Fan World, v. 1, issue 2, February 1946
Page 6
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FAN WORLD EDITORIAL -- Let's take a few moments, fen, and examine slans in a sort of unusual light. If you're averse to a term such as 'slans' then call'em what you will but the subjects are our lineal descendants, citizens of the world of tomorrow, the world we dream of and hope for. You can bet those fellow have to be on their toes to see to it that our future world and universe gets sweeter as the years go by. If we're half-near what we're half-thinking we are then we could assume more of that citizenship of the boys up ahead. What can we do % We can remember to do three things quickly. (1) Send in your dollar for dues of this year to the Secretary. (2) Decide to run for one of the elective offices this year. (3) Mark and return ballots that are sent to you by the NFFF. One fan has already informed me of his intention to run for V-P this year and so I place on the HONOR ROLL Walter A Coslet - Box 6 - Mont. Anyone else want on there % Send announcement of your intention to your editor -- [signature] 6
FAN WORLD EDITORIAL -- Let's take a few moments, fen, and examine slans in a sort of unusual light. If you're averse to a term such as 'slans' then call'em what you will but the subjects are our lineal descendants, citizens of the world of tomorrow, the world we dream of and hope for. You can bet those fellow have to be on their toes to see to it that our future world and universe gets sweeter as the years go by. If we're half-near what we're half-thinking we are then we could assume more of that citizenship of the boys up ahead. What can we do % We can remember to do three things quickly. (1) Send in your dollar for dues of this year to the Secretary. (2) Decide to run for one of the elective offices this year. (3) Mark and return ballots that are sent to you by the NFFF. One fan has already informed me of his intention to run for V-P this year and so I place on the HONOR ROLL Walter A Coslet - Box 6 - Mont. Anyone else want on there % Send announcement of your intention to your editor -- [signature] 6
Hevelin Fanzines