Wudgy Tales, October-November 1943
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WUDGY TALES TALES FROM THE VIENNA-WUDGE! WUDGY TALES, DESPITE REPORTS TO THE CONTRARY FROM THE VICINITY OF MINNEAPOLIS, IS AN MFS PUBLICATION. WT is out the 31st of every February--watch for our special groundhog-day issue. Price: 6 Weetongs in Japan 5 Marks in France 3 Francs in germany Two Pesos in Finland 1 doubloon in Canada 9 Twonklebugs in New Guinea NOTICE: Wudgy Tales is not sold on streetcars or U.S. Army Tanks. WUDGY TALES IS PUBLISHED AT THE MEXICAN NATIONAL INSTITUTION FOR THE FEEBLE-MINDED LOCATED AT CAIRO, EGYPT. No payment is offered for manuscripts unless submitted by H.G. Wells, or Oliver Edward Saari.... F.A.P.A.
WUDGY TALES TALES FROM THE VIENNA-WUDGE! WUDGY TALES, DESPITE REPORTS TO THE CONTRARY FROM THE VICINITY OF MINNEAPOLIS, IS AN MFS PUBLICATION. WT is out the 31st of every February--watch for our special groundhog-day issue. Price: 6 Weetongs in Japan 5 Marks in France 3 Francs in germany Two Pesos in Finland 1 doubloon in Canada 9 Twonklebugs in New Guinea NOTICE: Wudgy Tales is not sold on streetcars or U.S. Army Tanks. WUDGY TALES IS PUBLISHED AT THE MEXICAN NATIONAL INSTITUTION FOR THE FEEBLE-MINDED LOCATED AT CAIRO, EGYPT. No payment is offered for manuscripts unless submitted by H.G. Wells, or Oliver Edward Saari.... F.A.P.A.
Hevelin Fanzines