Fantasy Amateur, v. 4, issue 4, September 1941
Page 3
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Page 3 FA, Sept. '41 Page 3 CRITICS' REPORTS - SUMMER 1941 MAILING Mimeographed Matter Fantasy Amateur Lowndes: Neat, concise, interesting. Freehafer: A well-done issue. I thoroughly agree with Tucker's plea for increased activity. Ramblings Lowndes: Commendably mimeographed. Material of little interest and highly personalized to say the least. Freehafer: No comment. Cyclops Lowndes: Cover poor. Mimeographing passable. Line drawings lookable. Material not exciting, but readable. Freehafer: A little less alleged humor in the editorial would help. Polaris Lowndes: Cover not so hot. Very unfortunate about poor mimeoing in spots. "The Hat," "The Midnight Visitor," and "It Wouldn't Work" all very good. Other material fair. Freehafer: Very poor mimeographing. Cheer up, fellow members--it was a last issue. Sound Off Lowndes: Commendably neat. However Joe had better be careful with the editorial scissors or the mag will just be a mess of insipidness--there's nothing so enervating as a healthy controversy. Freehafer: A good idea if it works--however most of those who like to "sound off" have their own magazines in which to do so. Guteto Lowndes: A nice idea, but where's the Esperanto? Where? Freehafer: Rather out of place in the mailing. Science Fiction: Hobby or Duty? Lowndes: I found the comment highly interesting. Freehafer: _Novacious_ was too small--better reverse the trend, Acky, or you'll be publishing on a postage stamp. The Time Scanner Lowndes: Stenciling could have been better, but material good. Freehafer: Good but unimportant. Milty's Bag Lowndes: Mimeo work and stenciling varies, but the material is terrific. Up to Milty's best standard. Three cheers for this one. Freehafer: As usual, very amusing. Does Milty think that _Friday_ and _In Fact_ are altogether fair and unbiased? Le Vombiteur Lowndes: This is the final (honest) issue. Our opinion is that it was original, at least. Freehafer: Amusing in a screwy sort of way. Fantasy Faction Field Lowndes: Hilarious. Freehafer: Propaganda! Vagabondia no. 1 Lowndes: Upon re-reading it didn't seem too bad. Freehafer: Quite good although small. Vagabondia no. 2 Lowndes: I'm sure no one took it seriously. Freehafer: More propaganda! Fantasy Views Lowndes: Ditto hilarious. Freehafer: Still more propaganda!
Page 3 FA, Sept. '41 Page 3 CRITICS' REPORTS - SUMMER 1941 MAILING Mimeographed Matter Fantasy Amateur Lowndes: Neat, concise, interesting. Freehafer: A well-done issue. I thoroughly agree with Tucker's plea for increased activity. Ramblings Lowndes: Commendably mimeographed. Material of little interest and highly personalized to say the least. Freehafer: No comment. Cyclops Lowndes: Cover poor. Mimeographing passable. Line drawings lookable. Material not exciting, but readable. Freehafer: A little less alleged humor in the editorial would help. Polaris Lowndes: Cover not so hot. Very unfortunate about poor mimeoing in spots. "The Hat," "The Midnight Visitor," and "It Wouldn't Work" all very good. Other material fair. Freehafer: Very poor mimeographing. Cheer up, fellow members--it was a last issue. Sound Off Lowndes: Commendably neat. However Joe had better be careful with the editorial scissors or the mag will just be a mess of insipidness--there's nothing so enervating as a healthy controversy. Freehafer: A good idea if it works--however most of those who like to "sound off" have their own magazines in which to do so. Guteto Lowndes: A nice idea, but where's the Esperanto? Where? Freehafer: Rather out of place in the mailing. Science Fiction: Hobby or Duty? Lowndes: I found the comment highly interesting. Freehafer: _Novacious_ was too small--better reverse the trend, Acky, or you'll be publishing on a postage stamp. The Time Scanner Lowndes: Stenciling could have been better, but material good. Freehafer: Good but unimportant. Milty's Bag Lowndes: Mimeo work and stenciling varies, but the material is terrific. Up to Milty's best standard. Three cheers for this one. Freehafer: As usual, very amusing. Does Milty think that _Friday_ and _In Fact_ are altogether fair and unbiased? Le Vombiteur Lowndes: This is the final (honest) issue. Our opinion is that it was original, at least. Freehafer: Amusing in a screwy sort of way. Fantasy Faction Field Lowndes: Hilarious. Freehafer: Propaganda! Vagabondia no. 1 Lowndes: Upon re-reading it didn't seem too bad. Freehafer: Quite good although small. Vagabondia no. 2 Lowndes: I'm sure no one took it seriously. Freehafer: More propaganda! Fantasy Views Lowndes: Ditto hilarious. Freehafer: Still more propaganda!
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