Wudgy Tales, v. 1, issue 1, October-November 1943
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2.............................................................WUDGY TALES AN MFS PUBLICATION ..................OCTNEMBER 1943..............F.A.P.A............... ---------------------------------------- WUDGY TALES is published sex-weekly at wherever the MFS mimeo is located when it comes time to go to press, usually the Gergen shack or the Brackney trailer. Price: One beer per issue (subs by mail may be remitted in the form of canned beer) Ad rates: Cover, a dollar-three-ninety-five. Anybody may submit material. No tramps please. Opinions of writers in the magazine are screwy, usually shared by the editors, and any complaints regarding same will be utterly disregarded. This here is volume one, number one, our special Groundhog Day issue. ------------------------------------- STAFF------ (In order of rank) EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: P. Robert Bronson, Stf. D., 1710 Arizona Avenue, Santa Monica, etc. ASSOCIATE EDITOR: M. (Manse) Brackney, 152 Arthur Avenue, S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. ASSISTANT ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Gordon Q. Dickson, D. S. C., 4833 Elliott, Mpls. STAFF ARTIST AND RECORDING TECHNICIAN: M. SCOTT DOLLENS, 1710 Arizona Avenue, etc MIMEOGRAPHERS? STAPLERS? ASSEMBLERS? AND MORAL SUPPORTERS: C-D Simak, Carl Jacobi VICE PRESIDENT IN CHARGE OF BEER (SUBS) DEPT. O. Edward Saari, 213 Washburn, N. COPY BOY: J. L. Gergen, 221 Melbourne Avenue S.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota. VICE PRESIDENT IN CHARGE OF EMPTY BEER CANS: Samuel Davenport Russell, Esq. JANITOR and WASTEBASKET-EMPTIER: SdR ------------------------------------ EDITORIAL (BY THE EDITOR) Well, unaccustomed as I am to editorial writing, I would like to take up a few moments of your valuable time and shoot the old bull. (Stop! Get away from that phone, Tucker. You don't have to call the S.P.C.A., it's only a figure of speech.) I yam going to a burlycue show in about 15 minutes with O. Edward Saari and M. Brackney, two of my associates, so, unfortunately, I won't be able to discourse on nothing for very long. Only for about 15 minutes. In our next issue we will have a swell story called "The Thing From the Ooze, or Shoot the Planet to Me Janet", by O. Edward Saari. In the issue following that we will have 16 rejected short stories by Simak and Jacobi, never before published in any magazine or book! S. Davenport Russell, our Janitor, is working on his biography, called "My Life and Loves", and hopes to have it completed in 1971. It will be privately printed by the Alcoholic Press, of Minneapolis. SDR will also have a novel in our third anniversary issue entitled "Why I Am a Fan, or Sixteen Days in a Lifeboat with Brackney". ------------------------------------- DID YOU KNOW THAT OUR OWN SAMUEL D- RUSSEL HAS SOLD 2 60,000 WORD NOVELS TO ASTOUNDING SCIENCE-FICTION??? Well, he hasn't. ------------------------------------ Ah, the trials and tribulations of a FAPA Fan. Here I sit, stenciling Wudgy Tales in the LASFS clubroom, all alone, with the exception of Dollens. Forrie, Milty, Morojo, and the gang have gone to dinner and a show. But WT has lain in an embryonic state for so long, and I actually feel like working so much that I have valiantly thrust all temptation from my mind. I can hear Yerke remarking "How noble". Morrie would you like to say a few words? Okay, here's Morrie. Hi! We're going out to dinner now, so that thought overpowers all else. Too much fun eating; much more than typing. So long. ............Morrie Omd ssiendma neinima Raymond Washington monh feini nov ni vsiffenfu nof doni aat. Harrison Schmarje amto tani hseup infusammt, sma no disfenei ter ni fu nalet, tinti ei vosi monhbesosi vassostet in bi taam anivaa, beuf. Is inho ni sinamvosdetma neinime fubi aapt: "In beito disfenfi miet Weehawken Ferry?" ...Fassbeinder.
2.............................................................WUDGY TALES AN MFS PUBLICATION ..................OCTNEMBER 1943..............F.A.P.A............... ---------------------------------------- WUDGY TALES is published sex-weekly at wherever the MFS mimeo is located when it comes time to go to press, usually the Gergen shack or the Brackney trailer. Price: One beer per issue (subs by mail may be remitted in the form of canned beer) Ad rates: Cover, a dollar-three-ninety-five. Anybody may submit material. No tramps please. Opinions of writers in the magazine are screwy, usually shared by the editors, and any complaints regarding same will be utterly disregarded. This here is volume one, number one, our special Groundhog Day issue. ------------------------------------- STAFF------ (In order of rank) EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: P. Robert Bronson, Stf. D., 1710 Arizona Avenue, Santa Monica, etc. ASSOCIATE EDITOR: M. (Manse) Brackney, 152 Arthur Avenue, S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. ASSISTANT ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Gordon Q. Dickson, D. S. C., 4833 Elliott, Mpls. STAFF ARTIST AND RECORDING TECHNICIAN: M. SCOTT DOLLENS, 1710 Arizona Avenue, etc MIMEOGRAPHERS? STAPLERS? ASSEMBLERS? AND MORAL SUPPORTERS: C-D Simak, Carl Jacobi VICE PRESIDENT IN CHARGE OF BEER (SUBS) DEPT. O. Edward Saari, 213 Washburn, N. COPY BOY: J. L. Gergen, 221 Melbourne Avenue S.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota. VICE PRESIDENT IN CHARGE OF EMPTY BEER CANS: Samuel Davenport Russell, Esq. JANITOR and WASTEBASKET-EMPTIER: SdR ------------------------------------ EDITORIAL (BY THE EDITOR) Well, unaccustomed as I am to editorial writing, I would like to take up a few moments of your valuable time and shoot the old bull. (Stop! Get away from that phone, Tucker. You don't have to call the S.P.C.A., it's only a figure of speech.) I yam going to a burlycue show in about 15 minutes with O. Edward Saari and M. Brackney, two of my associates, so, unfortunately, I won't be able to discourse on nothing for very long. Only for about 15 minutes. In our next issue we will have a swell story called "The Thing From the Ooze, or Shoot the Planet to Me Janet", by O. Edward Saari. In the issue following that we will have 16 rejected short stories by Simak and Jacobi, never before published in any magazine or book! S. Davenport Russell, our Janitor, is working on his biography, called "My Life and Loves", and hopes to have it completed in 1971. It will be privately printed by the Alcoholic Press, of Minneapolis. SDR will also have a novel in our third anniversary issue entitled "Why I Am a Fan, or Sixteen Days in a Lifeboat with Brackney". ------------------------------------- DID YOU KNOW THAT OUR OWN SAMUEL D- RUSSEL HAS SOLD 2 60,000 WORD NOVELS TO ASTOUNDING SCIENCE-FICTION??? Well, he hasn't. ------------------------------------ Ah, the trials and tribulations of a FAPA Fan. Here I sit, stenciling Wudgy Tales in the LASFS clubroom, all alone, with the exception of Dollens. Forrie, Milty, Morojo, and the gang have gone to dinner and a show. But WT has lain in an embryonic state for so long, and I actually feel like working so much that I have valiantly thrust all temptation from my mind. I can hear Yerke remarking "How noble". Morrie would you like to say a few words? Okay, here's Morrie. Hi! We're going out to dinner now, so that thought overpowers all else. Too much fun eating; much more than typing. So long. ............Morrie Omd ssiendma neinima Raymond Washington monh feini nov ni vsiffenfu nof doni aat. Harrison Schmarje amto tani hseup infusammt, sma no disfenei ter ni fu nalet, tinti ei vosi monhbesosi vassostet in bi taam anivaa, beuf. Is inho ni sinamvosdetma neinime fubi aapt: "In beito disfenfi miet Weehawken Ferry?" ...Fassbeinder.
Hevelin Fanzines