Unique Tales, v. 1, issue 1, June 1937
Page 6
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6 UNIQUE TALES she began to run wildly toward the clutching fingers of water that streaked themselves across the wet sand. The thunderstruck villagers froze at the surprising turn of events till Michael and old Ian MhicArthur, outraged at his daughter's rebellion, and at the public embarrassment she had caused him, plunged after the fleeing girl. They caught her a scant hundred yards from the rolling breakers and started to half-carry, half-drag her back. By a superhuman effort she managed to break free only to be caught up in the arms of Michael. Struggling and screaming hysterically she began to call to the open waters over his shoulder, reaching toward the vast sea-waters. "Neankos, Neankos! They have me! Come to me, NEANKOS!" she screamed and at that moment, with her wild words, it was as though a chord had been struck on a giant harp. A wind came straying from the sea; a wave clapped on the sands and came straggling upwards. There was a moment's ominous silence save for Katreen's strangulating breath and then a sullen roar swept the sea. All stopped at the sudden sound and Micheal, an unknown and unreasonable fear filling his soul, watched the first great wave come sweeping and roaring and tumbling up the glistening sands toward him. The sea became a thing alive, lashed to wild fury by the shrieking north wind which sent white spray flying and leaping over the frenzied waters. And with the tumult Katreen renewed her efforts to free herself rom Michael's grasp. Madly the spray-filled wind howled against the villagers who were following the MhicArthur and the O'Strara, dampening their skins and clothing with the salt and spume and blinding them with the sudden gusts that sent the loose sand whirling and flying into their their eyes and nostrils so that none clearly saw what followed. Then came another towering wave that rose and foamed and curled and leaped and sobbed; and out of the misting spray came a Greenness; and the Greenness was like unto a man in form, and
6 UNIQUE TALES she began to run wildly toward the clutching fingers of water that streaked themselves across the wet sand. The thunderstruck villagers froze at the surprising turn of events till Michael and old Ian MhicArthur, outraged at his daughter's rebellion, and at the public embarrassment she had caused him, plunged after the fleeing girl. They caught her a scant hundred yards from the rolling breakers and started to half-carry, half-drag her back. By a superhuman effort she managed to break free only to be caught up in the arms of Michael. Struggling and screaming hysterically she began to call to the open waters over his shoulder, reaching toward the vast sea-waters. "Neankos, Neankos! They have me! Come to me, NEANKOS!" she screamed and at that moment, with her wild words, it was as though a chord had been struck on a giant harp. A wind came straying from the sea; a wave clapped on the sands and came straggling upwards. There was a moment's ominous silence save for Katreen's strangulating breath and then a sullen roar swept the sea. All stopped at the sudden sound and Micheal, an unknown and unreasonable fear filling his soul, watched the first great wave come sweeping and roaring and tumbling up the glistening sands toward him. The sea became a thing alive, lashed to wild fury by the shrieking north wind which sent white spray flying and leaping over the frenzied waters. And with the tumult Katreen renewed her efforts to free herself rom Michael's grasp. Madly the spray-filled wind howled against the villagers who were following the MhicArthur and the O'Strara, dampening their skins and clothing with the salt and spume and blinding them with the sudden gusts that sent the loose sand whirling and flying into their their eyes and nostrils so that none clearly saw what followed. Then came another towering wave that rose and foamed and curled and leaped and sobbed; and out of the misting spray came a Greenness; and the Greenness was like unto a man in form, and
Hevelin Fanzines