Fanfare, v. 2, issue 2, whole no.8, February 1942
Page 35
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strange interludes what the typical fan looks like. Nancy had gained the impression, from the widneriders and others, that the typical fan actually does look like the Al Capp character. (Oh oh - she must think I'm a dead ringer for Earthquake McGoon or Hairless Joe! -- ed) WESTWOOD WEVENGE Gerry de la Ree FANFARE arrived today. -- And you said that SUN SPOTS was sloppy! Ha, ha, ha! (gulp-ed) farewellcruelworldfarewellgoodby The Last Minute First things. The ratings on last issue - what there was of them. In view of the frenzied indifference shown on this subject, FANFARE discontinues ratings as of now. Even Warner, by continuous pleading and postcards is lucky to get 20 people to send in ratings, and if I can't get 20 or better, (which I can't) I quit. T'hell with it. But thankx this time to Fortier, Ackermann, Jenkins, Moffat, John Millard, Lowndes, Warner, Mulrain, Schwartz, Rothman, Koenig, Speer, Beck, Rustebar, DBThompson, and Croutch. SLANDER, with Gilbert up, abandoned the milk-wagon in the home stretch and closed with a rush (42.7) nosing out the cover (42.2). STF RECOLLECTIONS, a rather shadowny nag, snuck in along the rail to grab show money with 39.6. The rest of the field came in under a blanket, all in the "good" class. LINES FROM THE LAST GRAVE, 28.2 (another surprise - poems just arnt supposed to do that in fanzines) STRANGE INTERLUDES, 27.8; THEIR OWN PETARD, 37.6; AS IF IT MATTERED, 37.3; DOTS 36.3; LAST MINUTE, 34.9; THE GOATHERD, 31.8. Along with abandonment of the ratings, go the prize. Joe Gilbert gets a buck, and Lowndes gets the #1 SWQ for best letter, with three votes to one each for Goldstone, Knight and Jones. The majority do not seem interested in such innovations, so out they go. That won't stop me from experimenting, tho. And here is a delightful surprise. At this point I will not give a long involved explanation of why there is no GOATHERD in this issue. It's all so charmingly simple. He just did not write any... Altho I strove mightily, (in a half-hearted sort of way) I was unable to save FANFARE from becoming a semi-annual in '41. But still, I march to fandom's market place, with firm tread, and head aloft, there to be verbally stoned to death for the heinous crime of tardiness. There will be the w-k ghost of a smile playing about my lips, for I know I have lived the good life. Since #7 F, I have produced a ten page YHOS, a 16 page POLL CAT, (with the aid of Chauvenet) and assisted with #3 BONFIRE, in addition to writing several articles, and participating in various other activities. After all that, you will be disappointed to hear that I do not intend to promise a regular bi-monthly FANFARE. I may, by a herculean effort, get it up to a quarterly, and I may give up altogether. If you do not feelike waiting an idefinite period between each issue, go around to the front office and get your money back... ...After a good deal of hemming and hawing, because of the war, the belatedly annouced, then cancelled Philco, etc, we have finally decided to hold Boskone II as scheduled, on Washington's Birthday, so come one, come all!
strange interludes what the typical fan looks like. Nancy had gained the impression, from the widneriders and others, that the typical fan actually does look like the Al Capp character. (Oh oh - she must think I'm a dead ringer for Earthquake McGoon or Hairless Joe! -- ed) WESTWOOD WEVENGE Gerry de la Ree FANFARE arrived today. -- And you said that SUN SPOTS was sloppy! Ha, ha, ha! (gulp-ed) farewellcruelworldfarewellgoodby The Last Minute First things. The ratings on last issue - what there was of them. In view of the frenzied indifference shown on this subject, FANFARE discontinues ratings as of now. Even Warner, by continuous pleading and postcards is lucky to get 20 people to send in ratings, and if I can't get 20 or better, (which I can't) I quit. T'hell with it. But thankx this time to Fortier, Ackermann, Jenkins, Moffat, John Millard, Lowndes, Warner, Mulrain, Schwartz, Rothman, Koenig, Speer, Beck, Rustebar, DBThompson, and Croutch. SLANDER, with Gilbert up, abandoned the milk-wagon in the home stretch and closed with a rush (42.7) nosing out the cover (42.2). STF RECOLLECTIONS, a rather shadowny nag, snuck in along the rail to grab show money with 39.6. The rest of the field came in under a blanket, all in the "good" class. LINES FROM THE LAST GRAVE, 28.2 (another surprise - poems just arnt supposed to do that in fanzines) STRANGE INTERLUDES, 27.8; THEIR OWN PETARD, 37.6; AS IF IT MATTERED, 37.3; DOTS 36.3; LAST MINUTE, 34.9; THE GOATHERD, 31.8. Along with abandonment of the ratings, go the prize. Joe Gilbert gets a buck, and Lowndes gets the #1 SWQ for best letter, with three votes to one each for Goldstone, Knight and Jones. The majority do not seem interested in such innovations, so out they go. That won't stop me from experimenting, tho. And here is a delightful surprise. At this point I will not give a long involved explanation of why there is no GOATHERD in this issue. It's all so charmingly simple. He just did not write any... Altho I strove mightily, (in a half-hearted sort of way) I was unable to save FANFARE from becoming a semi-annual in '41. But still, I march to fandom's market place, with firm tread, and head aloft, there to be verbally stoned to death for the heinous crime of tardiness. There will be the w-k ghost of a smile playing about my lips, for I know I have lived the good life. Since #7 F, I have produced a ten page YHOS, a 16 page POLL CAT, (with the aid of Chauvenet) and assisted with #3 BONFIRE, in addition to writing several articles, and participating in various other activities. After all that, you will be disappointed to hear that I do not intend to promise a regular bi-monthly FANFARE. I may, by a herculean effort, get it up to a quarterly, and I may give up altogether. If you do not feelike waiting an idefinite period between each issue, go around to the front office and get your money back... ...After a good deal of hemming and hawing, because of the war, the belatedly annouced, then cancelled Philco, etc, we have finally decided to hold Boskone II as scheduled, on Washington's Birthday, so come one, come all!
Hevelin Fanzines