STEF News, issue 61, September 15, 1946
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StefNews, 15 Sep 46 1947 Philadelphia Convention Ram The Philadelphia Science Fiction Society has started planning and work on the 5th World Science Fiction Convention with the naming of three members of the 1947 Convention Committee. Milton A Rothman, recently elected President of FAPA, has been chosen as Chairman. Oswald Train, who held the Philadelphia group together almost single-handed during the war, will handle publicity, while former high ranking fan Robert A Male will be the editor of the convention booklet and other publications. Other members will be added to the committee soon. All fantasy enthusiasts are encouraged to join the Convention Society early by sending a dollar to the Chairman at 2113 N Franklin Street, Philadelphia 22, Pa. Changes of Address Chandler Davis, 7 Irving Terrace, Cambridge 38, Mass. D B Thompson, PO Box 427, Hays, Kansas. Pvt Albert F Yeager, Jr, Ser No 11148733, SB-21 Flt 809, 3543rd AAFBUMTC, San Antonio, Texas. Travels GW-SK-BT Bill Evans down from Oregon for a week in LA, staying with Fran Laney. Dale Hart has returned to LA fro a vacation in Texas to resume studies at UCLA. "Phil Schumann and wife vacationing for a week in St Louis." Bob Nelson back to Milwaukee before starting art school in Chicago." Tucker and Mari Beth Wheeler return to Bloomington at month's end. Professional Publishing AW-HW-SM-BP A new British mag, OUTLANDS, has been announced. Though not a straight fantasy publication, it will feature stf, weird, and fantasy and off-trail articles. It will begin as a quarterly publication at 35c a copy. Trover Hall has announced its initial book in the fantasy field as "Puzzle Box", a collection of six fantasies by Anthony More. A cloth-bound book printed on eggshell paper, its price is $1.75. William Baring-Gould appears in HARPER'S MAGAZINE for Sep with a serious article on stf magazines and fandom. Starting with an excerpt from the Moskowitz opening speech at the recent Newarkon, he goes on to approve ASTOUNDING and dwell at length on the crack-pot policy of AMAZING. A Lord Dunsany story, "A Deal with the Devil", appeared in the 31 August issue of COLLIER'S. The following issue featured G Edward Pendray's "Next Stop the Moon", with two Leydenfrost pics. NFFF WD-JS New life is beginning to show in The National Fantasy Fan Federation with the approach of the annual election. President Dunkelberger has sent out a special bulletin announcing the election, ruling on procedure for filing of candidacies for office, and presenting several constitutional amendments for endorsement so they may appear in the ballot. Jack Speer has sent out a proposal for an amendment which would replace the present constitution with one of half-page length for which he (continued over page, column 2)
StefNews, 15 Sep 46 1947 Philadelphia Convention Ram The Philadelphia Science Fiction Society has started planning and work on the 5th World Science Fiction Convention with the naming of three members of the 1947 Convention Committee. Milton A Rothman, recently elected President of FAPA, has been chosen as Chairman. Oswald Train, who held the Philadelphia group together almost single-handed during the war, will handle publicity, while former high ranking fan Robert A Male will be the editor of the convention booklet and other publications. Other members will be added to the committee soon. All fantasy enthusiasts are encouraged to join the Convention Society early by sending a dollar to the Chairman at 2113 N Franklin Street, Philadelphia 22, Pa. Changes of Address Chandler Davis, 7 Irving Terrace, Cambridge 38, Mass. D B Thompson, PO Box 427, Hays, Kansas. Pvt Albert F Yeager, Jr, Ser No 11148733, SB-21 Flt 809, 3543rd AAFBUMTC, San Antonio, Texas. Travels GW-SK-BT Bill Evans down from Oregon for a week in LA, staying with Fran Laney. Dale Hart has returned to LA fro a vacation in Texas to resume studies at UCLA. "Phil Schumann and wife vacationing for a week in St Louis." Bob Nelson back to Milwaukee before starting art school in Chicago." Tucker and Mari Beth Wheeler return to Bloomington at month's end. Professional Publishing AW-HW-SM-BP A new British mag, OUTLANDS, has been announced. Though not a straight fantasy publication, it will feature stf, weird, and fantasy and off-trail articles. It will begin as a quarterly publication at 35c a copy. Trover Hall has announced its initial book in the fantasy field as "Puzzle Box", a collection of six fantasies by Anthony More. A cloth-bound book printed on eggshell paper, its price is $1.75. William Baring-Gould appears in HARPER'S MAGAZINE for Sep with a serious article on stf magazines and fandom. Starting with an excerpt from the Moskowitz opening speech at the recent Newarkon, he goes on to approve ASTOUNDING and dwell at length on the crack-pot policy of AMAZING. A Lord Dunsany story, "A Deal with the Devil", appeared in the 31 August issue of COLLIER'S. The following issue featured G Edward Pendray's "Next Stop the Moon", with two Leydenfrost pics. NFFF WD-JS New life is beginning to show in The National Fantasy Fan Federation with the approach of the annual election. President Dunkelberger has sent out a special bulletin announcing the election, ruling on procedure for filing of candidacies for office, and presenting several constitutional amendments for endorsement so they may appear in the ballot. Jack Speer has sent out a proposal for an amendment which would replace the present constitution with one of half-page length for which he (continued over page, column 2)
Hevelin Fanzines