Unique Tales, v. 1, issue 1, June 1937
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2 UNIQUE TALES UNIQUE TALES Managing Editor Russell Leadabrand CONTENTS Volume 1 June 1937 Number 1 "A Legend of the Dark Isles" by Roy Lundholm 3 "Meditations" by the Phantasy Philosopher 8 Book Review 10 Scientifica 11 "Diary of Isfal Woerton" by Russell Leadabrand 13 Classified Ads 18 Cover by Lundholm UNIQUE TALES-a privately owned magazine published quarterly at Box 264A, Route 2, Dinuba, California. Rates: 10c per copy or three issue subscription for 25c. All money must be remitted prior to the receiving of the magazine. Only coin or money orders accepted. EDITORIAL This issue of Unique Tales inaugurates a new magazine in the fan-fantasy field. It contains stories of both the weird and science-fiction type and will, as time goes by, have more and more variety. We, the editors, want you to write in and tell us what you think of this issue, and what type of stories you want in the future. All contributions will be considered, and though we cannot pay for them now we hope to be able to in the not-too-distant future. So, for now we must be content with things as they are, but we shall progress. We need your support, both as contributors and subscribers; you help us and we'll turn out a magazine any fan will be proud of. Give us a try and see!
2 UNIQUE TALES UNIQUE TALES Managing Editor Russell Leadabrand CONTENTS Volume 1 June 1937 Number 1 "A Legend of the Dark Isles" by Roy Lundholm 3 "Meditations" by the Phantasy Philosopher 8 Book Review 10 Scientifica 11 "Diary of Isfal Woerton" by Russell Leadabrand 13 Classified Ads 18 Cover by Lundholm UNIQUE TALES-a privately owned magazine published quarterly at Box 264A, Route 2, Dinuba, California. Rates: 10c per copy or three issue subscription for 25c. All money must be remitted prior to the receiving of the magazine. Only coin or money orders accepted. EDITORIAL This issue of Unique Tales inaugurates a new magazine in the fan-fantasy field. It contains stories of both the weird and science-fiction type and will, as time goes by, have more and more variety. We, the editors, want you to write in and tell us what you think of this issue, and what type of stories you want in the future. All contributions will be considered, and though we cannot pay for them now we hope to be able to in the not-too-distant future. So, for now we must be content with things as they are, but we shall progress. We need your support, both as contributors and subscribers; you help us and we'll turn out a magazine any fan will be proud of. Give us a try and see!
Hevelin Fanzines