Fantasy Amateur, v. 4, issue 4, September 1941
Page 2
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Page 2, Sep.'41 (Editorial note: we feel sure that the FAP membership will find little to criticize in this modest, unpretentious message.) tomakecentsistomanufacturemoneytomakecentsistomanufacturemoneytomake EDITOR'S MESSAGE Unlike President Warner, I am unable to turn cartwheels for joy over my own election, not so much because I don't like the job, as I do like it, but rather because I am not only a poor hand at tumbling and acrobatics, but also love a good fight. My "unopposed" victory I therefore appreciate, but cannot unduly congratulate myself upon. The fact that you are reading this at all demonstrates that I am at least able to "perform the duties of my office", so I need say little on this score. I would like to point out, however, that as far as I am concerned, the mailing goes out on schedule, and if your very own publication does not arrive in time, I am sorry, but I can't change the constitution for your especial benefit. The next mailing will be sent out Saturday, December 6th. Fair warning-- three months of it! In connection with the next mailing, it is important to note that I will change my address within the next few weeks. At present I cannot say just what my new address will be. I shall ask Unger to publish it in Fantasy Fiction Field, probably during late September or early October. Any members contemplating a contribution to the Winter mailing who do not happen to learn of my address in this way are asked to write me (a postal will suffice) in care of Art Widner, and then I will reply to such members personally. This is as good an opportunity as any to thank the out-going Editor, Elmer Perdue, for his remarks in the last Amateur, designed to render easier the task of his successor. It is my hope that Critics Freehafer and Koenig will find it possible to submit their critiques during the coming year within three or four weeks of the mailing date. This would considerably simplify my task of preparing the dummy for the Amateur. The critics, and also all members, are urgently requested to complain to the editor if their mailings haven't been received two weeks after the mailing date. tomanufacturemoneyistwentyyearsinjailtomanufacturemoneyistwentyyearsinjail
Page 2, Sep.'41 (Editorial note: we feel sure that the FAP membership will find little to criticize in this modest, unpretentious message.) tomakecentsistomanufacturemoneytomakecentsistomanufacturemoneytomake EDITOR'S MESSAGE Unlike President Warner, I am unable to turn cartwheels for joy over my own election, not so much because I don't like the job, as I do like it, but rather because I am not only a poor hand at tumbling and acrobatics, but also love a good fight. My "unopposed" victory I therefore appreciate, but cannot unduly congratulate myself upon. The fact that you are reading this at all demonstrates that I am at least able to "perform the duties of my office", so I need say little on this score. I would like to point out, however, that as far as I am concerned, the mailing goes out on schedule, and if your very own publication does not arrive in time, I am sorry, but I can't change the constitution for your especial benefit. The next mailing will be sent out Saturday, December 6th. Fair warning-- three months of it! In connection with the next mailing, it is important to note that I will change my address within the next few weeks. At present I cannot say just what my new address will be. I shall ask Unger to publish it in Fantasy Fiction Field, probably during late September or early October. Any members contemplating a contribution to the Winter mailing who do not happen to learn of my address in this way are asked to write me (a postal will suffice) in care of Art Widner, and then I will reply to such members personally. This is as good an opportunity as any to thank the out-going Editor, Elmer Perdue, for his remarks in the last Amateur, designed to render easier the task of his successor. It is my hope that Critics Freehafer and Koenig will find it possible to submit their critiques during the coming year within three or four weeks of the mailing date. This would considerably simplify my task of preparing the dummy for the Amateur. The critics, and also all members, are urgently requested to complain to the editor if their mailings haven't been received two weeks after the mailing date. tomanufacturemoneyistwentyyearsinjailtomanufacturemoneyistwentyyearsinjail
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