Fan World, v. 1, issue 2, February 1946
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FAN WORLD -- ODD BITS -- Radio January: Dr. Christian broacast of A.R. Long's Scandal In The Fourth Dimension -- Holle Mystery ethering of A. Merritt's Burn Witch Burn. Personals: Information that Ackerman will wed...Letter by letter rumor to the effect that Dunk is sorta outaspirit about the whole thing...Imminent delight of Tarr and Tanner over the success of SFW...Another surprising marriage looming...Befuddlement of various officers of NFFF as they wonder der what to do... Commics Comment: Snuffy Smith introduces miraculous "Ooky Dook" with pictorial results of wide application... Barney Baxter In The Air becomes Barney Baxter on the Moon, helmets and all where he runs across Martians who have been awaiting his arrival. Martians were in a jet ship. Ha. Miscellany: Radar conatct with moon has aroused considerable press comment. Among them are the usual professorial blockheads who make you wonder how in hell the ever became scientists...... We'll see interplanetary travel if we look an atombomb in the face first. I mean, if we dont... The shape of things to come is as unpromising and puzzling as a --- you name it. Watch the flow of propaganda. 2
FAN WORLD -- ODD BITS -- Radio January: Dr. Christian broacast of A.R. Long's Scandal In The Fourth Dimension -- Holle Mystery ethering of A. Merritt's Burn Witch Burn. Personals: Information that Ackerman will wed...Letter by letter rumor to the effect that Dunk is sorta outaspirit about the whole thing...Imminent delight of Tarr and Tanner over the success of SFW...Another surprising marriage looming...Befuddlement of various officers of NFFF as they wonder der what to do... Commics Comment: Snuffy Smith introduces miraculous "Ooky Dook" with pictorial results of wide application... Barney Baxter In The Air becomes Barney Baxter on the Moon, helmets and all where he runs across Martians who have been awaiting his arrival. Martians were in a jet ship. Ha. Miscellany: Radar conatct with moon has aroused considerable press comment. Among them are the usual professorial blockheads who make you wonder how in hell the ever became scientists...... We'll see interplanetary travel if we look an atombomb in the face first. I mean, if we dont... The shape of things to come is as unpromising and puzzling as a --- you name it. Watch the flow of propaganda. 2
Hevelin Fanzines