Science Fiction World , v. 1, issue 4, August 1946
Page 4
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SCIENCE FICTION WORLD (4) CHARLES R. TANNER tells us of THREE GHOSTS ----- Three mystic voyagers there are, They get around like everything; Ubiquitous, but never seen -- Kilroy and Smoe, and J.B. King ! No matter there a fellow goes, One of the three was there before, And left his mark and gone away Ne'er to be seen there anymore. (illo: three drawn ghosts to the right of these two stanzas) The railroad men are well aware Of one who writes on everything From Maine to California The mystic symbols ------------ (illo: signature of JB King and a arrow pointing right) From Melbourne up to Bering Straits Buck privates always raise a cheer, When, moving to another camp, They see the scrawl ----------- (illo: KILROY WAS HERE) In every high school in the land, No matter where you chance to go, You'll find he's left before you came That mystic, shy Phonorton, ---- (illo: line, head with big nose peeking over underneath: SMOE -- the Kilroy was here drawing) And though I've searched for years and years Of my success I cannot sing; I've never found, nor hope to find Kilroy or Smoe, or J.B. King. ----- Quite a bit of the material presented in this issue of Science Fiction World was obtained thought the National Fantasy Fan Federation Manuscript Bureau conducted by Walter Coslet of Box [6?] Helena, Montana. If your publication is suffering from a severe case of 'border line anomie' we suggest a few shots in the arm via the Bureau. Walt has artwork, humor, poetry and a little bit of everything. Rigg's cartoon in this issue was obtained from him; the cartoon was excellent and funny as we received it. Here's hoping our reproduction of it serves it's best interest. We're not taking any great pains with this issue outside of attempting to get the best material possible into it. Write and let us know whether you like it.
SCIENCE FICTION WORLD (4) CHARLES R. TANNER tells us of THREE GHOSTS ----- Three mystic voyagers there are, They get around like everything; Ubiquitous, but never seen -- Kilroy and Smoe, and J.B. King ! No matter there a fellow goes, One of the three was there before, And left his mark and gone away Ne'er to be seen there anymore. (illo: three drawn ghosts to the right of these two stanzas) The railroad men are well aware Of one who writes on everything From Maine to California The mystic symbols ------------ (illo: signature of JB King and a arrow pointing right) From Melbourne up to Bering Straits Buck privates always raise a cheer, When, moving to another camp, They see the scrawl ----------- (illo: KILROY WAS HERE) In every high school in the land, No matter where you chance to go, You'll find he's left before you came That mystic, shy Phonorton, ---- (illo: line, head with big nose peeking over underneath: SMOE -- the Kilroy was here drawing) And though I've searched for years and years Of my success I cannot sing; I've never found, nor hope to find Kilroy or Smoe, or J.B. King. ----- Quite a bit of the material presented in this issue of Science Fiction World was obtained thought the National Fantasy Fan Federation Manuscript Bureau conducted by Walter Coslet of Box [6?] Helena, Montana. If your publication is suffering from a severe case of 'border line anomie' we suggest a few shots in the arm via the Bureau. Walt has artwork, humor, poetry and a little bit of everything. Rigg's cartoon in this issue was obtained from him; the cartoon was excellent and funny as we received it. Here's hoping our reproduction of it serves it's best interest. We're not taking any great pains with this issue outside of attempting to get the best material possible into it. Write and let us know whether you like it.
Hevelin Fanzines