STEF News, issue 74, January 4, 1947
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STEFNEWS 4 Jan 47 NFFF ELECTION CHALLENGED Walter Dunkelberger on 31 Dec declared a state of emergency in the affairs of the National Fantasy Fan Federation because of a challenge on last month's election. He ordered that officers for 1946 shall continue in their offices until the election matter can be settled. The election as held was challenged on grounds that all ballots should be counted, not just official ballots, and that the two-week extension on the deadline for ballots was inadequate in view of the ballots having come out four weeks late. Dunkelberger also announced that he was resigning from office as President on 1 Jan, previous personal and business plans making it necessary. KM Carlson thereby becomes Acting President under the emergency order. The muddle predicted in STEFNEWS #69 in Nov is now here. Confusion reigns. LASFS Christmas festivities of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society took place at the last meeting of the old year on 26 Dec. A fantaquiz was held by Forry Ackerman, with books as prizes, and Jonne Evans and Charles Burbee each won a copy of the new British publication, "The Angry Planet." Russ Hodgkins won "Maker of Shadows" in a 20-questions game, and Wallace Brand won "The Moon Colony" with his impression of an atomic explosion from a distance of ten feet, a blank sheet, in an art contest. Each person brought an anonymous present, and these and additional personal presents were distributed. Door prizes of books and magazines were also given during this evening. Officers for 1947 were elected at the same meeting. E Everett Evans was chosen as Director over candidates Tigrina and Gus Willmorth. Tigrina and Ackerman were reelected to their respective offices of Secretary and Treasurer. Willmorth and Oliver King Smith were selected as Committeemen. BIG POND FUND The idea of the Big Pond Fund, started to make this year's Philcon truly international by bringing Ted Carnell over from England to attend, is growing. Books and other items are being collected both here and in England and will be offered as the Big Pond Prize which will go to whoever donates the most money to the fund before the convention takes place. The first four books of Fantasy Press and a copy of "The Fox Woman," by Merritt and Bok, were the first contributions to the prize. Clare Winger Harris has now offered her new book, "Away from the Here and Now," to the English collection for the prize. This book is made up of her eleven stories which appeared in the old AMAZING and WONDER and elsewhere. To date, $14 has been contributed to the Fund. STEFNEWS will follow further growth of the Fund in each issue by using the chart shown at the bottom of this page. BIG POND FUND (First $100) England to America T/ *$14
STEFNEWS 4 Jan 47 NFFF ELECTION CHALLENGED Walter Dunkelberger on 31 Dec declared a state of emergency in the affairs of the National Fantasy Fan Federation because of a challenge on last month's election. He ordered that officers for 1946 shall continue in their offices until the election matter can be settled. The election as held was challenged on grounds that all ballots should be counted, not just official ballots, and that the two-week extension on the deadline for ballots was inadequate in view of the ballots having come out four weeks late. Dunkelberger also announced that he was resigning from office as President on 1 Jan, previous personal and business plans making it necessary. KM Carlson thereby becomes Acting President under the emergency order. The muddle predicted in STEFNEWS #69 in Nov is now here. Confusion reigns. LASFS Christmas festivities of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society took place at the last meeting of the old year on 26 Dec. A fantaquiz was held by Forry Ackerman, with books as prizes, and Jonne Evans and Charles Burbee each won a copy of the new British publication, "The Angry Planet." Russ Hodgkins won "Maker of Shadows" in a 20-questions game, and Wallace Brand won "The Moon Colony" with his impression of an atomic explosion from a distance of ten feet, a blank sheet, in an art contest. Each person brought an anonymous present, and these and additional personal presents were distributed. Door prizes of books and magazines were also given during this evening. Officers for 1947 were elected at the same meeting. E Everett Evans was chosen as Director over candidates Tigrina and Gus Willmorth. Tigrina and Ackerman were reelected to their respective offices of Secretary and Treasurer. Willmorth and Oliver King Smith were selected as Committeemen. BIG POND FUND The idea of the Big Pond Fund, started to make this year's Philcon truly international by bringing Ted Carnell over from England to attend, is growing. Books and other items are being collected both here and in England and will be offered as the Big Pond Prize which will go to whoever donates the most money to the fund before the convention takes place. The first four books of Fantasy Press and a copy of "The Fox Woman," by Merritt and Bok, were the first contributions to the prize. Clare Winger Harris has now offered her new book, "Away from the Here and Now," to the English collection for the prize. This book is made up of her eleven stories which appeared in the old AMAZING and WONDER and elsewhere. To date, $14 has been contributed to the Fund. STEFNEWS will follow further growth of the Fund in each issue by using the chart shown at the bottom of this page. BIG POND FUND (First $100) England to America T/ *$14
Hevelin Fanzines