PSFS News, v. 3, issue 9, whole no. 24, December 21, 1940
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PSFS NEWS --The Gazette of Philadelphia Fandom-- Volume 3, No. 9 Saturday, December 21, 1940 Whole Number 24 CO-EDITORS Jack Agnew and Robert A. Madle STORMY SESSION AT LAST PSFS MEETING Saturday, December 7, turned out to be a dismal, rainy evening, but that did not distract our star-begotten members from their supreme purpose. In fact, it apparently helped, for there were ten members present last meeting, which is a nice crowd for a PSFS gathering. It may have been raining cats and dogs outside, and if the earth were an immense meat-grinder, disposing of the cats and dogs in a manner similar to the way a butcher grinds meat, there still wouldn't have been as much baloney tossed around as was tossed by Agnew, JVB, Lesser, et all The near-riot started when Baltadonis proposed that a listing be kept of all voluntary donations and donors. Agnew protested vehemously, stating that when the PSFS rented its clubroom, the members who had donated the most would act superior to the other members. Lesser agreed with this, making insinuations that Agnew would be the lowest member. In fact, later on in the meeting, Lesser made a motion that Agnew be appointed janitor of the place. This was an insult to the great co-editor of the PSFS News. After Agnew and Lesser exchanged insults for half-hour, Lesser withdrew the motion by popular opinion. After hours of ceaseless arguing, it was finally decided that there would be a separate fund for the clubroom, and also, that donations would be listed, in fact, maybe even posted on the wall if it should be desired. It would consume too much space to list all the motions made, the arguments which occurred, etc. At any rate, it was a rather interesting meeting, if one enjoys argumentation. Members present were; Alexander M, Phillips, Robert A, Madle, Ben Lesser, John V, Baltadonis, Jack Agnew, Charles Bert, William 8chott, Oswald Train, John Greer and Philip Young. ROBERT A. MADLE TO SELECT "HALL OF FAME" STORY As most people know, the "Hall of Fame" reprints in Startling Stories are now being selected by leading science fiction fans, rather than by the editor. Thus far, Sam Moskowitz and Harry Warner, Jr., have been chosen. They were represented in the November and January issues. Robert W. Lowndes and James V. Tauraai have also selected their favorite, scheduled for the next two issues. Robert A. Madle will select the reprint for the July issue of Startling, and it'11 be a great short story. he says. SUPPORT THE PSFS
PSFS NEWS --The Gazette of Philadelphia Fandom-- Volume 3, No. 9 Saturday, December 21, 1940 Whole Number 24 CO-EDITORS Jack Agnew and Robert A. Madle STORMY SESSION AT LAST PSFS MEETING Saturday, December 7, turned out to be a dismal, rainy evening, but that did not distract our star-begotten members from their supreme purpose. In fact, it apparently helped, for there were ten members present last meeting, which is a nice crowd for a PSFS gathering. It may have been raining cats and dogs outside, and if the earth were an immense meat-grinder, disposing of the cats and dogs in a manner similar to the way a butcher grinds meat, there still wouldn't have been as much baloney tossed around as was tossed by Agnew, JVB, Lesser, et all The near-riot started when Baltadonis proposed that a listing be kept of all voluntary donations and donors. Agnew protested vehemously, stating that when the PSFS rented its clubroom, the members who had donated the most would act superior to the other members. Lesser agreed with this, making insinuations that Agnew would be the lowest member. In fact, later on in the meeting, Lesser made a motion that Agnew be appointed janitor of the place. This was an insult to the great co-editor of the PSFS News. After Agnew and Lesser exchanged insults for half-hour, Lesser withdrew the motion by popular opinion. After hours of ceaseless arguing, it was finally decided that there would be a separate fund for the clubroom, and also, that donations would be listed, in fact, maybe even posted on the wall if it should be desired. It would consume too much space to list all the motions made, the arguments which occurred, etc. At any rate, it was a rather interesting meeting, if one enjoys argumentation. Members present were; Alexander M, Phillips, Robert A, Madle, Ben Lesser, John V, Baltadonis, Jack Agnew, Charles Bert, William 8chott, Oswald Train, John Greer and Philip Young. ROBERT A. MADLE TO SELECT "HALL OF FAME" STORY As most people know, the "Hall of Fame" reprints in Startling Stories are now being selected by leading science fiction fans, rather than by the editor. Thus far, Sam Moskowitz and Harry Warner, Jr., have been chosen. They were represented in the November and January issues. Robert W. Lowndes and James V. Tauraai have also selected their favorite, scheduled for the next two issues. Robert A. Madle will select the reprint for the July issue of Startling, and it'11 be a great short story. he says. SUPPORT THE PSFS
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