Fantasy Digest, v. 1, issue 2, February 1939
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FANTASY DIGEST Vol.1.No.2. February, 1930 Thaddeus Dikty------Editor Robert Formanek----Associate Editor Bernard Maskwicz----Art Editor Rates--10 cents per copy, 3 issues for 25 cents Maximum subscription accepted-----Fifty cents. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO Thaddeus Dikty, 3136 Smith St., Fort Wayne, Ind. ********************** CONTENTS ********************* EDITORIAL NOTES ...... 3 VERSE [underline] DEAD MEN'S COUNCIL by Orth A. Bell ...... [illegible] FICTION [underline] THE KINGDOM OF KORAY by James C. Taurasi.... 5 ARTICLES [underline] IN THEIR COURSES by Sam Moskowitz....15 PROCESSION OF YESTERDAYS by Bob Tucker....21 DO YOU REMEMBER? by Thaddeus Dikty & Robert Formanek....24 HOMAGE TO STANLEY WEINBAUM by Harry Warner, Jr. .......36 CARTOON FEATURE [underline] EDITORIAL LIFE by Bernard Maskwicz .....28 DEPARTMENTS [underline] AS OTHERS SEE US by Sam Moskowitz....29 COLLECTOR'S ITEMS by Robert Bahr.......30 READERS COLUMN....32 -------------------------- Cover by Walter E. Marconette. interior illustrations by Bernard Naskwicz. ---------------------------
FANTASY DIGEST Vol.1.No.2. February, 1930 Thaddeus Dikty------Editor Robert Formanek----Associate Editor Bernard Maskwicz----Art Editor Rates--10 cents per copy, 3 issues for 25 cents Maximum subscription accepted-----Fifty cents. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO Thaddeus Dikty, 3136 Smith St., Fort Wayne, Ind. ********************** CONTENTS ********************* EDITORIAL NOTES ...... 3 VERSE [underline] DEAD MEN'S COUNCIL by Orth A. Bell ...... [illegible] FICTION [underline] THE KINGDOM OF KORAY by James C. Taurasi.... 5 ARTICLES [underline] IN THEIR COURSES by Sam Moskowitz....15 PROCESSION OF YESTERDAYS by Bob Tucker....21 DO YOU REMEMBER? by Thaddeus Dikty & Robert Formanek....24 HOMAGE TO STANLEY WEINBAUM by Harry Warner, Jr. .......36 CARTOON FEATURE [underline] EDITORIAL LIFE by Bernard Maskwicz .....28 DEPARTMENTS [underline] AS OTHERS SEE US by Sam Moskowitz....29 COLLECTOR'S ITEMS by Robert Bahr.......30 READERS COLUMN....32 -------------------------- Cover by Walter E. Marconette. interior illustrations by Bernard Naskwicz. ---------------------------
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