National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 7, October 1946
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5. Art 4 A 4 should be amended to read: "Any member failing to pay his dues by the requisite date shall lose his membership ten days after being given notice by the Secretary." 6. Art 4 A 5 should be stricken from the Constitution. 7. Art 5 A I subsection 'd' should be eliminated. 8. To amend Art XII by the insertion of a new section to be called 'B'. "The Official Editor of the organization will be elected by the membership at the regular election. Article 5 of the Constitution, regarding the election, shall apply in this instance, except that a candidate for Official Editor shall not require a platform." (1) The Official Editor may designate assistants or remove them at his discretion. 9. Art 3 A I should be amended by the addition of subsection 'd' to read "The President may, with the approval of the Directorate, remove from Art 3 B I subsection 'e' shall be eliminated. ************************* More WELCOM T. W. S. sent in by Tom Jewett: Guerry Brown, Delray Beach Fla; Alvin R Brown, Flushing NY; Jim Kennedy, Summit City Cal; Redd Boggs, Minneapolis, Minn; Alestair Cameron, Winnipeg, Can; Dick Hoyt, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Bob Packer, Little Falls, Minn. ************************* And now at last we give you that long-awaited, stupendous, superlative, radical ((How did that get in?)) Acme of all fanzine reviews. It is our pleasure to present: THE BLATANT BEAST by Art Widner EMBER Donn Brazier 1329 N 33rd St Milwaukee 8, Wis 2-4pp, hekto, weekly, 2c A neat sheet giving news & views on everything of interest to the fan. A good idea is the numbering of each item for easy reference. In #10 are a couple of capsule book reviews, listing with remarks on latest fanzines, a couple of Fortean items, interesting comments culled from a letter from a Rs Richardson, reprint of Beowulf Poll results, & ads for the US Rocket Society & Bob Stein's FANTASY ILLUSTRATED. Bob is offering some worthwhile prizes of prozines & books for the best material submitted to his fanzine. His address is 514 W Vienna Ave, Milwaukee 12, Wis. VAMPIRE Joe Kennedy 84 Baker Ave Dover, NJ 28pp, mimeo irreg, 10c 3/25 It says irregular on the contents page, but Joe gets this excellent publication into the mail more regularly than most who claim a definite frequency of publication date. In #6 Laney dips into his voluminous file of fanzines & regales us with anecdotes & descriptions of what cooked in the dim mists of antiquity in fandom. About 5 years ago, that is. Lloyd Alpaugh, tongue in cheek, writes of fantasy in popular music, but his humor is diluted by repetition. "Round Trip" by RJ Gaulin is not bad for fan fiction, but a bit too skeletal to have a solid impact. I was interested in the article by Shaver as I had known but few details behind the Lemuria fracas, & I wanted to check & see if fandom had him pegged right. You have. The fellow is definitely ripe
5. Art 4 A 4 should be amended to read: "Any member failing to pay his dues by the requisite date shall lose his membership ten days after being given notice by the Secretary." 6. Art 4 A 5 should be stricken from the Constitution. 7. Art 5 A I subsection 'd' should be eliminated. 8. To amend Art XII by the insertion of a new section to be called 'B'. "The Official Editor of the organization will be elected by the membership at the regular election. Article 5 of the Constitution, regarding the election, shall apply in this instance, except that a candidate for Official Editor shall not require a platform." (1) The Official Editor may designate assistants or remove them at his discretion. 9. Art 3 A I should be amended by the addition of subsection 'd' to read "The President may, with the approval of the Directorate, remove from Art 3 B I subsection 'e' shall be eliminated. ************************* More WELCOM T. W. S. sent in by Tom Jewett: Guerry Brown, Delray Beach Fla; Alvin R Brown, Flushing NY; Jim Kennedy, Summit City Cal; Redd Boggs, Minneapolis, Minn; Alestair Cameron, Winnipeg, Can; Dick Hoyt, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Bob Packer, Little Falls, Minn. ************************* And now at last we give you that long-awaited, stupendous, superlative, radical ((How did that get in?)) Acme of all fanzine reviews. It is our pleasure to present: THE BLATANT BEAST by Art Widner EMBER Donn Brazier 1329 N 33rd St Milwaukee 8, Wis 2-4pp, hekto, weekly, 2c A neat sheet giving news & views on everything of interest to the fan. A good idea is the numbering of each item for easy reference. In #10 are a couple of capsule book reviews, listing with remarks on latest fanzines, a couple of Fortean items, interesting comments culled from a letter from a Rs Richardson, reprint of Beowulf Poll results, & ads for the US Rocket Society & Bob Stein's FANTASY ILLUSTRATED. Bob is offering some worthwhile prizes of prozines & books for the best material submitted to his fanzine. His address is 514 W Vienna Ave, Milwaukee 12, Wis. VAMPIRE Joe Kennedy 84 Baker Ave Dover, NJ 28pp, mimeo irreg, 10c 3/25 It says irregular on the contents page, but Joe gets this excellent publication into the mail more regularly than most who claim a definite frequency of publication date. In #6 Laney dips into his voluminous file of fanzines & regales us with anecdotes & descriptions of what cooked in the dim mists of antiquity in fandom. About 5 years ago, that is. Lloyd Alpaugh, tongue in cheek, writes of fantasy in popular music, but his humor is diluted by repetition. "Round Trip" by RJ Gaulin is not bad for fan fiction, but a bit too skeletal to have a solid impact. I was interested in the article by Shaver as I had known but few details behind the Lemuria fracas, & I wanted to check & see if fandom had him pegged right. You have. The fellow is definitely ripe
Hevelin Fanzines