Fantasy Digest, v. 1, issue 2, February 1939
Page 6
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6 FANTASY DIGEST THE KINGDOM OF KORAY James V. T a u r a s I Years ago all the countries of Mars, with the exception of Koray, combined to form the Martian State. Later, when the Martians landed on Earth and interplanetary travel was started, Earth end Mars combined to form the present day Earth-Mars State. After all these years, Koray still remains a separate country governed by King Traco and Queen Lister. Time and time again representatives from the Earth-Mars State have asked and pleaded with King Traco to join the two- world state and let them rule his country but always King Traco has refused. '"When my people don't want me any longer," stated the King. "I'll get out, but till then I'll rule my people to the best of my ability." To prove that the people wanted the government to remain as It was, King Traco allowed a vote to be taken asking what government the people wanted. The result was that 99% of the population wanted to be governed by King Traco and hence the Kingdom of Koray remained independent of the Earth- Mars State, the only other government existing in the then known Solar system. The Kingdom of Koray boasted that it had one of the best spaceports in the system and it is not far wrong. The Hafter Space Port is a dream. Here hundreds of space ships land and take off every day. The E & M Rocket Company has a special hanger here and half of their ships operating on the Earth-Mars line land here every day. One of these was due to land in 10 minutes. Aboard it was Jack Johnson who was to take charge of the E&M Rocket company in Koray. At the landing platform meeting him and representing the government of Koray was Princess Bella, the only daughter of King Traco.
6 FANTASY DIGEST THE KINGDOM OF KORAY James V. T a u r a s I Years ago all the countries of Mars, with the exception of Koray, combined to form the Martian State. Later, when the Martians landed on Earth and interplanetary travel was started, Earth end Mars combined to form the present day Earth-Mars State. After all these years, Koray still remains a separate country governed by King Traco and Queen Lister. Time and time again representatives from the Earth-Mars State have asked and pleaded with King Traco to join the two- world state and let them rule his country but always King Traco has refused. '"When my people don't want me any longer," stated the King. "I'll get out, but till then I'll rule my people to the best of my ability." To prove that the people wanted the government to remain as It was, King Traco allowed a vote to be taken asking what government the people wanted. The result was that 99% of the population wanted to be governed by King Traco and hence the Kingdom of Koray remained independent of the Earth- Mars State, the only other government existing in the then known Solar system. The Kingdom of Koray boasted that it had one of the best spaceports in the system and it is not far wrong. The Hafter Space Port is a dream. Here hundreds of space ships land and take off every day. The E & M Rocket Company has a special hanger here and half of their ships operating on the Earth-Mars line land here every day. One of these was due to land in 10 minutes. Aboard it was Jack Johnson who was to take charge of the E&M Rocket company in Koray. At the landing platform meeting him and representing the government of Koray was Princess Bella, the only daughter of King Traco.
Hevelin Fanzines