National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 7, October 1946
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for the funny wagon. When I tended psychos at Cushing General there were guys who would buttonhole me & gabble on all night with the equivalent of dero talk, never suspecting that I was a dero-equivalent until I would mention it to get them off my ear. Then they would give me a dirty look & shamble back to the sack. Ah yess -- I Remember Cushing. Sandy Kadet gives a resume of fantasty on the air. Alas, unlike a book, the review of which you find interesting, a broadcast is seldom repeated & you can't go out & obtain the original if the reviewer has piqued your curiosity. Harry Warner's suggestions on how to write a fanzine article are right on the target, and his remarks anent the ethix of handling fanuscripts should be required reading for nearly every fanzine editor. Book revue by Moskowitz, fanzine revus by Kennedy, & a fair letter column wind up the issue. Good lithoed cover by Cockroft. (To be concluded in next issue) ********************************** EDITOR'S LAST WORDS Apologies to Art Widner for not including more of his review, but time made it imperative to cut it off. He really sent in a long one this time--9 pages. It will all appear next issue. Reviews of Psycho, The Star Rover, VOM, Spaceling, SFW, Chanticleer, Acolyte, Scrap Bag, Fantasy Mag, Shangri L'Affaires, Sun Spots, Scientifictionist, Fanews, Fantasy Commentator, and Canadian Fandom. All these are included. This issue is slightly late in the mailing. But with so much material and so little time, and a lot of stuff piling up right at the last minute, it was as soon as I could put it out. As explained earlier, week-ends are my only time I can work, and if I lack a little bit of finishing, it is a whole week before I can get on it again. Regularity will improve, I hope. And, please, everyone, get your material in early. Andy Lyon ********************************** TNFF CONTENTS October 1946 Officers 1 Editor's Comments 2, 16 Emblem Committee 3 Finlay Portfolio 3 President's Message 4 Candidate's Platforms 5 Constitutional Comments 10 Welcom Reports 12, 14 Secretary-Treasurer's Report 13 Amendments 14 The Blatant Beast 15 ********************************** NFFF? FL? 16
for the funny wagon. When I tended psychos at Cushing General there were guys who would buttonhole me & gabble on all night with the equivalent of dero talk, never suspecting that I was a dero-equivalent until I would mention it to get them off my ear. Then they would give me a dirty look & shamble back to the sack. Ah yess -- I Remember Cushing. Sandy Kadet gives a resume of fantasty on the air. Alas, unlike a book, the review of which you find interesting, a broadcast is seldom repeated & you can't go out & obtain the original if the reviewer has piqued your curiosity. Harry Warner's suggestions on how to write a fanzine article are right on the target, and his remarks anent the ethix of handling fanuscripts should be required reading for nearly every fanzine editor. Book revue by Moskowitz, fanzine revus by Kennedy, & a fair letter column wind up the issue. Good lithoed cover by Cockroft. (To be concluded in next issue) ********************************** EDITOR'S LAST WORDS Apologies to Art Widner for not including more of his review, but time made it imperative to cut it off. He really sent in a long one this time--9 pages. It will all appear next issue. Reviews of Psycho, The Star Rover, VOM, Spaceling, SFW, Chanticleer, Acolyte, Scrap Bag, Fantasy Mag, Shangri L'Affaires, Sun Spots, Scientifictionist, Fanews, Fantasy Commentator, and Canadian Fandom. All these are included. This issue is slightly late in the mailing. But with so much material and so little time, and a lot of stuff piling up right at the last minute, it was as soon as I could put it out. As explained earlier, week-ends are my only time I can work, and if I lack a little bit of finishing, it is a whole week before I can get on it again. Regularity will improve, I hope. And, please, everyone, get your material in early. Andy Lyon ********************************** TNFF CONTENTS October 1946 Officers 1 Editor's Comments 2, 16 Emblem Committee 3 Finlay Portfolio 3 President's Message 4 Candidate's Platforms 5 Constitutional Comments 10 Welcom Reports 12, 14 Secretary-Treasurer's Report 13 Amendments 14 The Blatant Beast 15 ********************************** NFFF? FL? 16
Hevelin Fanzines