National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 7, October 1946
Page 14
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submitted as yet for the Directorate's consideration. Dunk says he has fifteen signatures to overrule Directorate if necessary, but the present constitution requires all amendments to be submitted to Directorate first. There must be a ruling before there can be an overruling. Additionally, the constitution says 15 additional signatures must be obtained, for a total of 20. However, if it is the will of the membership to overlook this bit of chicken & vote for their preference, theirs is the final voice. Accordingly, per Article III(A)(3b) I have directed the ballot to be prepared as published in this issue. Ballot: President-Vote for one Art Widner ___ Dale Tarr ___ Vice President-Vote for one Walter Coslet ___ Other ___ Constitution-Vote for one Speer constitution ___ Present constitution ___ Present constitution amended ___ Sec-Treas-Vote for one Martin Carlson ___ Robert C Peterson ___ Directors-Vote for five Leslie Croutch ___ Paul Spencer ___ Phillip Schumann ___ Sanford Kadet ___ Elsie Janda ___ Rick Sneary ___ Telis Streiff ___ James Hevelin ___ Benson Perry ___ If you vote to amend present constitution, state which amendments you prefer-by the numbers. 1. ___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. ___ 6. ___ 7. ___ 8. ___ 9. ___ Financial Report: Balance 7 Aug 46 $117.00 Income 16.50 Total 133.50 Finlay Portfolio 40.00 Aug TNFF 8.00 Sept TNFF 10.00 Total 58.00 Balance 5 Oct 46 75.50 In addition, Dunk has an undetermined amount as advance orders for the portfolio & the Pacificon committee has promised 1/2 of their monies left after deducting expenses of The Pacificon Review, which should run around $60-$70 for us. ((According to my figgers the new members listedin this report brings the membership total up to 130, &c.)) PROPOSED AMENDMENTS ((Ed. note: Numbers affixed to amendments are for your convenience in voting.)) 1. Art. III shall be amended by inserting a clause after subsection 'c' and calling it 'd'. Subsections now called 'd' and 'e' will become 'e' and 'f'. 2. The Sec-Treas shall grant memberships to applicants at his discretion subject to board review and to regulations governing entrance which have been instituted by the board. 3. 3BI subsection 'a' shall read only "Revoke membership for just cause" (deleting the previous half the clause). 4. Art. 3BI subsection 'd' should be amended to read: The Board may originate actions and, upon majority agreement, the Chairman of the Board shall present the proposed action to the President. Should he veto the measure, the Board, in consideration, may override the veto with no less than four affirmative votes and the President shall take action on the measure." 14
submitted as yet for the Directorate's consideration. Dunk says he has fifteen signatures to overrule Directorate if necessary, but the present constitution requires all amendments to be submitted to Directorate first. There must be a ruling before there can be an overruling. Additionally, the constitution says 15 additional signatures must be obtained, for a total of 20. However, if it is the will of the membership to overlook this bit of chicken & vote for their preference, theirs is the final voice. Accordingly, per Article III(A)(3b) I have directed the ballot to be prepared as published in this issue. Ballot: President-Vote for one Art Widner ___ Dale Tarr ___ Vice President-Vote for one Walter Coslet ___ Other ___ Constitution-Vote for one Speer constitution ___ Present constitution ___ Present constitution amended ___ Sec-Treas-Vote for one Martin Carlson ___ Robert C Peterson ___ Directors-Vote for five Leslie Croutch ___ Paul Spencer ___ Phillip Schumann ___ Sanford Kadet ___ Elsie Janda ___ Rick Sneary ___ Telis Streiff ___ James Hevelin ___ Benson Perry ___ If you vote to amend present constitution, state which amendments you prefer-by the numbers. 1. ___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. ___ 6. ___ 7. ___ 8. ___ 9. ___ Financial Report: Balance 7 Aug 46 $117.00 Income 16.50 Total 133.50 Finlay Portfolio 40.00 Aug TNFF 8.00 Sept TNFF 10.00 Total 58.00 Balance 5 Oct 46 75.50 In addition, Dunk has an undetermined amount as advance orders for the portfolio & the Pacificon committee has promised 1/2 of their monies left after deducting expenses of The Pacificon Review, which should run around $60-$70 for us. ((According to my figgers the new members listedin this report brings the membership total up to 130, &c.)) PROPOSED AMENDMENTS ((Ed. note: Numbers affixed to amendments are for your convenience in voting.)) 1. Art. III shall be amended by inserting a clause after subsection 'c' and calling it 'd'. Subsections now called 'd' and 'e' will become 'e' and 'f'. 2. The Sec-Treas shall grant memberships to applicants at his discretion subject to board review and to regulations governing entrance which have been instituted by the board. 3. 3BI subsection 'a' shall read only "Revoke membership for just cause" (deleting the previous half the clause). 4. Art. 3BI subsection 'd' should be amended to read: The Board may originate actions and, upon majority agreement, the Chairman of the Board shall present the proposed action to the President. Should he veto the measure, the Board, in consideration, may override the veto with no less than four affirmative votes and the President shall take action on the measure." 14
Hevelin Fanzines