Hoyt, Holmes, Pat Kenealy, McKeown, Schumann, Singer, Stein, Takacs. The following names should be added to the roster published in this issue: ((See above for details on omission.)) Boggs, Dean W 2215 Benjamin, NE, Minneapolis 13, Minn. Brown, Alvin R 139-29 34th Rd, Flushing, NY Brown, Guerry C PO Box 1467, Del Ray Beach, Fla. Campbell, John W 79 7th Ave, New York, NY Cooper, James Jr 852 Albert, Dickson, Pa. Coriell, Verness Box 78, Manito, Ill Froeder, Phil 448 Demarest Ave, Closter NJ Hoyt, Dick 376 N 1st, Council Bluffs, Iowa McKeown, Ned 1398 Mt. Pleasant Rd, Toronto, Ont, Can Porcelius, Edward G 15 W Erie, Chicago 10, Ill Singer, Ben 4005 Webb, % Holzman, Detroit 4, Mich Stein, Robert J 524 W Vienna Ave, Milwaukee 12, Wis Takacs, Stephen J 121 Freeman, Brooklyn 22, NY Van Vogt, AE %LASFS Weidenbeck, Jack 648 S Bixel, Los Angeles 14, Cal Wood, Arnold 17 Sandringham Rd, Bredbury, Stockport, Cheshire, England Address changes: Betts, Albert A 18 Wascana Ave, Toronto, Ont, Can Davis, Chandler 16 Highland Cambridge 38, Mass Hedges, Vernon D %Santa Fe RR Depot, Hanford, Cal Thompson, DB PO Box 427, Hays, Kan Harry Warner, Chairman of the Directorate, writes that the Amendment proposals cannot legally appear on the ballot this time, as the Directorate has not replied yet on the Speer constitution. ((No additional info [illegible]))
Hevelin Fanzines