Le Zombie, v. 4, issue 6, whole no. 41, August 1941
Page 8
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(8) (Editorial) (continued) But I must point out the so-called niche LeZ occupies in fandom. It is to be noted that no other fanzine, whatever its policy, approaches Lez in this respect. The niche in question is personal sophistication, relative to fandom. An entire issue of LeZ is hardly more than a glorified fan gossip column, such as used to exist in the old Fantasy Magazine, now broken up into departments and article-ettes. LeZ caters to the fan for the sake of the fan and really cares very little about pro mag news, biographies, and serious articles, such as take up most of the space of nearly the other fanzines. Because of our very nature, we must be personal! It is quite true that LeZ can become too sophisticated. A new fan, picking up his first issue, would probably grasp only 50% of the text because we rely so very much on fan knowledge and sophistication. Do you want us to change this state of being? First and foremost, LeZ tries to deliver personalities on the fan. Second then, comes humor. When the two can be very neatly delivered together (which quite often happens) -- well, then you get them together, and you have LeZ. That, I think, is about the only concrete definition of "policy" we can make and stick to. We would appreciate hearing from Walt and all the rest of our readers on the situation. Why belong to the great, silent, 75%? *Bob Tucker LEX-ETTES chaper 1: New Fan chapter 1: Sun chapter 1: Prison chapter 1: Constellation chapter 2: New Fanzine chapter 2: None chapter 2: Nitrous-oxide chapter 2: Constipation chapter 3: Phew! chpater 3: All done. chapter 3: Silicon chapter 3: Nova DELAYED ACTION DEPT: Slow on the uptake, that's us. Someone told us the other day that Wilkie had been defeated; we dashed out to collect our election bets. And now, we just find that 7 or 8 months ago, Jack Williamson killed a guy twice. And Campbell let him get away with it! It happened in the novel, "Darker Than You Think" (Dec. 40, Unknown). Williamson has four characters, 1 professor and about 3 students, bumped off because they stand in the way of a menace bent on conquering we nice civilized people. One student, Rex Chittum, died twice because of an editorial and/or typographical error. The second time he died he had another given-name of course, but the surname was the same. That's what we get for re-reading. Now we can't sleep. The guy didn't deserve two deaths. call this to Campbell's attention in New York in 1943..... RENT DODGERS DEPT: You'll now find these guys at these new addresses: damon knight at 142 W. 103, NYC.; Walt Daugherty at 6224 Leland Way, Apt. #9, Hollywood; Phil Bronson at 1710 Arizona Ave, Santa Monica, Cal.; Joe Gilbert at 1100 Bryan St., Columbua, S.C.; Dick Wilson at 311 E. 61st., NYC.; Graph Waldeyer at 435 19th Ave., San Francisco; AND: Walt Sullivan can't seem to be reached at any Albuquerque, NM, address. ******* Sun Spots notified all subscribers that they are no longer in business, & I hear rumors of a new fanzine coming out of Michigan.
(8) (Editorial) (continued) But I must point out the so-called niche LeZ occupies in fandom. It is to be noted that no other fanzine, whatever its policy, approaches Lez in this respect. The niche in question is personal sophistication, relative to fandom. An entire issue of LeZ is hardly more than a glorified fan gossip column, such as used to exist in the old Fantasy Magazine, now broken up into departments and article-ettes. LeZ caters to the fan for the sake of the fan and really cares very little about pro mag news, biographies, and serious articles, such as take up most of the space of nearly the other fanzines. Because of our very nature, we must be personal! It is quite true that LeZ can become too sophisticated. A new fan, picking up his first issue, would probably grasp only 50% of the text because we rely so very much on fan knowledge and sophistication. Do you want us to change this state of being? First and foremost, LeZ tries to deliver personalities on the fan. Second then, comes humor. When the two can be very neatly delivered together (which quite often happens) -- well, then you get them together, and you have LeZ. That, I think, is about the only concrete definition of "policy" we can make and stick to. We would appreciate hearing from Walt and all the rest of our readers on the situation. Why belong to the great, silent, 75%? *Bob Tucker LEX-ETTES chaper 1: New Fan chapter 1: Sun chapter 1: Prison chapter 1: Constellation chapter 2: New Fanzine chapter 2: None chapter 2: Nitrous-oxide chapter 2: Constipation chapter 3: Phew! chpater 3: All done. chapter 3: Silicon chapter 3: Nova DELAYED ACTION DEPT: Slow on the uptake, that's us. Someone told us the other day that Wilkie had been defeated; we dashed out to collect our election bets. And now, we just find that 7 or 8 months ago, Jack Williamson killed a guy twice. And Campbell let him get away with it! It happened in the novel, "Darker Than You Think" (Dec. 40, Unknown). Williamson has four characters, 1 professor and about 3 students, bumped off because they stand in the way of a menace bent on conquering we nice civilized people. One student, Rex Chittum, died twice because of an editorial and/or typographical error. The second time he died he had another given-name of course, but the surname was the same. That's what we get for re-reading. Now we can't sleep. The guy didn't deserve two deaths. call this to Campbell's attention in New York in 1943..... RENT DODGERS DEPT: You'll now find these guys at these new addresses: damon knight at 142 W. 103, NYC.; Walt Daugherty at 6224 Leland Way, Apt. #9, Hollywood; Phil Bronson at 1710 Arizona Ave, Santa Monica, Cal.; Joe Gilbert at 1100 Bryan St., Columbua, S.C.; Dick Wilson at 311 E. 61st., NYC.; Graph Waldeyer at 435 19th Ave., San Francisco; AND: Walt Sullivan can't seem to be reached at any Albuquerque, NM, address. ******* Sun Spots notified all subscribers that they are no longer in business, & I hear rumors of a new fanzine coming out of Michigan.
Hevelin Fanzines