Thing, whole no. 1, Spring 1946
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ACCOLADE FOR ACOLYTE WHAT'S WRONG with The Acolyte? Laney wants to know. There's nothing wrong with Acolyte. It's Laney - he;s got Publisher's Doldrums. Publishing is like dating. You may primp up in the same dress, go out with the same guy, but somehow, in an undefinable way, it won't be the same high-spirited evening you had last wee. For no tangible reason. Sometimes there's a run of excellent material flooding an editor that just clicks together -- and then the Doldrums when it seems that (!) all the contributions are uninspired and lacklustre or (2) the separate contributions are fine in themselves but they just don't mingle, like a dinner party of ill-assorted guests. Papers pushed by a deadline suffer the most from this. They are sometimes forced, and don't have the spontaneity of an issue that suddenly materializes of itself. Of all my publications, I've received absolute joy a half-dozen - the copy danced itself into place lie Rockettes in the Music Hall. Perhaps it was the lack of balance in the Fall 1945 Acolyte which nagged at Fran. Certainly Russell's article on M>R>James would have bee ruined by is too valuable for that. But such a small nagging can throw an issue off in the mind of its publisher, though it be well-received by the readers as the issue mentioned, while another issue will be a source of renewed enthusiasm and a joy to work on, I have felt that way as work progressed on TUT - a bit letdown by not receiving two articles Burtie said I'd receive - which would have balanced this issue. Instead of strutting TUT off to my various coeditors with a 'See how wonderful I am!@ there will be Laney's question, "What's wrong...?" My advice to FTL and SDR is to experiment if they will, with a new hairdo or a new hat, BUT to continue the high standards of erudition, and interest with which they clothe the Weird, and not wander off onto other tangents of Fantasy. The Acolyte will lose its distinction if its editorial policy becomes amorphous. ...HELEN NOTE: I have the following Acolytes in the Wesson Collection of Amateur Journals: 1943 1944 1945 Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall I'd be most grateful to learn where i can find the missing links. HVW THE MY GHOD WHAT A FUTURE TO LOOK FORWARD TO DEPT: J. Rooster Fong, in LeZombie: "It has long been my contention that Man will eventually reach out to the stars, colonise and populate them without any help from Woman whatsoever." ...HVW
ACCOLADE FOR ACOLYTE WHAT'S WRONG with The Acolyte? Laney wants to know. There's nothing wrong with Acolyte. It's Laney - he;s got Publisher's Doldrums. Publishing is like dating. You may primp up in the same dress, go out with the same guy, but somehow, in an undefinable way, it won't be the same high-spirited evening you had last wee. For no tangible reason. Sometimes there's a run of excellent material flooding an editor that just clicks together -- and then the Doldrums when it seems that (!) all the contributions are uninspired and lacklustre or (2) the separate contributions are fine in themselves but they just don't mingle, like a dinner party of ill-assorted guests. Papers pushed by a deadline suffer the most from this. They are sometimes forced, and don't have the spontaneity of an issue that suddenly materializes of itself. Of all my publications, I've received absolute joy a half-dozen - the copy danced itself into place lie Rockettes in the Music Hall. Perhaps it was the lack of balance in the Fall 1945 Acolyte which nagged at Fran. Certainly Russell's article on M>R>James would have bee ruined by is too valuable for that. But such a small nagging can throw an issue off in the mind of its publisher, though it be well-received by the readers as the issue mentioned, while another issue will be a source of renewed enthusiasm and a joy to work on, I have felt that way as work progressed on TUT - a bit letdown by not receiving two articles Burtie said I'd receive - which would have balanced this issue. Instead of strutting TUT off to my various coeditors with a 'See how wonderful I am!@ there will be Laney's question, "What's wrong...?" My advice to FTL and SDR is to experiment if they will, with a new hairdo or a new hat, BUT to continue the high standards of erudition, and interest with which they clothe the Weird, and not wander off onto other tangents of Fantasy. The Acolyte will lose its distinction if its editorial policy becomes amorphous. ...HELEN NOTE: I have the following Acolytes in the Wesson Collection of Amateur Journals: 1943 1944 1945 Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall I'd be most grateful to learn where i can find the missing links. HVW THE MY GHOD WHAT A FUTURE TO LOOK FORWARD TO DEPT: J. Rooster Fong, in LeZombie: "It has long been my contention that Man will eventually reach out to the stars, colonise and populate them without any help from Woman whatsoever." ...HVW
Hevelin Fanzines