Fan World, v. 1, issue 2, February 1946
Page 7
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FAN WORLD -- FUN -- Jess Watt Yummean's ---- Subverse Awlfan edzmus sue nerlate Dis kuv vertu there diskun tent Thopub binggizza lah tuhfun Thers lit tullmaid anlots thatz pent. "Rastus, wut youall doin in that there jet. Don yo know that liner'll take off any minute%" "Sambe, do doc done tole me to throw a big party tuh get muh min' off muh worries and I ain't got de dough." "So what %" "Well, dis is goin to be de big blowout." "Rocket's" Knight says he doesnt think much of the frog people of Venus -- too easy to get them hopping mad. Inner Sanctum -- 2-12-- drama of murder and immortality. Elixir #4 produces new blood type and eternal life in murderer of scientist. Murderer gets "life imprisonment". How about a letter % 7
FAN WORLD -- FUN -- Jess Watt Yummean's ---- Subverse Awlfan edzmus sue nerlate Dis kuv vertu there diskun tent Thopub binggizza lah tuhfun Thers lit tullmaid anlots thatz pent. "Rastus, wut youall doin in that there jet. Don yo know that liner'll take off any minute%" "Sambe, do doc done tole me to throw a big party tuh get muh min' off muh worries and I ain't got de dough." "So what %" "Well, dis is goin to be de big blowout." "Rocket's" Knight says he doesnt think much of the frog people of Venus -- too easy to get them hopping mad. Inner Sanctum -- 2-12-- drama of murder and immortality. Elixir #4 produces new blood type and eternal life in murderer of scientist. Murderer gets "life imprisonment". How about a letter % 7
Hevelin Fanzines